"Yang En, five of you are lucky enough to get away with a dog's life. Even if you don't hide and live, you dare to send them to your home. It's true that if there's a way in heaven, you can't go. If there's no way in hell, you can throw yourself in!"

Zhou Yuanhong stepped forward, his eyes swept over five people, and the corners of his mouth rose, bringing up a cold smile.

No wonder Xiao Yun suddenly invited them.

It turned out that we had calculated that these five fish who had missed the net would be eradicated at one stroke today.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Yang En five people laugh, laugh very happy, laugh very arrogant.

For a long time, Bai Xiaotian was the first to stop laughing, and his eyes sneered: "Zhou Yuanhong, we are already members of Dawning society. Our president has broken through the realm of daruo. Today, you rats will surely die!"

His voice fell, Zhou Yuanhong, Qin Yanzheng, Bing Yuyan, Xiang Xun's face changed greatly.

Dawning will break through the great Luo, the news like a bomb, the impact of them uneasy.

Because they have Dalao ancestors, they know more about the power of Dalao Jinxian.

What shocked them even more was the talent of the other side, which was even more exaggerated than Xiao Yun.

"How's it going? Are you scared? Ha ha... "

Looking at the four people's shocked expression, Bai Xiaotian's five people all feel happy.

Qiu Tian's eyes fell on Xiao Yun: "and you, genius? If you are such a rubbish, you don't deserve to carry your shoes in front of our president. How dare you call yourself a genius? "

"You took refuge in Gaia! A group of traitors In fact, he was already flustered when he denounced Xun.

Because Yang En, they even dare to call the door openly, which means that the president of Dawning Association will surely come soon. That's a big Luo Jinxian.

Yang En sneered: "traitor? Our president has said that when he unifies Gaiya star and Haohai Kingdom, we will all be our own people, and our own people will have conflicts with our own family. How can we say "traitor"

They have the right reason to be traitors, that is, they are all aiming at accelerating the great integration of the world and promoting prosperity and unity.

All this comes from the endless teaching results of the internal political and ideological course of Dawning society.

The idea that dawning will instill in its members is that they should not only lead Gaiya compatriots to resist the invasion of Haohai clan.

It's not a dirty invasion like the clan of Haohai. It's a great cross-border humanitarian war.

"Why hasn't the president come yet?" Bai Xiaotian frowned and said something puzzled.

"I've been there all the time."

Su Xun said lightly.

Everyone is a Leng, subconsciously looked at Xiao Yun.

Then, as everyone was watching, Xiao Yun's face began to change and became another person.

They don't know each other all their lives.

"Su Xun! It's you

Yang En couldn't help exclaiming. For a moment, his mind suddenly became clear.

"How can it be!"

Bingyuyan and Zhou Yuanhong were also wide eyed and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

Even Yang En thought clearly, and naturally the four of them understood everything.

Su Xun and Xiao Yun are both alone.

Everything, from the beginning to now, was led by Su Xun step by step.

And they, whether they were the four first-class forces or the ten second-class sects, were all tricked by Su Xun. They had to count money for him.

Of course, the five Yang En were the most angry.

First, he was killed by Su Xun and became a lost dog.

Think about it. They've been working for him.

The elders of changshengzong all changed their faces slightly, and then returned to normal soon.

The disciples of changshengzong also calmed down after a moment of noise.

For them, no matter who Su Xun is, the one who has always been strong with changshengzong is their patriarch and will never change.

What's more, they have already noticed some wrong signs.

"How are you, ladies and gentlemen? Are you surprised? Ha ha ha... "

Looking at the shocked, angry, unwilling and humiliated eyes of several people, Su Xun felt so cool that he couldn't help laughing.

"Asshole!" Shi Jian was biting his teeth.


The next second, Su Xun slapped Shi Jian in the air.

Su Xun said softly, "don't forget your current status. Since some things have no choice, you have to learn to accept them."

"Yes, Lord, my subordinates know sin." Shi Jian flies back, and is unwilling to continue to grovel.

Bai Xiaotian's four people also cried out in unison: "may the Lord take the lead, and may the LORD go through fire and water."Although ten thousand of them are not willing, how can their lives be controlled by others.

They have no choice since they handed over a wisp of their spirits.

Unless, they are not afraid of death.

But what kind of immortals can those who are not afraid of death build?

Isn't the cultivation of immortals for the sake of powerful power, in order to live longer?

Su Xun looked at bingyuyan again: "you said, what should I do with you?"

"What do you want?" Qin Yanzheng asked coldly.

Su Xun laughed: "it depends on whether you want to die or live?"

As long as the four Immortals' face is not clear, it's not sure whether they are dead.

Seeing that they were silent, Su Xun already knew the answer: "it's very easy to live. Just like them, hand over a wisp of spirit and give priority to this seat."

"Are you crazy? It's impossible! " Bingyuyan blurted out without hesitation.

How could the emperor of her family condescend to recognize Su Xun as the main one?


The next second, Su Xun burst out a strong momentum, and immediately appeared in front of Bing Yuyan. He pinched her cheek and made her mouth open into an O-shape, and her saliva dripped out.

This action made bingyuyan feel humiliated. Meanwhile, Su Xun's voice sounded in her ears.

"Bing Yuyan, you have to find out the current situation. No one who disobeys us can survive. There is no exception, and you can't either."

Bingyuyan feels that her cheeks are going to be crushed. Su Xun's strength is increasing, but she doesn't even have the strength to resist.

The next second, Su Xun released her.

Ice jade Yan suddenly relaxed tone, looking at Su Xun's eyes with a bit of fear.

"In the face of Wanrou, I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language."

Su Xun showed a harmless smile, like a sunny boy.

Bingyu Yan pursed her red lips: "Lord."

"That's right, good boy." Su Xun patted her smooth face, and his fingers slid down her cheek. He kindly helped her wipe the saliva at the corner of her mouth.

Bingyuyan was not offended by the anger, some just fear, Jiao shudder, dare not hide.

Su Xun finally wiped his fingers on her clothes, and then looked at Qin Yanzheng, Xiang Xun and Zhou Yuanhong: "three, what about you?"

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