"Su Xun, I'm very kind to you..." Zhou Yuanhong was obviously unwilling to bow his head.

Su Xun interrupted him directly: "you are to Xiao Yun, not to me. In addition, I am kind to women, but not to men."

Ice jade Yan hear this corner of the mouth twitch, to the woman heart good?

Am I not a woman?

Or do you call that kindness?

"Why, are you doubting me?" Su Xun looked at Bing Yuyan and reached for her chin.

This kind of unbridled treatment of a high woman's feeling, really cool.

Bingyuyan bowed her head: "I dare not."

"Call yourself a slave in front of me in the future." Su Xun reminded him with a smile.

Bingyuyan was silent for a moment, then said: "yes, I know."

"See, how lovely. I hope you don't look up to me." Su Xun's eyes fell on Zhou Yuanhong again.

Xiang Xun was the first to say: "actually, I don't care whether it's president Su or Lord Xiao. I just want to make friends with you..."

"You don't deserve it." Su Xun interrupted him.

The expression on Xiang Xun's face was stiff, and then he said cleanly: "see Lord."

As a devil's gate bearer, I know how to kneel when kneeling.

Of course, if he had the chance, he would not hesitate to stab Su Xun.

But if Su Xun was always better than him, he would be better than anyone else. This is the way to survive.

Qin Yanzheng and Zhou Yuanhong see the general situation can not be violated, plus Bai Xiaotian five people are eyeing them, also can only admit counseling.

From now on, Su Xun's life is not up to him or heaven, but up to him.

"Good, very good. From now on, everyone will be a family."

Su Xun had a satisfied smile on his face.

It's a pity that the family members are not happy with each other. They are only forced by the pressure of the "home owner" to stir their rice in one pot.

"The first thing is to withdraw the power of Gaiya star immediately."


"The second thing is that your four forces can exist, and that's what other forces need."

The four forces can be kept as dogs, but those who invade Gaiya can die.

Usually, these small forces who are not in the big world are more ruthless in Gaia, because in the face of weaker forces, they can find superiority.

After being suppressed for a long time in the vast sea world, when they went to Gaiya star, they made greater efforts to harm the weaker Gaiya people to vent their fury.


"The third thing is that genius knows genius best. As a genius, I have no doubt about it. Then all the geniuses in your family will be sent to me to teach them."

When they heard the third one, they were not willing to give it to changshengzong for teaching. After the teaching, was it still theirs?

But it can't be refuted.


In a row, the four major forces agreed very "happily" and even showed a "smile".



With the official withdrawal of the four stars, the dawning power took over.

The whole planet is boiling.

"The invaders have been driven away, and the dawn will bring light to Gaia again!"

"Let's cheer for dawning club, Gaiya star and President Su!"

"These hateful invaders have finally been driven away, and our home has returned to our hands!"

"The traitors will be washed by the dawn, and their hands will be covered with the blood of their compatriots, and they will pay back with the blood..."

Countless media became active overnight, and various reports filled the Internet and the streets.

Dawning society, Su Xun, has been built into the Savior of human beings and the creator of Gaiya star.

Several overseas countries want to take back autonomy from dawning.

But it was rejected.

The reason is that the thieves in the vast sea will never die of selflessness and Gaia's heart. Just in case, for the safety of your people's lives and property, Dawning will be duty bound to stay here.

Then these countries will understand, send away the tiger, and come the Jackal.

The only difference is whether dawning will be so cruel and ruthless to the vast world.

Su Xun, who was in the vast sea, also got the hint that the task had been completed.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: drive the intruder out of Gaia. 】

[reward: insight. 】

listening to the voice in his mind, Su Xun opened his eyes and patted Bing Yuyan beside him.

The ice jade Yan doesn't wear inch wisps of get up, Jiao body is full of red mark: "Lord."

"Wait for me to change." Su Xun said.

Bingyuyan went to bed under his half compulsion, which was half push and half push, and then he got out of control, so more than a dozen more hair came.Su Xun felt that he was really gone with the wind.

Of course, he didn't give Bing Yuyan any fame, just sleeping together.

When I lift my pants, I don't feel the slightest fluctuation.

It's an outhouse at best.

Now the whole vast sea world and Gaiya star have been controlled by him, and the four forces of Dalao Laozu have not made any response.

After all, Su Xun didn't do anything to the four forces. Their inheritance is still there.

In addition, the patriarch is willing to take him as the main one, so the old men are too lazy to mind their own business.

As long as the clan sends resources to them for cultivation on time.

The longer you live, the more heartless and carefree you are. There is only avenue in your heart. That's because with the change of time, you have seen too much of the passing away, and then you find that there is only avenue forever in the world.

That's why I've been searching for Tao.

After washing, Su Xun let bingyuyan leave. After using it, he kicked it open, and the old man left.

Now Zhou Yuanhong and his wife knew why Su Xun was not interested in their saint.

It turns out that I have this hobby. I like people, wives and mature women.

Zhou Suqing never forgets Su Xun. He even wants to marry someone first, and then maybe Su Xun will like her.

That's a smart guy.

But she was stopped by her father.

After the mission was completed, he could go back to the earth. After all, ten days had passed since the earth. This was the longest time he had left.

The upper limit of the world is higher, so we can bring them in to study for a while.

However, when he was ready to return to the earth, Bing Yuyan, who had just left, suddenly came back.

"Lord, can I come in?"

The voice came from outside the room. Without Su Xun's command, she didn't dare to go in and out at will.

No matter how powerful a woman is, she will behave herself after conquering in bed.

"Come in." Su Xun said.

Bing Yuyan, dressed in Blue Palace clothes, went in. On his neck, he could see the strawberry seal that Su Xun planted last night: "Lord, Lin Hao is back."


Su Xun raised his eyebrows and went out.

See if there is a surprise in the world.

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