After leaving Yueling, Su Xun returned to Yuliang mountain manor.

"How could it be ten days this time?"

Back home, several women have issued the same doubts, they can be worried to death.

"There was a little accident, but it didn't hurt. I've dealt with it."

Su Xun pretended to be calm and said that he went to squeeze into the middle of the sofa. It was life to support each other.

An Zizhen and Yao Yao's stomachs have become bigger and bigger, and obvious bulges have appeared.

XiuXiu should be the first to produce, because the time flow of Taixu is faster than that of the earth.

But for Taixu, that is the normal velocity of time, if not compared with the earth.

"In a few days, I may have to go a long way."

What Su Xun said was to go to xuanyue continent. I'm afraid it will take a long time this time, and the uncertainty is a little big.

"Pay attention to safety. I miss a lot of women and children like you. If you have anything to do, who will support us." An Zizhen said in Su Xun's arms.

From time to time, Su Xun disappeared for a period of time. As the people beside him, they certainly knew that Su Xun must have his own secret.

This is why every time Su Xun disappeared for a period of time, they didn't ask much. They just worried about Su Xun's safety in their hearts. It was enough to see him come back safely.

They believed that one day, Su Xun would tell them everything.

Yan Yurou, the silly old lady, said: "you must pay attention to your safety, or we'll go and green hat you don't know."

"Everyone is as blind as he is. He can see you dead cow." Qin Zhuyi said.

Yan Yurou a chest, stormy, proud raised chin: "acid, continue to acid, like to see you clearly jealous and dead duck mouth hard."

"You don't doubt if it's too much hormone?" Qin Zhu rolled his eyes and swept over Yan Yurou's baby granary.

She admitted that she was sour. Please, why can an 18-year-old woman grow up so big.

It's just the same size as the heroine in the comic book.

Looking at the daily bickering, Su Xun felt that his plain life was so beautiful.

Well, it's just plain and light. Four words are important.

Su lu'er was lying on the carpet under his feet. The child refused to be human. He had to change back to his original shape to avoid being tortured by his swollen face.

The plump glass lay on Su lu'er's back. In her words, Su Xun was her mount, and Su Xun's Mount was also her mount.

Clear thinking, no loopholes.

"What about fat man and ang Liu?" Su Xun asked.

As soon as his voice fell, Liu An and Mei pangzi rushed in: "big brother, you've come back at last. Something big happened during your absence!"

"Surprised, how come the sky has fallen down?" Su Xun didn't expect to talk about Cao Cao.

Mei Pang's face was full of panic: "almost, the sky didn't collapse, but Kunlun Mountain collapsed."

"What?" Su Xun's face changed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Liu An said the next sentence: "the passage also collapsed together. Fat man and I didn't find it for several days, as if it didn't exist."

Su Xun

Don't you tell him to go to mainland Xuaner now?

"How did it collapse?" Su Xun couldn't understand. How could the void crack collapse?

Mei pangzi and Liu An are also puzzled: "yes, how can it collapse?"

They are the two people who want to go to xuanyue continent most. Now the road is gone and their hearts are broken.

"Maybe that's the will of God." Su Xun sighed. It seems that he can only cancel the original plan.

With his current strength, he can tear the void, but the problem is that the void is endless, and he can't find the way to xuanyue mainland!

The passage in Kunlun Mountain was specially built by the demon tribe to invade Kyushu. It goes straight to the xuanyue continent. Now it's gone. It's gone.

Liu An's body suddenly burst out a breath of Zhong Er, and said in a deep voice: "no, my life is up to me, not up to heaven!"

"Silly..." Su Xun wanted to scold a silly beep, but suddenly he thought that this was a man who could make mistakes with the world card and revive himself.

It's his destiny.

Su Xun said, "I found a better place than Taixu world. Do you want to send you there?"

"Yes." Mei pangzi and Liu An's eyes brightened and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

They didn't ask for anything else, but most of Su Xun's guesses were that he had a treasure to go to other worlds.

After all, they're not stupid.

"OK, dad will send your two sons to study abroad. I hope you will not let me down."

Su Xun said earnestly.

Mei pangzi and Liu An nodded and said, "thank you, Dad."What, integrity?

Don't tell me about moral integrity. It's all empty. Only benefits are real. It's so realistic.

That afternoon, Su Xun put Liu Anmei, fat man, Liuli and Su donkey into the vast sea.

None of the women in the family went. When they heard that there was little difference between the vast sea world and the Taixu world, they didn't want to go. They would rather stay at home and practice with salted fish and drugs.

For them, it's not important to cultivate anything, it's important to want to see different scenery.

Since the scenery of Haohai and Taixu is almost the same, what else is there to look at?

In addition, Yao Yao and an Zizhen had a big stomach, and Su Xun didn't force them to go.

This time, the only female member is Yueling.

After all, we can't go to xuanyue continent for the time being. We can't let her waste in the earth. We'd better go to Haohai world to study abroad.

I heard that Yueling is the jade rabbit of Chang'e, and Liu An and Mei pangzi turn into dogs every minute.

But how can a rabbit take care of a dog?

The jade rabbit doesn't even pay attention to the wheezing dog.

Su Xun could already imagine the scene of the two licking dogs eating on Yueling.

Next, Su Xun accompanied them at home, and by the way, he took XiuXiu from Taixu and reunited them.

Su Xun had a buffet dinner in the evening. En, the buffet. He did it by himself.

There are too many buffet meals.


On Friday, Su Xun went to Kunlun mountain alone, but he was not reconciled.

When I came to the entrance of the original passage, it was already in ruins, and I didn't feel a trace of sharpness.

Su Xun waved a stroke, and he was torn in front of him, and the endless wind came.

But a stable channel that should have existed has disappeared.

Then he sighed, closed the crack in front of him, and disappeared in the same place.

Now it's a disaster. Without the channel built by the demon clan, we can't find the location of xuanyue continent. How can we go there?

Unless you can directly draw the identity of xuanyue mainland, but the probability is too small.

Su Xun didn't even think about it.

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