On Saturday afternoon, Su Xun drew three spiritual veins from Taixu and Haohai to return to the earth.

They were buried in Kunlun Mountain, Taishan Mountain, Huangshan Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Hengshan Mountain, Songshan Mountain and other places.

He wants to artificially create the aura of the earth.

After all, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and one day he will leave the earth for a higher stage.

He doesn't want his hometown to end up like Gaia in the future.

With the revival of aura, everyone can practice, and everyone is like a dragon. Even in the face of cross-border invasion, they can have the power of the first World War.

What's more, there is the black technology of R star. Science and technology plus the cultivation of immortals is the king's way.

As the six spiritual veins were buried deep underground, the aura began to spread, and the people of Longguo soon found different places, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Wocao, my family lives under Huangshan Mountain. Our wild boar has mutated. Last night, a wild boar as big as an elephant came down from the mountain! Son lies, there is a picture, there is a truth! "

"Wori! So big, Huangshan will not have radiation, right? How else to explain the tonnage of the wild boar? "

"Don't you find that the air quality is better after one night?"

"Strange things have happened to us too..."

Netizens from all over the world share the strange things they encounter on the Internet.

Finally, netizens have come to a conclusion, maybe this is Reiki to revive.

After all, I've seen Su Xun's various videos of using magic, and everyone's heart is full of expectations.

Then that afternoon, a shocking news was released by the Dragon state official.

The official confirmed that Reiki was revived, and that everything was done by Su Xun. He was about to preach all over the world.

The whole world is boiling.

"The trough! what the fuck! It's true or false

"Master Su is too fierce. He revives his aura artificially. According to the level of immortal cultivation in novels, what level does he belong to now?"

"Look forward to it! Wow, I'm so excited that I can finally realize my dream of flying the imperial sword

"Master su It should be called Zhenjun. This is the great merit for the benefit of the world, Su Zhenjun

And foreign netizens are flustered.

"Damn it! I want to change my dragon nationality. I'm not a Chinese. I want to be a Chinese! "

"The immortal should be great, can't discriminate against us, our country also want spirit vein!"

"Oh, Shetter! Originally, I was very envious of the dragon people, but now I'm only envious. "

"I pray that the state of dragon will let go of the requirement of naturalization. I am a scientist who studies sophisticated instruments, and I can contribute to the state of dragon! I'm a useful person! "

"Oh, MAIGA, look what I see? When the traitor comes out of our country, can he take one of us, Mr. dragon

For a time, the leaders of countless countries went to the Dragon kingdom in person and wanted to get a share. They were also very excited and wanted to get a share.

But it's a pity that at this stage, Su Xun didn't have the idea of putting spiritual pulse on a large scale all over the world.

And then something funny happened.

The leader of a country's visiting team, who came to Longguo in the name of the president's visit, secretly ran away and hid. He wanted to stay in Longguo in this way.

Finally, when the president found out that his staff member was missing, he called the local police. The staff member was finally caught by the Longguo police and forcibly repatriated.

When he was repatriated, he struggled and roared: "I love the Dragon kingdom! I don't want to leave. I don't want to go back to being an official. Please give me a chance to be a civilian in the Dragon kingdom. No, a beggar! "

He didn't get the chance to be a beggar here. He even lost the chance to be an official when he went back.

At the top of Mount Tai, Su Xun was dressed in a black Chinese robe, with a golden crown on his head.

Below, countless people from all over the country were staring at Su Xun crazily.

Su Xun said slowly: "to cultivate immortals is to fight against heaven. Today we are going to talk about practicing Qi..."

His voice is not big, but it is accurate into everyone's ears.

As his every word falls, the clear sky gives birth to a rainbow, the sky gives birth to auspicious clouds, the earth gives birth to golden lotus, dead trees are reborn, and all flowers bloom together, countless wild animals come one after another.

In fact, it's just a passing scene. The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. After the chapter of practicing Qi, Su Xun left.

Because of the complete practice of Qi, every factory has been working overtime, and they are ready to be included in the national textbooks for primary and secondary school students.

"To the real king!"

At the foot of Mount Tai, hundreds of thousands of people chanted in unison, kowtowed and worshipped, and their voices soared into the sky.

Those wild animals were also learning from human beings. People stood up and clumsily saluted Su Xun in the direction of flying away.

is a live broadcast of the world, and science is so advanced.

The foreigners are red with envy.

It's no use for them to get the cultivation method, because a lot of aura is gathered in the Dragon kingdom.Therefore, thanks to Sushen, the land price on the border of Longguo has increased greatly recently.

After all, the closer to the Dragon Kingdom, the stronger the aura will be, and there will be some leftovers to eat.

Su Xun has now been listed by the United Nations as the greatest person in the history of mankind and the greatest contributor to human progress.

If he is not careful, Su Zhenjun can also be called a great man.

In the near future, primary and secondary school students will find that there are many more questions related to Su Xun on the test paper, which makes them love and hate Su Xun.



Su Xun woke up from the "dining table" of the buffet. He had a big round bed several meters wide. It was comfortable to fall asleep.

Looking at it, the woman lying beside him has disappeared. I think I know that he is going to go away today, so I got up early to prepare breakfast for him.

When I went downstairs, sure enough, a group of women were busy preparing a rich breakfast together.

Su Xun liked the feeling of home. He was not good, but simply wanted to give every woman a warm home.

How can we be warm?

Of course, it's more people that make you warm.

Look, isn't this scene warm now?

It's not only warm during the day, but also warm when you sleep at night. There are so many people that you don't need to turn on the air conditioner in winter.

After breakfast, Su Xun went out and casually found a hilltop to say:

"system, extract the 22nd new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: the last demon. 】

[there is a legend in the Xia kingdom of water blue star, which is called "no demons after the founding of the people's Republic of China". I don't know whether it's a joke or a fact. At least no one has seen demons in the new era, only heard the legend about demons and ghosts. 】

[and you are the last demon in this world, a demon who knows how to practice and has early enlightenment. You carefully hide in the steel city of human beings and try to disguise yourself as an ordinary animal. No one finds that you are a demon.

[identity ability: engulfing the essence of the moon, breaking the pupil of God, stopping for three seconds. 】

[identity task: practice in this world, turn into human form, and the task is unlimited. 】

Su Xun didn't expect to smoke a non-human identity, system, you are a real dog.

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