Zhao Ziling lives in a one bedroom house in a community called yujingyuan.

Su Xun was inspecting the room.

One room, one hall, one kitchen and one bathroom, with a balcony.

The house is not big, but it is very warm, clean and tidy, emitting the fragrance of the daughter's home.

Zhao Ziling is busy cooking in the kitchen. Su Xun is still a little relieved. At least he attaches great importance to me.

Entering Zhao Ziling's bedroom, he turned black and changed some of his views.

The outside was neat and meticulous, but there was a mess in the bedroom, and all kinds of clothes were left at random.

Small pants, underwear, clothes, all kinds of silk, socks, eh, dare not look, dare not look, shame dead cat.

All of a sudden, he saw that Zhao Ziling's notebook had not been turned off and jumped to the stool.

People stand up, a paw on the mouse, a paw on the keyboard.

Opening the folder, he found a folder called diary.

Who writes a diary.

Su Xun was excited. Everyone had the excitement of stealing and peeping into other people's privacy.

Every cat has it, too.

Open the folder named diary and find that you need a password.

Su Xun jumped down and ran into the kitchen. Then he put a paw on Zhao Ziling's leg and used psychics on her.

Although the accomplishments are gone, the skills are still there.

"Ah! What are you doing? Scare me

Zhao Ziling, who was suddenly touched by her feet, almost jumped up. She gasped and bent over to hold Su Xun up: "don't go into the kitchen."

Su Xun took the opportunity to continue to use psychics, and then he was suddenly stunned.

He used psychics to find the folder code from her memory.

But now even her memory has been read, and I still use a hammer to read her diary.

"Sit here and don't move." Zhao Ziling puts Su Xun on the sofa, then turns around and walks into the kitchen.

On the sofa, Su Xun was staring at Zhao Ziling's back. Unexpectedly, this silly woman had a miserable experience.

Zhao Ziling was supposed to be the daughter of the Zhao family in Yuncheng, but when she was six years old, her father wanted to divorce her mother for a junior.

She even slapped her mother and put down a series of cruel words.

Zhao Ziling's mother jumped from a building to commit suicide in front of Zhao Ziling and her father.

Remember that the father and daughter of Zhao Ziling are more and more disgusted with each other when they are six years old.

Later, her father married Xiao San, who gave birth to a son and a daughter. Naturally, her father did not care about Zhao Ziling.

Xiao San always treats Zhao Ziling bitterly and makes trouble for her.

Zhao Ziling couldn't bear to say these things to her father, but she didn't expect that her father didn't believe it at all. She also thought that Zhao Ziling deliberately wronged her stepmother and had a vicious mind.

Then the stepmother was acting again. In order to appease the stepmother, Zhao Ziling's father bought a house outside and asked a nanny to take care of her.

In this way, as time goes by, Zhao Ziling is getting older and older, and her status in the Zhao family is getting lower and lower, even like an outsider.

The people of the Zhao family don't like her either, because when they see her, they will think of her mother who jumped out of the building and died in the yard. They want to drive her as far as possible.

Zhao Ziling is also a tough person. She is stubborn and doesn't want any money. She directly leaves the Zhao family and goes to school while working.

He is just 22 years old and graduated for one year. Now he works as an editor in a local novel website in Yuncheng.

She had no interest in the Zhao family's industry, just wanted to give her mother justice.

This matter was deeply buried in her heart, because she knew it was difficult, but she never gave up.

"An individual has his own sufferings."

Su Xun murmured to himself.


Zhao Ziling's cheerful voice rang out and came out with a stewed pork chop.

Then the table filled with other dishes.

Smelling the smell of the lure, Su Xun swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He ran to a chair and sat down.

The little two also ran over with their mouths wide open and their tongues sticking out.

Then Su Xun saw Zhao Ziling scooping a big bowl of dog food for Xiao er.

Su Xun sneered, and a dog matched me? You only deserve dog food Wait, why do you want to scoop up a bowl of dog food?

Zhao Ziling put a small bowl full of dog food on Su Xun's noodles: "I'll buy you cat food and dried fish some other day. Today, you can make do with it. Let's go."

With that, she couldn't wait to sit in her seat and eat the meal in front of her.

Su Xun

Is this the so-called big meal to welcome new members?I think you are in the name of welcoming me to satisfy your own appetite.

A hypocritical woman.

Su Xun pushed the bowl full of dog food in front of Xiao er.

Small two looked at him, it seems that this cat is a bit silly, so delicious things actually do not eat, but also to their own.

He immediately began to eat happily.

"Well Why don't you eat it? " Seeing this, Zhao Ziling was puzzled. Didn't cats eat dog food?

Su Xun raised his paw and pointed to the braised spareribs: "I want to eat that."

"Meow, meow, meow..."

"No, you're going to have a bad stomach." Zhao Ziling understood and refused.

After hearing this, Su Xun put the cat's paws into the ribs plate and stirred it. OK, now these are all mine.

Zhao Ziling to collapse: "my ribs!"

Su xuncai didn't care about her. She tasted delicious.

I have to say that Zhao Ziling's craftsmanship is really good and fragrant.

"If you have a bad stomach, I'll have to pay for a doctor." Zhao Ziling looks at Su Xun bitterly. She not only loves her ribs, but also her purse.

After thinking about it, Su Xun pointed to her mobile phone in her pocket.

Zhao Ziling blinked: "no, you still know mobile phones? Now I seriously doubt whether you are human or not

Su Xun: Hey, you're right.

But Zhao Ziling just said it casually. After all, how could there be such a strange thing.

With curiosity, she unlocked the mobile phone and handed it to Su Xun.

Su Xun used two claws to type with some difficulty: I won't get sick, and my name is not Xiao Hei, I have a name.

Zhao Ziling was stunned and looked at Su Xun with wide eyes. She saw the ghost on her face.

"You How can you type in pinyin? "

God, what kind of cat did you pick up?

"It's a small idea." Su Xun typed three more words.

Zhao Ziling accepted the fact for a while and asked, "what's your name?"

Su Xun typed out two words: "master."

"Master?" Zhao Ziling read it subconsciously.


Su Xun felt comfortable and raised his head haughtily.

Want to be my master?

Are you kidding me? I'm the only one who owns others, even if I become a cat!

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