"Call you master?"

Zhao Ziling looked at Su Xun with wide eyes. She said in her heart that no wonder cats are called cat owners on the Internet. These cats really treat themselves as owners.

Zhao Ziling didn't care about the name of a cat. After thinking about it, she said, "the master is too ugly. How about calling you master?"

"Yes." Su Xun typed out two words. Later, this was his personal servant.

Zhao Ziling said, "if you want to squeeze a nest with Xiao er tonight, or you'll sleep on the sofa."

"I want a bed." Su Xun typing.

Zhao Ziling asked, "where do I sleep?"

Su Xun: "sofa."

"You're kidding. Forget it. You're going to bed with me tonight." Zhao Ziling doesn't want to sleep on the sofa.

As for sleeping with cats, it's no big deal. I sleep more with pets.

It's not sleeping with a man.


Suddenly, Zhao Ziling thought of a question: "are you male or female?"

At the same time, she leaned over Su Xun's belly to see.

"Meow." Su Xun's legs were tight. This woman was too shameless. She wanted to see Lao Tzu's brother.

According to his reaction, Zhao Ziling guessed his gender and asked another question: "have you ever sterilized? If not, I'll take you to sterilization next time

"Lying trough!" Su Xun's hair was blown up. The vicious woman wanted to castrate me.

Zhao Ziling blinked: "you don't want to do sterilization? But you can live longer after sterilization. "

"I live longer than you." When Su Xun finished typing, he pushed his cell phone over and didn't want to talk to her.

Zhao Ziling curled her lips: "you live longer than me. You think you are a monster."

She hasn't been so happy for a long time. The last time she met a shivering sophomore on a rainy day.

People are so bad, she thinks animals are cleaner.

In the evening, Zhao Ziling has gone to bed.

Su looked up and jumped on the windowsill, and began to practice his head against the moon in the sky, swallowing the essence of the moon.

After training for a while, he gave up, because it was too slow. In this way, he didn't know when to finish the task.

So he's too lazy to practice. He'd better take a chance to see if there is any shortcut.

After all, since the world has his last demon, and the fruit that gave birth to his wisdom, it means that there must be other extraordinary species.

Even if it doesn't exist now, it must have existed before. It can always be found and handed down.

Although there are too many uncertainties, as long as you can find one, you can practice faster than yourself.

No way, really want him to stay in this world for hundreds of years, that an Zizhen they estimate can die in a hurry.

Su Xun went back to bed and put his head on Zhao Ziling's belly. It was flat, warm and soft. These words add up to comfort.

The point is, this woman is used to sleeping.

Su Xun suddenly felt that it was not bad to be a cute cat.


The next day.


Zhao Ziling let out a scream, and then Su Xun felt that he flew out in a parabola and hit the wall with a crack.

"What are you doing?"

Su Xun yelled at Zhao Ziling angrily. Fortunately, he was a demon, otherwise he would not fall out of order just now.

Zhao Ziling blushed and scolded: "where did you sleep last night?"

Although it's just a cat, you can't put your paws around. I'm so ashamed.

In particular, this cat is also very smart, who knows if he understands human knowledge.

"Forget it." Su Xun said casually. Anyway, she didn't understand. She could do whatever she wanted.

Zhao Ziling glared at him, then began to dress, let Su Xun also appreciate a beautiful dress picture.

Wearing a blue dress, Zhao Ziling looks pure and elegant. She has long hair and shawls. Her white legs are covered with a pair of thin shredded meat, which is beautiful.

"Dong Dong..."

Just then, the door was knocked.

"Woof, woof, woof..." Two whispers.

It seems that most dogs have the habit of barking whenever they hear a sound, especially a knock on the door.

"It's coming, it's coming."

Zhao Ziling said, quickly ran out of the bedroom to open the door, Su Xun also followed up.

When the door opened, there was an old lady outside.

"Xiao Zhao, I'll take the rent."

"Granny Chen, as I said, you don't need to collect it yourself. I'll send it to you then."

Zhao Ziling said. She took out her bag and handed it to her in cash.

Granny Chen didn't have any. She obviously trusted her: "I'm used to it. If I don't do anything every day, I feel uncomfortable when I'm free. I have to go to the next family, so I'll go first.""Slow down, Granny Chen." Zhao Ziling asked with a smile on her face.

After closing the door, the smile on Zhao Ziling's face disappeared: "it's over. It's Moonlight again. Second child, master. Next we may have to live a hard life."

She has just graduated one year, and her salary is not high. It's expensive to rent a house in this land and money place, so she didn't save any money at all.

"You two are at home. I'm going to work. Bye."

Soon, Zhao Ziling left.

If Su Xun is thoughtful, Zhao Ziling's quality of life can decline, and so can his sophomore.

But he can't tolerate the decline of his quality of life.

Alas, he didn't expect that he would have to worry about making money when he regenerates a demon.

Maybe this is the pain of being a demon in modern society. You can't be too high-profile, or you will be easily caught doing scientific research, and you have to find a way to make money, unless you can live a hard life.

Su Xun suddenly thought of a way to make money, that is to use his body to make money.

He is a cat now. As long as he records some smart videos to amuse those fools on the Internet, there will be a lot of fans.

When the time comes, you can receive advertisements, open live broadcast and receive rewards. Won't you have money?

Even when he lies down to sleep, there will be a large group of people to see, really. Lie down to make money.

When he thought about it, Su Xun ran into the bedroom and found an old mobile phone from the dresser cabinet.

After reading Zhao Ziling's memory, he knows more about every corner of the house than Zhao Ziling.

After all, some things she might have forgotten, but they were always buried in her memory. Su Xun could see all these things.

Charging the mobile phone, turning it on, connecting WiFi at home and downloading a short video app called magic sound.

This app is the most widely used app in the world, with 1 billion users.

To register a new account requires a mobile phone verification code, so Su Xun directly logs in to Zhao Ziling's account, and then changes her ID to: handsome cat.

I took a self portrait of myself.

Su Xun's mouth went up and he could start his own money making plan.

The world is changing and people's mind is changing.

Who would have thought that he would have to sell his body to make money?

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