A video began to ferment on the magic app and quickly became popular.

In the video, a black cat man stands up and waves his paws twice, shaking his fat eyes with tears.

The above content was "voluntarily" filmed by the sophomore, and there was no violent coercion.

"It's so interesting that erha is afraid of cats. Look at his grievance. He's smoking."

"This cat is very aggressive. Its coat is very bright. Its owner keeps it well."

"Forward forward forward, Maoye Niubi, love, love, today began to pay attention to you."

"This cat is so smart. He won't be reading our reviews now."

Su Xun was lying in front of his mobile phone, looking at more and more comments from netizens. His mouth was up and Wang Zhi despised him.

It's a group of stupid human beings. They just need to take two videos to get their money out of their pockets.

All of a sudden, Su Xun was in a daze. How did my psychological activity become a little strange?

My essence is also human!

It's just a cameo.

Forget it, just sit and wait for the video fire to get up, lie down and collect money.

I can't lie dead today. I have to go out and find a shortcut to improve my accomplishments.

As a person who is used to taking shortcuts, it's forcing him to come step by step.

Su Xun jumped on Xiao ER and grabbed the hair on his neck: "let's go!"

Small two looked back at him, drooping head, lying on the ground motionless.

"Stupid dog, I have to talk to you with body language, don't I?"

Sue Xun grabbed it on the butt.

"Ouch -"

the little two got hurt and immediately ejected. He carried susian to the door. Susian opened the door. Then a cat and a dog went out, and susian closed the door again.

In fact, sophomore is very smart. He knows what Su Xun wants him to do, but he is a bit cheap, nonviolent and uncooperative.

Xiao Er is his mount, Zhao Ziling is his slave, and Su Xun has ruled the family.

"I won't treat you badly on the day when I finish the task and my accomplishments recover."

Riding on the dog's back, Su Xun had a kind of arrogant momentum to draw a big cake for his mount.

Although the old people often say that riding a dog has bad pants and crotch.

But Su Xun is not afraid. He is a cat now.

Out of the elevator, small two excited up, carrying Su Xun ran out of the community.

Su Xun CE's dog galloped to an original forest park in the suburb.

"The trough! What do I see? Daughter in law, I just saw a cat riding a dog overtaking me

"My mother, I can't masturbate any more in the evening. I'm beginning to hallucinate."

"Wori! What happened... "

Along the way, all the people who saw this scene were stunned.

Some people want to take photos, but the speed of the sophomore is too fast to take photos clearly.

Someone posted on the Internet.

"Brothers, I just saw a cat running on the road with a dog and speeding."

"Then you can call the traffic police to report, and you can avoid traffic accidents."

"I laugh to death. Why don't you say a rabbit is speeding on a tortoise?"

"We are sand sculptures, not silly beeps. If you don't have any pictures, you can be a loser and boast without making a draft."

"Upstairs, I can testify for the landlord. The landlord didn't lie, because I saw it just now. I thought I was dazed."

"There are two possibilities, one is that you are really dazzled, the other is that you are the owner's trumpet."

Many people have posted similar posts on the Internet or in the circle of friends, but no one believes them.


Baiyun Chinese network headquarters.

Zhao Ziling feels tired. As a male editor, many people are looking for her to open a book.

But most of them are self portraits of her space, and then they want to find her to drive under the guise of opening a book.

She hates this phenomenon. Although she has deleted the selfie, these writers who write books at home are rare. They have long been preserved and spread on the author forum.

Then the newcomer asked which editor is better to go to Baiyun, and the forum answered: Ziyun.

Her editor's name is Ziyun.

Then the newcomer asked why?

Answer: because she has long legs and looks good, I heard that she is still single. Is that enough?

Rookie: enough, enough. I fully meet the conditions for publishing books. It doesn't matter what the editor looks like. The most important thing is to have the ability.

They all look good. This is the embodiment of their ability. At first sight, they are good editors.

After helping the author deal with the matter, Zhao Ziling began to open the mailbox to read the manuscript.

"Ziling, Ziling, watch this video. The cat and the dog are so interesting."All of a sudden, the female colleague next to her knocked on her arm, then moved her cell phone sideways in front of her so that she could see the screen clearly.

Zhao Ziling took a casual look and couldn't help smiling.

Then suddenly a Leng, and so on, how does this cat and this dog look so familiar?

Then her eyes suddenly widened.

Isn't this the master and the sophomore?

Zhao Ziling took out her mobile phone and opened the magic sound app. Sure enough, her account ID and avatar had been changed, adding a video work.

Is it really the two of them?

Zhao Ziling felt a little trance, then turned on the search engine and searched it for a question: what if my cat thinks I'm stupid?

Master is too clever. Zhao Ziling is really worried about being rejected now.

Then her face changed again. How did the master know where her old mobile phone was? How to know the power on password? How do you know the password of her magic app account?

For a time, countless question marks filled her heart, which made her feel more and more puzzled.

I really want to go back from work now.


When she went back, she couldn't see Su Xun.

At this time, Su Xun had successfully arrived at the original ecological forest park outside the city on his own mount.

Xiao ER was as tired as a dog, with his head drooping behind him and his long tongue sticking out.

Su Xun stood up with his hands on his back and walked in the mountains.

Where the aura is strong, he will go.

In the end, he found what he wanted.

Along a river, a four or five-year-old girl in jeans suspenders was holding an orchid in her hand. The flower was blue and crystal clear.

A strong aura was coming out from above, which made Su Xun salivate.

There was a tent not far away. A group of adults were fishing there, apparently out for a picnic.

Well, now the question is, how to cheat the little girl of that orchid Wrong. How should I come here?

The little girl was stunned when she saw him and the second child. Then she ran over with a smile and said:

"dog, cat, play with me."

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