A group of parents are fishing, playing cards and talking by the river without paying attention to their children.

What a bunch of irresponsible parents.

That's to say, I'm a good person. Otherwise, maybe the child was abducted and sold.

Su Xun took Xiao ER and went over. He pretended to play with the little girl. He made her giggle and put the orchid down.

Right now!

Su Xun opened his mouth, picked up the orchid on the ground, jumped up, sat on the dog's back, and ran away.

Little girl, don't trust anyone and animals any more. Today, my brother will teach you about the cruelty of society.

Looking at a cat and a dog running away, the little girl was stunned for a moment, and then sat on the ground crying.

"What happened to Tuan Tuan, Tuan Tuan."

Hearing the cry, the careless parents finally dropped their fishing rod and ran over.

Wiping her tears, the little girl pointed to the direction of Su Xun's escape and choked: "cat Big cat cheated me out of my flowers. Wu Wu Wu, my flowers... "

When her father heard this, he turned pale and blamed himself for his carelessness. There might be wild animals in the mountains and let his daughter run around.

Fortunately, the wild animal just took away the beautiful orchid. It didn't do anything to her daughter. She comforted her.

"Well, well, don't cry. Dad will take you to see the fish pendulum. Let's go."


"Wow, Kaka, Kaka Wow, Kaka... "

In the mountains, the dog leaped with laughter.

Of course, laughter falls in the ears of other people and animals. It's just a meow.

Although it's not suitable to cheat the little girl, he is a cat now. Since he is a cat, what's his moral integrity.

After the big deal, just repay the little girl and take this orchid in vain.

"Second, stop behind the stone in front of you."

When Su Xun spoke, he knew that the stupid dog couldn't understand, so he used body language to make him understand.

After stopping behind a huge stone, Su Xun was ready to put the orchid into his mouth.

Then suddenly noticed that the second is salivating at his arms of orchids.

hesitated for a moment, looking at the orchids that had only three flowers awesome.

As soon as his eyes brightened, he quickly swallowed them. Then he was so comfortable that he screamed. A pair of dog eyes were clearer and more flexible.

Su Xun also swallowed the remaining two, absorbed spiritual power to enrich himself, made a breakthrough in cultivation, and entered the late stage of refining Qi, which was only one step away from the peak.

Su Xun took a look at the orchid that had been picked. He chewed it and swallowed it.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat.

It was the last little medicinal power of orchid grass that helped him to cross the barrier and break through the early stage of spirit transformation.

He grew up a circle, standing on four legs, about as high as an adult's calf. He can be said to be a fierce man in a cat.

The next step is not to improve your accomplishments, but to refine your horizontal bones. Only in this way can you speak. Typing is too troublesome.

Breaking through and transforming God, the aura in the body is more abundant. Unfortunately, as a wandering cat with common blood, it doesn't wake up any original magic.

Before he became a human, he couldn't practice the magic in his memory, so now if he is in danger, he can only rely on his own brute force.

"Go, go home."

Su Xun jumped on Xiao er's back, Xiao Er howled, and SA Ya Zi ran wildly.

After swallowing an orchid, his IQ has been significantly improved, and he listens to Su Xun more. After all, it's good.

When a cat and a dog came home, Zhao Ziling was not off work.

Su Xun opened the magic app and took a look at the data. In half a day, the broadcast volume had reached 5 million, and he praised more than 3 million.

Zhao Ziling's Moyin account has increased by 1.3 million, and there are countless private letters in the background.

Most of them are advertisers. They also ask whether cats sell or not, and what kind of cats are.

Su Xun turned his lips and replied one by one.

Every advertiser, he is to search on the net first, the commodity that does not entrap people will decide to accept or not to accept according to the price.

Su Xun was too lazy to ask if the cat was for sale. Lao Tzu was a man of thousands of gold. Can you afford it?

Asked what kind of cat, Su Xun replied with two words: beast.


Today, the company worked overtime and didn't get off work until 9 pm. Zhao Ziling couldn't wait to go home.

"Ziling, let's have a drink."

A young man with a big back came to Zhao Ziling and said with a smile.

This person is Shen Ci, the director of Baiyun Chinese network operation Department. He has been pursuing Zhao Ziling for a long time.The author's body is as crazy as those of Ziling.

Do not say what love or not, we are honest, is simple good, color.

Zhao Ziling had no interest in him and said casually, "no, I have something urgent to go home."

Voice down, carrying a bag ready to leave.

Shen Ci's eyes were a little gloomy, and then he stopped as if nothing had happened: "I'll drive you back. Don't you say you have any urgent matters when you go home?"

"No, thank you for your kindness..." Zhao Ziling refused again. Since she didn't like it, she would not give the other party a wrong misunderstanding.

But Shen Ci was reluctant: "Ziling, you know what I'm thinking. Can't you just take me as an ordinary colleague and send you home by the way?"

"This..." Zhao Ziling hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "that's troublesome for you."

If she still refuses, it will be difficult for her to get along with her in the company.

More than 40 minutes later, Shen CI drove directly into the community and stopped under the building where Zhao Ziling lived.

"Thank you tonight. I'll go up first. Please drive safely."

Zhao Ziling thanks, and will be ready to open the door to get off.

Shen CI pursed his cracked lip: "Ziling, I'm a little tired driving. Can I have a drink of water?"

He knows that Zhao Ziling lives alone. Let him go up. He will take Zhao Ziling tonight!

"Sorry, it's not convenient." Zhao Ziling refused. She still has a high sense of safety.

Voice down, open the door and get off.

Looking at the Hun, round arc with his back to him, Shen Ci was filled with evil fire and anger. He also opened the door and got out of the car, stopped Zhao Ziling and forced her into the car.

"Ah! What are you doing? Let me go... "

Zhao Ziling panicked. However, as soon as she called, Shen CI quickly covered her mouth.

"Ma De, you can't be shameful. My brother is right. You can't be too nice to women. I'll take care of you tonight, and you won't be mine then?"

Shen CI breathed quickly and said that his eyes became red and excited because of excitement.

This scene was seen by Su Xun, who was refining the horizontal bone on the balcony upstairs. A pair of deep cat's eyes filled with a chill, and he jumped down.

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