Wang Jiao wants to run.

But he was held by his own father and couldn't move at all.

Xie Wei called the police to report Wang Jiao.

Tut Tut, this is really a wonderful work of a family. It can be called father's kindness and daughter's filial piety.

"Dad, I'm your daughter. How can you do such a thing! Wuwuwu... "

Wang Jiao wailed. She was sad because she was going to jail soon. What's more, she was given up by her own parents.

At this moment, I don't know whether her mood is the same as Qin Zhu who was pushed down the cliff by her.

"Xiaojiao, don't blame us. We can't help it!"

"Yes, at the expense of you, we and your brother are always safe. We will come to see you often."

Soon, the police came. Well, it was susian, a good citizen, who personally opened the door.

"Who's calling the police?" Asked one of the leading officers.

Wang Hong said: "it's me. I report the case of Qin Zhu falling off a cliff three years ago. There is another secret. The murderer is my daughter Wang Jiao."

"I want to report it, too!" At this time, Wang Jiao's eyes were red and shrieked: "I report, they cover me up after I kill, they are also guilty!"

If you don't want me to live well, then everyone will not live.


My parents report my daughter, and my daughter report my parents. The whole family is killing each other. Is it so conscious?

"Xiaojiao, you..."

Wang Hong and Xie weiru were struck by lightning. Unexpectedly, Wang Jiao blew herself up and died with them.

"Don't live, everyone!" Wang Jiao's hysterical roar is like a fierce ghost.

"Pa! Pop! "Ha..."

Just then a burst of applause broke out.

While clapping, Su Xun got up and said with a smile: "OK, OK, OK, it's really a good play. Wang Jiao, when Qin Zhu saw you as her sister, did you ever think about her mood when you pushed her?"

At the same time, Su Xun took out his recording pen and handed it to the police: "police comrades, I won't bother you to look for evidence again. They have just said the facts of the crime. Don't thank them. As a warm-hearted masses, I have the responsibility and obligation to maintain the public security environment in Jiangnan City. This is what I should do."


Wang Hong, Wang Jiao and Xie Wei were hit by a heavy hammer in their head. At this time, they didn't know that Su Xun had come to harm them.

From the beginning to the end, Su Xun played with the three of them as fools.

But they still believed it, and they sent the evidence to Su Xun.

"You hurt us! Why? Why do you do that! "

Wang Jiao roared bitterly. She didn't understand that she didn't know Su Xun at all. Why did Su Xun harm them so deliberately.

"You've bullied my pet. I'm sure I'm going to stand out for my pet."

Su Xun gave a little smile, touched Qin Zhu's head beside him, looked at Wang Jiao and said softly.

At the same time, Qin Zhu's figure appeared in the eyes of the three members of Wang Hong's family.

"Ah! It's you! Ghosts, there are ghosts

"Comrade police, there is a ghost! There is a ghost

When they saw Qin Zhu, they were so frightened that they turned pale and screamed.

"Come on, don't try to escape the crime by pretending to be crazy. Come with us."

Qin Zhu, the police officer in charge, has no facial expression at all.

This is also one of Qin Zhu's abilities. Who she wants to see can see her.

"Wang Jiao, I wish your family a happy prison life." Qin Zhu's smile is like a flower, and his revenge makes him feel happy again.

Now they all understood that Su Xun was not an expert at all, and he was not a space explorer just now.

It's clear that Qin Zhu is responsible for everything, but they are cheated into turning around, and finally they play themselves to death.

The three were taken away. As for their future, there was no need to worry. They were supported by the state for the rest of their lives.

And Su Xun would send the Buddha to the west, and the good people would do it to the end. Since he sent them in, he would never let them out again.

The best they can do is spend their whole lives in prison.

As a warm-hearted crowd who provided evidence, Su Xun also went to the police station to make a record to cooperate with the police.

However, when he left the police station, the head of the Bureau personally sent him out. After all, the identity of the chairman of Qingyun international was not built.

"All right, Chen Ju, just stay here. Just send it here."

"Mr. Su, please slow down. I'm really sorry to delay you today. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Should be, should be..."

After greeting each other at the door of the police station, Su Xun got on the bus under the eye of Chen."What's the matter with you? Where's your brother? "

After getting on the bus, Su Xun was startled by the bruised AHU in the driver's seat. Who beat NIMA.

"My brother's fighting. He's gone on a date." Ah Hu gritted his teeth and said that the knuckles of his fingers holding the steering wheel were all pale, obviously he was worried about it.

Su Xun said: "the steering wheel is 30000."

"Ah Ah Hu exclaimed in surprise. He quickly reduced the strength of his hand. After careful inspection, he was relieved to see that the steering wheel was not broken.

Su Xun

His monthly salary for them is not low, but the stinginess of ah Hu and ah long is absolutely rare in the world.

Although they look like people in suits and shoes, their socks are actually perforated.

"What's your mood for revenge?" Su Xun asked Qin Zhu around him.

"Boss, what do you say? Why can't I understand?" Ah Hu in the driver's seat thought that Su Xun was talking to him.

Su Xun said without raising his head: "I didn't ask you, drive well."

Ah Hu did not ask me, you are asking the ghost! Really. Are you kidding.

What he didn't know was that Su Xun was really asking the ghost.

Qin Bamboo cheek help drum drum drum, long exhale a breath, slightly confused said: "feel like suddenly lost the goal, no hope."

"Your biggest goal is to serve me well." Su Xun pinched her cold face, feeling full of hand.

The boss's saliva is hard to drive?

The boss is so manly. Do you want to sell your body for the future?

Qin Zhu looked at Su Xun with a smile and took off most of his red skirt: "don't you say you are afraid of cold? Do you want a change? It's my first time. "

"Get dressed." Su Xun hardly moved his eyes from her delicate body. He didn't expect that Qin Zhu was only wrapped in a red skirt. There was nothing else.

At this time, he had only one idea.


I'm dressed! Is the boss suggesting that I take off my clothes? Then we can serve him.

No way! I am a Hu, a man of seven feet, never accept the hidden rules!

Thinking of this, he stepped on the brake, summoned up courage, turned to look at Su Xun and said, "boss, I do things with money, but it doesn't mean I do everything. Sorry, I don't like men."

Su Xun:

What are you talking about?

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