Su Xun looked at ah Hu with a black question mark on his face.

I can't understand this guy for a moment.

"Puchi --"

Qin Zhu understood it, but he couldn't help laughing and said a few words in Su Xun's ear.

Su Xun's face was as black as the bottom of the pot. Looking at ah Hu, he spat out a word: "roll."

"Boss, I really don't like men." Ah Hu thought his boss was angry after he refused.

Su Xun bit his teeth and said, "I don't like men either."

"Boss, you are angry." Ah Hu felt that he was too cruel, so he refused the boss.

Su Xun had no words to help him, so he could only sacrifice the final weapon: "you dare to say one more word, deduct the salary."

AHU instantly banned sound, turned around, and started the car.

This time, Su Xun had a long memory and pulled up the small baffle between the front seat and the back seat.

Rolls Royce is used to drive for drivers. Sitting in the back is the ultimate enjoyment.

After closing the small baffle, Su Xun took out the peace blessing from his pocket.

Qin Zhu's pretty face changed slightly, almost subconsciously moved to the side for a while, obviously with lingering fear.

"Are you afraid to hold it like this?" Su Xun looked at Qin Zhu and asked, then quickly looked away: "didn't he ask you to put on your clothes?"

"Oh." Qin Zhu answered, pulled the red skirt up, and then timidly replied: "this ping'an-fu is passively triggered, I show malicious, it will stop me, otherwise it won't, it's very powerful, let me have a shadow, that time I almost died."

Su Xun suddenly realized that no wonder he was carrying the idea in his pocket, but Qin Zhu was not afraid. It turned out that it was equivalent to a passive skill.

Playing with Ping'an Fu in his hand, Su Xun had a strong interest in the Taoist priest of Qingyang temple in Yunling city.

It seems that he is an expert who can make this kind of Fu and Zhuan, which is different from Su Xun's parallel goods (˘ω˘).

I have to pay a visit to Yunling when I have time.

As everyone knows, when he was interested in this Taoist priest Qingyang.

Taoist priest Qingyang has also noticed him.

Master Su's name has spread out in just two days. Although it is far away from Jiangzhou Province, it has aroused a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet, and even many people from other provinces have heard about it.

Nowadays, people who practice Taoism can't be separated from the Internet (* / Omega *).

Taoist priest Qingyang noticed Su Xun through the Internet.

As a person with real ability, he certainly knows that there are many wonderful people with unique skills in the world like him.

He also knows the Taoist art of facial expression, but it's much worse than the master Su who is rumored on the Internet.

Is there anyone in the world who can tell the truth by counting his fingers?

He felt it necessary to go to Jiangnan City in person to visit this Taoist friend and see his old friend by the way.


Jiangnan City, Jiangnan daily.

Li Yang will sort out the news release about master Su and send it out through the official account.

Jiangnan daily can be called the leading media of Jiangnan City, and it is also a little famous in the whole Jiangzhou province.

After such a controversial report was sent out, it caused a lot of repercussions, and the comment area was almost blown up.

Li Si: "I've heard of this master. My classmates say that he's very powerful. There are only two people every day. Many people can't take turns after waiting for a day."

Wang Xiaoer: "ha ha, is it Tuo upstairs? He's such a bull that he's already made a fortune himself. Is he still in need of fortune telling? "

Pig head three: "upstairs Shabi, I saw with my own eyes that master Su drives a sports car. They have more money than you."

Wang Xiaoer: "ha ha, that means that he is a liar. Otherwise, where can he get the money to buy a sports car?"

Pig head three You step on the horse is the legendary bar spirit

The two sides argued endlessly. One side insisted that the so-called master was a liar, while the other side firmly defended master su.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, an ID's speech caused an uproar.

Fortune teller Zhou Chengxuan: "there are too many fools these days. Are there not enough cheaters? It's so powerful. Why don't you go to heaven? "

"Crouching trough, front row tiger touch big guy, master Zhou said that he was a liar, that guy must be a liar."

"If you add one upstairs, master Zhou is the real master. Su is a rubbish."

Why did Zhou Chengxuan's speech cause a sensation?

This is because Zhou Chengxuan is a famous master of metaphysics in Jiangzhou province. His facial skills are very accurate. Many rich people ask him to do fortune telling and watch Fengshui. He is known as the first person of metaphysics in Jiangzhou.

Therefore, as an authority in the field of metaphysics, he said that Su Xun was a liar, and other people naturally believed his words.However, those who have seen Su Xun's "skills" with their own eyes still firmly defend master Su, and there are even a lot of hard core fans like Zhang Jian who send private letters to Zhou Chengxuan's family.

Zhou Chengxuan was angry and posted a screenshot of other people's private letters scolding him. He said, "I'm still scolded for telling the truth these days. I really don't know whether these people are water soldiers or have brain problems."

"Well, I can't wait for more people to be cheated, and I can't wait for these evil thieves to damage the reputation of my metaphysics. I'll see Master Su in person tomorrow morning."

The comments below the post are all for him, because those who don't support him have been deleted by him.

"Support master Zhou's face beating at the scene and expose the ugly faces of the swindlers."

"Support is that these rubbish have ruined our reputation of studying metaphysics. We must support master Zhou."

"Tomorrow I will go to the scene to watch master Zhou slap his face..."

Looking at these all supportive comments, Zhou Chengxuan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As long as I delete it fast enough, it means that no one is against me (◔◡◔).


Su knew nothing about the online debate. At this time, he was listening to Liao Yu's work report in his office.

"Su Dong, there's something wrong with the Xu family in Jiangdong city."

Liao Yu looked at Su Xun and said that she didn't know what was going on. She always felt that there was a third person in the room.

But it's really just her and susian.

There is a ghost pinching Su Xun's shoulder.

"Oh? What's going on? " Su Xun raised his eyebrows, but Xu Cangqing promised to give him 10% of the shares as compensation. He hasn't cashed in these days. Do you want to go back?

"Xu Cangqing said that this move was opposed by the company's shareholders, so it was delayed to implement," Liao said

"His own shares are given away free of charge. Can the shareholders of the company manage this?" After hearing this, Su Xun laughed. Xu Cangqing was not the boss of the company.

Liao Yu explained: "the shareholders of the company are all his relatives. The Xu family is a family business."

It dawned on Su Xun. No wonder he said when these shareholders were so lenient.

The family business suddenly intervenes, and an outsider comes in. It is certain that these people are not willing.

However, are they happy to have anything to do with Su Xun?

Is it necessary for Su Xun to consider their ideas?

He just wants to be happy.

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