"The trough! Really! Take a picture

"The cat is actually fishing. Is that what you do for yourself?"

"It's too smart..."

Listening to the discussion behind him, Su Xun turned his lips. A group of ignorant guys, isn't it normal that a cat can fish?

Besides, doesn't anyone know me?

You've seen more than 20 million fans, but have you seen one of my videos?

"Hello, this is my cat. I hope you don't scare him."

Zhao Ziling came forward to negotiate with several people.

"OK, I'm sorry. It's exciting to see a cat fishing for the first time."

"I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

Everyone apologized to Zhao Ziling one after another, which seemed very reasonable.

Zhao Ziling smile: "it doesn't matter, by the way, can you ask what you are here for?"

Seeing Zhao Ziling smile, several young men couldn't help being crazy.

Mom, I saw the fairy.

"We are here..." A young man has to answer almost subconsciously.

"Cough, cough!" A middle-aged man with glasses coughed and interrupted him. Looking at Zhao Ziling, he said with a smile, "we are from the geological exploration team."

The young man who was just ready to speak also responded and nodded: "yes, we are from the city address survey team. Come and do the survey."

Other people are staring at him, let this young man some guilty touch nose.

"Will my camping here disturb your work?" Zhao Ziling asked.

An old man with silver hair gave a kind smile: "we're just here for a rest. Our destination hasn't arrived yet. We'll have another Festival ahead."

"So it is." Zhao Ziling was relieved. She thought the camping plan was going to fail.

After all, if there were so many people working here, the camping would be meaningless.

At first, the lovely girl with glasses pointed to Su Xun and looked at Zhao Ziling: "little sister, can I hold your cat?"

"This I'm afraid he can't. He has a bad temper. He'll catch people when strangers get together. " Zhao Ziling showed an apologetic expression.

Su Xun turned his eyes. It was you who were jealous and didn't want other women to hold me. He pushed the pot on me.

Oh, hypocritical woman, cheat paper.

The girl wearing glasses was disappointed: "that's a pity. It's the first time I've seen a cat fishing by myself."

After a short rest, the group drove away, like a small episode.

"It's strange that the geological survey team finally left here. Why else?"

Zhao Ziling didn't understand. Is there any big project to be built in the wilderness?

Su Xun said faintly: "when you think their words are bullshit, there is only one possibility."

Voice down, claws in the rod a lift, a palm width is still struggling fish was caught up.

"You mean they're lying?" Zhao Ziling asked, then puzzled: "I don't know them, why do they cheat me?"

"Tell us what they're going to do. It's nothing to do with us anyway."

Su Xun took the fish down and said that he didn't care what those people were going to do.

Zhao Ziling eyes a coagulation: "can take down the fish from the hook, you dare say you can't take coke?"

Su Xun

A woman's thinking jumping is too big. She can't keep up with her speed as a cat. She never knows what topic she will jump to in the next second.

"Asshole, you can sleep in the car with the second child tonight." Zhao Ziling gave a cold hum.

Su Xun looked up at the little two who was looking up at the barbecue rack and thought that Zhao Ziling was insulting the cat.

Soon, the barbecue was ready, and Zhao Ziling also made a pot of soup with an electric cooker.

Because the trunk of the off-road vehicle has a socket to power on, which is the advantage of money.

"This is our first camping. Let's have a toast to a better tomorrow."

Zhao Ziling held up a glass of juice and touched the glass in front of Su Xun's sophomore.

Su Xun inadvertently took a look at the upper reaches of the river, where more smoke was rising.

Obviously, the village has entered the peak of lunch making.


On the other side, the two off-road vehicles were driving towards the direction where Su Xun saw the smoke.

"Zhao Ming, have you never met a woman? We almost said what we wanted

A bald looking at the side of a small youth, some reluctant to say.

Zhao Ming disagreed: "didn't you say that? Besides, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman. I should have left a number. ""I'm not blind. I can see you." The woman who was driving scoffed. She was dressed in leather clothes and trousers and looked very brave.

I just don't know if the leather pants will bulge when farting.

The lovely girl wearing glasses also echoed: "that is, Zhao Ming, the lady drives millions of luxury cars. Do you deserve it?"

"How long is it?" Zhao Ming wisely ended the topic, and his face was not good-looking.

Because everyone is telling the truth.

"I'll ask the professor." The bald man took out his mobile phone and sent a message. After a while, he said, "the professor said that he could get to the Liangjie village ruins in five minutes at most."

"Liangjie village, a broken village, takes such a domineering name." Zhao Ming turned his lips and said.

The lovely girl with glasses rolled her eyes: "that's because half of the village is in our city and half in another city. That's why it gets its name."

"I don't know if the professor is reliable. All the people in these two villages have died, and the villages have been deserted for decades. Is there any treasure?" Bareheaded, a little suspicious.

The leather pants woman who was driving said discontentedly: "what is death? Professor is a person born in Liangjie village. He can't make a mistake."

"Liangjie village has disappeared strangely. I heard that all the troops had been here at the beginning. There should be no ghosts." Zhao Ming has a mysterious expression on his face.

"Big brother, what age do you believe in? Who has seen ghosts?"

"That is, if there is a ghost, I will be blessed today. I haven't tried the feeling of saying ghost."

"Disgusting, are you men full of yellow and color thoughts?"

People don't think much of Zhao Ming's words, and even make fun of them.

After all, it's the 21st century. Now everything is scientific. Where are the ghosts?

If so, why has no one ever seen it?

Zhao Ming curled his lips and argued unconvinced: "those who may have seen ghosts are already dead?"

People even more disdain, think Zhao Ming this is completely dead duck mouth.

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