Three or four minutes later.

Two SUVs stopped at the end of the road.

A group of people opened the door and came down.

The professor with silver hair said: "the car in front can't drive up. Park here and walk. You can see the entrance of Liangjie village from above."

They all did as they were told. They took materials from the car and carried them on their backs. Then they followed the professor and walked into the woods.

There is no road, so the person in front of us should take the firewood knife to open the way.

After more than ten minutes' delay, they went through the woods and came to a small slope.

Looking down from above, you can see the remains of a village. Most of the walls of the houses have collapsed, and the remaining three or two are still strong.

Beside the small slope, there is a stone tablet.

On the stone tablet is written "two boundary village".

"Madder, how does it feel like a grave when this stone tablet goes with this small slope?"

A slightly rebellious young man with earrings made a joke.

But they couldn't laugh, and they had a sense of depression.

Take a look at the village site below. It is already overgrown with weeds and trees. A gust of wind makes people feel cool.

"Come on, let's go down, get the baby tonight, and we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

The professor's voice fell down and headed down the hill.

Everyone else followed.

After all, the word "baby" is too confusing.

They are all organized by professors.

The professor claimed to be a native of Liangjie village, but he moved away with his parents when he was young.

After his parents died, he found a letter written by his father when he was collecting his belongings.

The letter told him that he was from Liangjie village. There was a treasure buried in a well in Liangjie village. He was not sure about the well.

Only on the full moon night on the 15th of July every year, when the moonlight spreads on the earth, from the top to the bottom, which well does not reflect light is the one buried the treasure.

The professor is old, a person wants to find out these treasures to carry away is also powerless.

That's why I found them. Before they came, they had determined the distribution of the treasure.


At seven in the afternoon, it was almost dark.

A cat and a dog have finished dinner.

Xiao Er is swimming in the river.

Su Xun and Zhao Ziling lie on the blanket.

What Zhao Ziling changed is a pink lady's shirt, which is knotted at the waist and shows her navel. Her flat abdomen is exposed to the air.

It's more comfortable for sushi to lean her head against the granary.

If someone passes by, you can see a strange scene.

A beautiful woman was lying on a blanket, listening to music through headphones.

A big black cat was lying on her belly with her legs up and a mobile phone in her arms.

"Master, can you monsters live for a long time?" Zhao Ziling suddenly asked with some melancholy.

While reading the news, Su Xun replied, "yes, I may never die."

"But I will grow old and die." Zhao Ziling's voice became more melancholy.

"It's OK." Susian put his paw on the back of her hand and said, "don't worry. When you are old, I will find a beautiful young man to serve me."

"Asshole!" Zhao Ziling was not melancholy for a moment. She held Su Xun's ear: "do you want to be so real, can't you coax me?"

"Then I'll give you a elixir to make you immortal?" Su Xun climbed up the mountain and looked down at her with big eyes like gems.

Zhao Ziling said with a smile, "it's almost the same."

She didn't care whether Su Xun was telling the truth or coaxing her. Anyway, it was enough to listen happily.

Otherwise, how can old managers often say that women need to be coaxed?

Most of the time, women know they're lying.

They like to deceive others, but they also like to deceive themselves.


There was another roar of the engine.

There's only one car at a time.

"Why do so many people come to this place today?"

Zhao Ziling said to herself in a puzzled way, then pushed down the little girl lying on the mountain, got up and looked at the roadside.

A silver SUV came.

The car didn't drive into the beach, the window opened, a very handsome young man leaned out his head and yelled to Zhao Ziling: "beauty, there will be danger here soon, take your pet back to the city."

There are three people in the car.

The driver is a big man who is nearly two meters in size. In addition, there is a beauty who is making up in the back seat.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Ziling some don't understand, show the color of doubt walked up.The young man pondered for a moment, then said: "just received the news, the upper gate will be released, and the water will soon rise. It's too dangerous for you to camp here, so go back quickly."

Su Xun walked behind Zhao Ziling.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Suddenly, a bell rang from the car.

The girl with short hair, who was making up, said coldly: "the soul control bell rings. She is not a human being."

"I said, how could it be a man if he was so beautiful?" Weng Han's driving is loud.

Junlang young man on the co pilot's seat, with his eyes slightly narrowed, suddenly opened the door and rushed to Zhao Ziling: "what a ghost! I've been cheated!"

At the same time, a special pistol aimed at Zhao Ziling appeared in her hand.


All of a sudden, Zhao Ziling was startled.

At the moment when the young man was about to pull the trigger, a black shadow flashed by and his gun disappeared.


Su Xun slapped the gun to pieces and stared at the absent-minded young man coldly.

"It's not her that triggers the soul - calming bell, it's the cat!"

At this time, the two people in the car also came down.

"Demon?! How can it be? How can there be demons in the world! "

They all looked at Su Xun in disbelief.

After the founding of the people's Republic of China, how can there be demons?

"Take it back!"

The woman with short hair said coldly, and a sharp short blade appeared on her hand.

The strong man grinned: "I didn't expect to meet the demon. I'd like to see what's the difference between the demon and the ghost."

"What are you doing! This is my cat

Zhao Ziling reacted and stood in front of Su Xun against them.

"Beauty, your cat is a demon. Let's take it away, or it will lead to disaster sooner or later."

Junlang youth looked at Zhao Ziling and said.

"No! Why should you catch my cat? "

How can Zhao Ziling promise them to take the master away.

The short haired girl took out a green copy: "we are public servants. If you stop us again and again, we will take compulsory action and sue you for obstructing public affairs."

In Su Xun's eyes, there was a flash of light. There was such a department in the world.

Is this the legendary dragon group?

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