Greed is the beginning of all evils.

When a person's mind began to appear this idea, the desire, hope will grow, can't stop.

Xie Qiang's eyes turned red and his breathing became more and more urgent.

"Xie Qiang, what are you doing?"

Not far away, a young man called out and stepped towards him.

Xie Qiang suddenly hit a spirit, reaction, quickly said: "nothing, this well is not, let's go to the next one to have a look."

He was afraid that the other party would find out, so he put his arms around the other party's neck and went down the well.

"I thought you found out and wanted to eat it alone." The young man made a joke.

Xie Qiang, who was already very nervous and guilty, burst into his head in an instant and squeezed out a reluctant smile on his face: "you What are you talking about

"No way." The young man saw at a glance that he was not right. He broke away his hand and walked by the well. He bent down to look down.

Xie Qiang's face turned white. He gritted his teeth and drew out the dagger he was carrying to protect himself.

When the young man saw that there was no reflection in the well, he was about to turn around and question Xie Qiang. Suddenly he felt a chill at his waist.

Xie Qiang held him from behind, stabbed the dagger in his hand from his waist, and resisted the wound, his eyes full of ferocious color.

"You You... " The young man looked at Xie Qiang incredulously. His eyes were full of resentment. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout: "come on..."

"Puyi --"

Xie Qiang stabbed him again. In this way, the youth died in his arms.

Xie Qiang directly pushed his body with a dagger into the well.

The two boundary villages are very large, and they have very few people. They are inspected by each household separately.

So no one noticed a murder near the well in the moonlight.

"Hoo - Hoo -"

Xie Qiang gasped heavily. Douda's cold sweat kept slipping from his face, and his hands were shaking, because this was his first time to kill.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me, don't blame me."

He kept mumbling the same words to himself, wiped his bloody right hand on the ground, and then left the well as if nothing had happened.

At the bottom of the well, the young man's body's eyes were wide open. At the moment of falling, the dagger stabbed at his waist cut the wound longer in the collision.

Warm blood came out of the wound, one DC, one DC, and then all was absorbed by an earth colored array disk.

But nobody knows.

At this time, at the entrance of the village, the people who scattered to look for the well have come back here.

"No, professor."

"I didn't find it here, did you remember it wrong?"

"I I don't have one either. " Xie Qiang said.

Fortunately, it was evening, and he stood far away with a guilty heart. No one could see the expression on his face, otherwise he would have to show his heart immediately.

After hearing this, the professor was stunned for a moment, and then said aloud, "it's impossible, it's impossible to make a mistake. If you look for it again, there must be something missing!"

"Professor, look, there seems to be someone over there!"

Suddenly, someone pointed to the small hillside of the village and yelled.

Professors and others follow the principle of prestige.

Sure enough, several figures appeared on the hillside.

"This Are these people? "

Far away, coupled with the panic here, everyone's heart is covered with a shadow.

The nature on the hillside is human.

Su Xun, Zhou Qin and others.

"Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have happened yet."

On the hillside, Liu Yun and the three were relieved.

Su Xun said, "I'm afraid something has happened. What do you see?"

"Ruins, there are still a few people. They seem to be watching us." Chen Tao said.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly: "but what I see is not the ruins, but the birth of a complete village."

In his sight, houses and farmland are rising, and villagers are doing farm work. Strangely, what he sees is the day, and the time they are now in is clearly the night.


Liu Yun's three men were shocked. It was said that black cat could see things that people couldn't see. Besides, it was a cat demon. They didn't doubt it.

Zhou Qin immediately decided to run away: "since there has been an accident, we can't deal with it. Let's go and report back."

"It's late." Su Xun said.

Before they could react, the next second, they found that their place had changed completely.

It's the same hillside. The stone tablet beside the hillside is still there, but time has turned into day. The moon that should have been hanging in the sky is now a sun.

Looking down from the hillside, it should have been a large area of house ruins in Liangjie village.But now, it's a complete village. It's very big. Their hillside is too low to see the whole picture of the village.

On the village road, the villagers are carrying farm tools to do farm work. Children are running around on the ridge. In front of a family, cats are lazily basking in the sun, and dogs are driving a group of local chickens around.

From time to time in the forest came the sound of a bird, as well as the sound of a long time in the ear.

It's really an idyllic scene.

But Zhou Qin, Zhao Ziling and others only feel numb scalp, a chill from the sole of the foot board to the spirit of heaven, even the whole body's blood has stopped coagulation.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

Xiao Er lies at the foot of Zhao Ziling and makes a threatening cry under the hillside.

Obviously, he also saw the essence.

Su Xun also saw through the essence. Mountain villages may be real, but those villagers are ghosts.

Even the children, dogs, cats, chickens and cows in the village, all dead and lifeless, are now alive again.

"This What the hell is going on! "

Liu Yun squeezed out a sentence.

Su Xun calmly said: "obviously, someone has broken the seal. Another piece of space that should have been sealed has merged with the original space."

He may have underestimated the strength of the monk who sealed these ghosts.

"These Are they all ghosts? " Zhou Qin's face turned white.

Su Xun sneered: "is it still human?"

Zhou Qin shivered. So many ghosts could tear him to pieces.

"They're coming!"

Chen Tao exclaimed, this man is two meters tall, and his muscles are tense.

Three villagers carrying farm tools came over, and one of them called out, "you're from outside."

"We're here to travel in the mountains," he said Su Xun thought deeply and said in a low voice.

Liu Yun summoned up the courage to respond to Su Xun's words: "uncle, we are all students. We have holidays in the city and travel in the mountains."

"Oh, college students, this is really strange."

"If you look at them like this, they are the children of rich families in the city. The clothes look comfortable."

"Play whatever you like. We've got work to do, so let's go first."

The three villagers murmured for a while, then left with hoes. After all, they had to do farm work.

"They Are they really ghosts

Liu Yun and others are all in suspense. It seems that they are more human than others!

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