No wonder Liu Yun and others can't believe it.

Actually, just now, those villagers seem to be no different from normal people.

It's not that they haven't seen ghosts. Ghosts are very resentful.

Because not so heavy resentment can not become a ghost.

But the three villagers just now are obviously three normal ordinary people.

"The key now is how do we get out of here?" Zhou Qin said.

Chen Tao suggested, "why don't we go back and have a try?"

"You can try." Su Xun had no hope at all. How could he leave so easily.

Chen Tao really tried. He turned around and walked on the other side of the hillside.

But just out of less than 10 steps, it was blocked by an invisible wall, invisible but palpable, unable to go out half a step.

Zhao Ziling held Su Xun in one hand and took out her mobile phone with the other hand: "the mobile phone has no signal."

"Don't waste your efforts. Now the whole Liangjie village is an independent space. You can look outside but you can't get out." Su Xun said.

When they heard this, they were all in a low mood.

Liu Yun is not reconciled: "are we stuck here all our lives?"

Su Xun thought: "let's go to the village first. If there is a solution, it's in the village."

Another solution is to turn him into a human, complete the task, recover his accomplishments, and tear up the space directly.

However, the latter approach is more difficult.

Unless there is a panacea in this village that can make him improve his cultivation.

The party went down the hill to the village.

After entering the village, they attracted a lot of attention.

"It's from the city. Tut tut. Look at the material. It's very expensive."

"What are the city people doing here?"

"Who knows what these rich people think..."

Zhao Ziling and others have the feeling of being seen as monkeys.

This feeling of pretending not to know that all ghosts are ghosts is too uncomfortable and frightening.

"Stop that woman and ask her where to live."

It was inconvenient for Su Xun to become a cat in Zhao Ziling's arms.

The woman he was talking about was a 17-8-year-old girl with big eyes and two braids.

She was carrying a vegetable basket in her hand. It was obvious that she had just returned from picking vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Liu Yun has now become the executor. Hearing Su Xun's words, he immediately accosted him: "Hello, girl, can I delay you for a while?"

"You Hello The little girl timidly looked at Liu Yun. Her face was slightly red, and her hands tightly grasped the basket. She was obviously very nervous.

Liu Yun this small white face, long a handsome face is still useful, even ghosts can be fascinated.

Liu Yunyu said: "my name is Liu Yun. These are my friends. We are here to travel in the mountains. If we want to stay here for a while, can it be convenient for us to stay here? Of course, we'll pay for it. We'll pay for both accommodation and food. "

If the face is an ugly ghost, he certainly can't say this calmly.

"This I have to ask my grandfather The little girl hesitated.

"Meow ~"

at this moment, Su Xun suddenly jumped from Zhao Ziling's arms and ran to the little girl's feet.

The little girl's eyes lit up and looked at Zhao Ziling: "sister, can I hold him?"

"Yes." When Zhao Ziling saw Su Xun take the initiative to run over, it showed that there must be some purpose.

The little girl dropped the basket, bent down and ran Su Xun, gently touching his head.

Su Xun used psychics in her arms.

He wanted to see if he could find a way out of the villagers' memory.

But the result let him down.

These people Wrong. These ghosts don't have a normal memory at all.

At least this little girl is.

Her memory is divided into two layers, one is the memory of being a ghost, the other is the memory of being a human now.

The memory of being a ghost was suppressed by a strange force.

In other words, the ghosts here forget the fact that they are ghosts, forget that they are dead and think they are still alive.

So they work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and all their life trajectories are no different from those of living people.

As long as the memory of being a ghost is suppressed, they will never know that they are a ghost.

Su Xun wanted to read the memory of her being a ghost, but he found that it was very confusing and he couldn't see it at all.

If you think about it, ghosts in this world are all formed by negative emotions such as resentment and evil thoughts, and their thinking is not clear. How can they have clear memories?

If you can't see the ghost memory, you can only see the memory when she is a human now.From memory, Su found a key person, that is village head Wang Yougen.

In Wang Xiaolian's memory, the village head is the authority in the village, and everyone should listen to his words.

And the village head is a mysterious person. He seldom appears outside. He always confines himself in the yard and doesn't know what he is doing.

Maybe the village head is the key to whether they can leave here.

The little girl put Su Xun down, picked up the basket and said, "come with me. I'll take you to see my grandfather. If he agrees, you can stay."

"Thank you. I don't know what you call it." Liu Yun showed a grateful smile on his face.

Wang Xiaolian some embarrassed said: "my name is Wang Xiaolian, call me Xiaolian on the line."

The party came to Xiaolian's house, which is a big yard.

"Grandpa, there's a guest coming."

Just into the yard, Wang Xiaolian called.

"Who is it?" A sixty or seventy year old man in blue cloth came out.

Liu Yun quickly welcomed him: "old man, we are all students from the city who come to play in the mountains. We want to stay with you for a few days. We'll pay for the board and accommodation. Do you think it's ok?"

"From the city." Old man Wang looked at the crowd, and then nodded: "OK, anyway, our family is me and the girl, you just look at the money, girl, take them to the guest room."

"Ah, grandfather." Wang Xiaolian answered, and then took Liu Yun and others to the backyard: "these rooms are uninhabited. I've cleaned them up. They're not dirty. You can divide them by yourself. I'll cook first, and I'll call you when I have dinner."

"Thank you, Xiao Lian." Liu Yun said.

Wang Xiaolian looked at him and blushed: "it's OK. Just tell me what you have."

As the voice dropped, she turned and left.

"Yes, Liu Yun, you can even hook up with ghosts now." Zhou Qin looked at Liu Yun and said.

Liu Yun helpless way: "the key time, still have to rely on me to sacrifice hue ah."

"Let me talk about my findings..." Su Xun said what he knew from Wang Xiaolian's memory and let everyone analyze it together.

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