"Forget you're a ghost?"

"The memory of death is sealed?"

After listening to Su Xun's words, everyone was confused, because it was the first time that they met this kind of situation.

A group of ghosts forget that they are ghosts and think they are living people.

Su Xun said: "just because they forget that they are dead now, our safety can be guaranteed. Otherwise, once so many ghosts go crazy, our situation will be very dangerous."

"Could it be the friar who did it at the beginning? He not only sealed these ghosts in another space, but also sealed their memory." Chen Tao made his own guess.

But he was denied by Zhou Qin without hesitation: "it's impossible. If the friars are really so powerful, why bother so much? It's easier to kill all these evil spirits directly?"

"Is there any reason why he doesn't dare to kill these ghosts?" Liu Yun said.

Zhao Ziling suddenly said: "well, aren't you from the country? If you're missing, someone will definitely come to investigate. Won't you find the strangeness here then? "

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. They had forgotten this before.

"Yeah, we just need people up there to investigate."

"The integration of the two spaces is very serious. There will be a major overhaul at that time. Maybe we can break the space and let us out."

"At most someone will come tomorrow morning before we go back."

Liu Yun, Zhou Qin and Chen Tao are in a better mood, as if life is full of hope.

"What's terrible is that we can't last until tomorrow morning. Don't forget, besides us, there are still a group of living people in this village. If they trigger any prohibition to let these ghosts recover their memory, we will have to have bad luck with them at that time."

His voice fell down, and the three people who were just excited suddenly quieted down.

"We have to find them, mad. Maybe it's because of them this time." Chen Tao gnashed his teeth and said that he wanted to tear those people.

He couldn't understand why some people always wanted to die, and by the way, they were also dragged down.

An hour later, Xiaolian called them to have dinner.

During the meal, Liu Yun proposed to visit the village head and asked Wang Xiaolian to lead the way. Wang Xiaolian agreed.


At this time, the professor and others who were hated by Chen Tao were forced to walk in the village.

"How could that be? What happened?"

"Professor, what the hell is going on?"

Professor some irritable said: "you ask me, how do I know?"

The letter only says that blood can break the seal and release the sealed ghost.

I didn't say that would happen.

What's more, he hasn't started to break the seal yet.

"Wait a minute. We're missing someone. Liao Yu's gone." All of a sudden, the leather pants girl said.

Now the people came back to God and counted them. They were really short of one person.

Xie Qiang beat a spirit, some unnatural said: "maybe he is lucky, did not come here with us."

Liao Yu has long been killed by him and left in the well.

"Look, isn't that Liao Yu?" Suddenly, Zhao Ming pointed not far away and exclaimed.

When they went along, they saw a man talking and laughing with a sickle in his hand.

Who is that man who is not Liao Yu?

Bareheaded scolded: "fuck, that boy how also so quickly changed clothes, almost did not recognize."

"Let's go and have a look." Said the professor.

"No! Don't go there! "

Xie Qiang called them in a trembling voice.

Now he is full of fear, because he knows that Liao Yu has been killed by him and pushed into the well by himself.

How could it be alive?

Now that Liao Yu is dead, is that man really Liao Yu?

Or is it really human?

Professor and others are confused to see Xie Qiang.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable? You look so white The lovely girl with glasses is concerned.

Xie Qiang's pale face looked at several people in front of him. He could only say: "that person is definitely not Liao Yu, not him."

After all, he still did not dare to say that he had killed Liao Yu. It was against the law to kill.

"Bullshit, do I know him?" With a sneer, he called out: "Liao Yu!"

as like as two peas in Liao Yuchang, the young man was stunned and then stepped forward.

Xie Qiang was so frightened that he stepped back subconsciously and trembled against the wall.

"Do you know me?" Liao Yu went up to several people and asked in doubt.

Then everyone was stunned.Including Xie Qiang.

The bald man said, "where are you acting? Is your name Liao Yu? Don't say you don't know me. "

"My name is Liao Yu, but I really don't know you." Liao Yu said helplessly.

See he doesn't seem to be lying, bald some suspicious: "you boy don't move."

As the voice fell, he came forward and grabbed Liao Yu's arm and lifted his sleeve.

There is a crescent shaped birthmark on the forearm.

"Damn, you still pretend, don't you? But for this birthmark, I would have been cheated by you. " Bald head has identified Liao Yu.

Liao Yu frowned: "it's strange."

The voice falls down, take the sickle on the hand to leave directly.

Before leaving, some doubt looked at Xie Qiang, always feel some familiar.

Liao Yu left a group of people staring at each other.

"This He doesn't seem to be pretending. Is it really amnesia? " The woman in leather pants was in a state of suspense.

Everyone thinks this place is full of evil, especially Xie Qiang.

The people who were killed by him are now alive again, just forgetting them.

People can't help looking at the professor, after all, he is the backbone.

But the professor looked at Xie Qiang and said in a deep voice, "is there something you're hiding from us?"

Other people hear this, Zheng for a while, and then also look at Xie Qiang.

"No, what can I hide?" Xie Qiang repeatedly denied, but did not dare to look at the professor.

After all, he is just a mediocre ordinary person, psychological game which is the opponent of the professor?

Looking at Xie Qiang's evasive eyes, the professor was more sure, and hummed coldly: "for example, about Liao Yu, aren't you going to talk about it? Why are you so sure that he is not Liao Yu? Why did you tell us not to go there? Please explain it

Hearing the professor's words, others looked at Xie Qiang's eyes and became suspicious.

"I I I don't know anything... " Xie Qiang is already in a cold sweat and is still quibbling.

The professor suddenly went up and yelled: "bastard! When else do you want to hide it, say it


Xie Qiang was scared to kneel down, with a cry voice shouting: "Liao Yu is dead."

When they heard this, they were all shocked.

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