"What did you say? Is Liao Yu dead? "

"How is that possible? Isn't he fine? "

A group of people were shocked by Xie Qiang's words.

Xie Qiang cried and said, "that one just now is definitely not Liao Yu. Liao Yu is dead. I killed him myself. I can't be wrong."

There was another shudder in the crowd.

Xie Qiang has broken the pot and said everything.

From the time he found the well, he became greedy and was discovered by Liao Yu. In his anxiety, he killed Liao Yu and pushed his body into the well.

After listening to the process, people look at Xie Qiang's eyes, all with a bit of fear.

The professor finally came to realize it.

Now Liao Yu's blood must have come out of the well.

But the professor didn't understand one thing. Didn't his father's letter say that he could break the seal with blood and let out evil spirits?

But now what's the situation and why?

After the seal was broken, it was not a ghost, but a village and a group of living people.

Is everything in my father's letter wrong?

The professor has many thoughts in his mind, and he can't speculate on the current situation with limited clues.

"Professor, what should we do now?"

"Ask someone first and see how to get out." The professor replied casually.

Zhao Ming stopped a villager, handed him a cigarette and talked with him.

A moment later, he came up to the professor: "the villager said that they never went out. Let's ask the village head, saying that the village head may know."

"Never been out?" The professor frowned and then asked, "how can I get to the village head's house?"

"Just now that villager said, go straight along this road, and then the biggest yard at the end is it."

"What are you doing? Let's go."


"It's you?"

Ten minutes later, Su Xun and Professor met in front of the village head's house in the east of the village.

"You're in, too?"

The professor and others were equally surprised.

Chen Tao choked: "Damn, it's not you who want to die."

"Hey, what do you mean? Who are you calling?" Zhao Ming steps forward and confronts Chen Tao.

"You're missing one." Su Xun's eyes swept over the professor and others.

"Yes, we..."

The professor answered subconsciously, and then half said it before he suddenly reacted. He was so scared that he almost jumped up: "cat The cat can talk

"Make a fuss, can a cat talk abnormally?" Liu Yun said dismissively.

He was so reasonable that the professor and others were confused: "is it normal that cats can talk?"

Chen Tao sneered: "it's not normal for a cat to speak, but is it more normal for a cat demon to speak?"

Professor and others subconsciously nodded, and then the next second is scared.

"Cat Cat demon! Monster! Monster

"Well, shut up and think about how to leave." Zhou Qin yelled and took out a green copy: "we are from a special department, and this cat demon is also a member of us."

Hearing this, the professor and others were at ease in an instant. Modern people are still in awe of the national machine.

Su Xun said faintly, "did the person you were less than fall into the well?"

"You mean it was the blood of that man who touched the seal!" Liu Yun and Chen Tao understand Zhao Ze's meaning.

Professor nodded: "yes, that man fell into the well and died, but strangely, we just saw him in the village."

"Another ghost in this village?" Zhou Qin frowned.

Bareheaded weak asked: "another one? Is there another one in the village? "

"All the people in the village are ghosts except us..." In order to prevent the group of silly beeps from triggering any prohibition to let the villagers recover their memory, Su Xun told them the truth.

After hearing this, the women in leather pants, Zhao Ming, Xie Qiang and others turned pale and sweated with fright.

Fall into the ghost nest, can not be afraid?

If the professor is thoughtful, has the ghost been released? But why?

"Let's go, while these evil spirits still treat themselves as human beings, and try to get useful information from the village head."

Liu Yun knocked on the gate.

"Dong Dong..."

"Come in." There was a hoarse voice in the yard, which sounded like goose bumps.

Liu Yun opened the door and the party went in.

Seeing an old man sitting on a reclining chair in the yard was like waiting for them on purpose.

"Hello, village head, we are traveling from the city. We are lost and can't go out. I want to know which way we can leave here?""Leave?" The village head showed a smile, looked at the crowd and asked, "isn't it good to stay here?"

This is a cool word for everyone.

Liu Yunqiang said calmly, "it's very good here, but I'm not here after all."

"I'll make you people here." The village head showed a strange smile.

This makes people subconsciously think of Liao Yu's state. Doesn't he become a person here?

Liu Yun thought of a terrible possibility and blurted out: "you know..."

"Yes, I know I'm a ghost." The village head directly affirmed his guess.


All of them were in an uproar, except for Su Xun.

The village head stood up and opened his hands: "here is my world, a paradise for ghosts. Now, I welcome you home."

"Don't mess about! We are from a special department, and the one who sealed you at the beginning was the predecessor of our department. " Zhou Qin reported to her family in order to frighten her.

Even after hearing this, the village head was not afraid, but laughed: "seal me? At the beginning, if I didn't deliberately release water in order to fight for development time, he could seal me? "

This is seven weeks to give meat three people.

The village head continued: "all the people who die here will become villagers here. They will not know that they are ghosts. They will live happily here. I am building a kingdom of heaven."

"In my kingdom of heaven, there is no killing, no quarrel, no calculation. They don't even have their lives. They don't have to worry about dying of old age. Isn't this a good life?"

Su Xun was speechless. Damn, it was still an ideal ghost.

However, there is no doubt about the powerful strength of this ghost, otherwise he would not be able to do this step.


The professor suddenly fell on his knees.

Everyone's eyes are subconsciously looking at him.

Professor emotional roar: "village head, I was born in Liangjie village of local people, we are a family ah!"

"Is it?" The village head looked at him, and then laughed happily: "since it's a family and a good child, I'll take you home first."

The expression on the professor's face was instantly stiff, then changed to panic, and his face was as white as paper.

All of you

Now your relatives are going to kill you first in order to take care of you.

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