"No! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! "

The professor was so scared that he almost got up and ran away.

However, as soon as the door opened, he saw a black crowd.

All the villagers in the village.

"These outsiders are trying to hurt me, hang them and hang them. Only by hanging can their sins be redeemed and they can be reborn!"

Village head incarnation pass, sales leader, looking at the villagers outside, raised the voice said.

"Hang! hang! Hang

All the villagers' eyes to Su Xun and others were full of angry flames.

This group of despicable strangers, actually want to hurt their most respected village head.

This is unforgivable.

"What to do now."

Zhao Ziling, Zhou Qin, all of them are pale and full of fear.

Being hanged, and then becoming a walking corpse, I feel terrible when I think about it.

"Meow ~"

Su Xun jumped from Zhao Ziling's arms and ran to the village head. He opened his eyes and looked at him with a silly face.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing this scene, the village head couldn't help laughing: "it's said that the black cat is unknown, and its sex is Yin. It seems that this little thing is really congenial to me."

The voice fell and picked up Su Xun.

Su Xun used psychics to quickly check each other's memory.

Since ancient times, every family in Liangjie village has raised ghosts.

This ghost was originally raised by the head of Liangjie village. Later, he found an ancient monk's tomb in the back mountain of Liangjie village.

In the tomb, he got many treasures and inheritance, including a Yinling pearl.

After swallowing the yinlingzhu, he greatly increased his strength, got his own thinking, got rid of the control of the village head, incited the ghosts of the whole village, and in turn controlled the village and the villagers.

In short, it's an oppressed ghost who gets an adventure and then leads a group of oppressed people to revolt against human control.

(it's inspiring to see.)

The ghost's uprising succeeded, and the villagers of Liangjie village were killed and injured countless times.

Later, the state sent monks to deal with it.

He fought with the Friar and got a draw. At last, he pretended to be weak and cooperated with him. The friar sealed himself and his evil spirits.

Because he has not fully absorbed the power of Yin Lingzhu, it takes time for him to develop.

If the monk is defeated, mankind will only send a more powerful one, and then he will die.

Therefore, the best way is to create a sealed ending and leave time for development.

In fact, even if no one breaks the seal, he can break it by himself.

His purpose is to take this space as a starting point to create a paradise belonging to ghosts.

The most important thing is that Su Xun wanted to find a way out of here by using psychics, but he knew from the memory of the ghost where all the treasures he had put.

That's right. He wants to steal after all.

"Meow." First sell Meng to please him, then look for opportunities to steal.

Feeling the village head touching the hair on his back, Su Xun felt disgusted, and almost couldn't hold a paw on his face.


I couldn't stand it any more. I gave a soft cry, then jumped out of his arms and ran into the hall behind him.

The head of the village didn't take a cat to heart: "catch them all."

As his voice fell, the villagers swarmed up, and no one dared to resist.

First, resistance has no effect. After all, it is outnumbered and easy to die earlier.

Second, of course, it's because of Su Xun.

Su Xun hasn't been caught. At least they still have hope of being saved. So cooperate.

In this way, a group of people were caught at the end of the village, where there was a good shelf.

At the beginning, they were curious about what they were doing when they passed by.

Now they finally know.

But I'm not happy.


The village head's backyard.

Su Xun opened the board covered above the basement and jumped in directly.

Yes, the village head put all the treasures from the ancient monk's tomb in the basement.

It was dark in the basement, but it didn't affect Su Xun's vision. In his eyes, it was no different from day.

In the innermost room of the basement, there are piles of colorful spirit stones, various magic tools, elixirs and miraculous fruits.

Maud, no wonder they all like to rob tombs.

This NIMA has developed after a wave.

But now, it's his turn.It is true that a man is not rich without windfall, and a cat is not fat without windfall.

Su Xun rushed over directly, and when he saw what he could eat, he put it in his mouth.

Elixir, lingguo, lingyao, inner elixir of spirit beast, these things are not let go.

And his cultivation is also rising.

In the middle, late and peak of the transformation

In the early, middle and late stage of anti emptiness

His cultivation didn't stop until the later stage of anti emptiness, and his body became bigger. When he stood up, his back could hit the top of the basement.


With a low roar, Su Xun broke through the top of the basement and returned to the ground.


The village head's house collapsed.

At the end of the village, the hanging ceremony is about to begin. Everyone has been hanged.

"Someone's house is broken!"

Suddenly, there was a roar from the villagers.

The village head, who turned his back to the crowd, said, "don't worry! If the house breaks down, just repair it. The ceremony continues! "

"But village head, it looks like your house has collapsed!"

"Yes, village head, it's your house."

Hearing this, the village head's face froze and suddenly looked back. As expected, he saw that the place where his house was was filled with smoke and dust.

Followed by a black shadow, several jumps appeared in everyone's line of sight.

Looking at the creatures in front of us, all of us were stunned, and our eyes looked like bronze bells.

"Good What a big cat

At this time, Su Xun was more than three meters tall, with strong limbs. He looked majestic and aggressive.

"Master! Come and help me Zhao Ziling was ecstatic.

The head of the village responded, and his face was gloomy and terrible: "I've lost my eye. It's a demon."

"And thanks to the elixirs you've saved." Su Xun's amber eyes were full of banter.

When the village head heard this, he was about to vomit blood. He forbade his anger and said, "you are a demon, I am a ghost. We are not allowed by human beings. We should unite. Those ammunition should be my gift to you. What do you say?"

"Don't you think you're a little rebellious to use what I've got as a gift?" Su Xun's tone was a bit ironic, and he was right.

"The head of the village was almost angry! It's all mine

Damn, there is such a shameless demon in the world!

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