"Shut up, there must be something wrong with the machine." Zhao Ziling became angry.

Every time it almost fell.

But the more it is and the more it stimulates people's competitive spirit, the more they don't believe it.

And I've already invested so many coins. It's too bad to give up halfway.

Grab baby machine is to use this psychology to make money, a number of loose clips.

Su Xun said, "I'll do it."

At present, there is no one around. Su Xun spoke in a low voice, which is not a big problem.

"It's all my boyfriends who want to help others." Zhao Ziling said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'll clip it for you. Anyway, you have to help me in the future."

"I'll clip it for you..." Zhao Ziling had not finished her words, but suddenly she reacted, ashamed and angry, biting her silver teeth: "you want to die, don't you?"

This dead cat is clearly a demon. Why is it more proficient than human beings in driving?

Several times, the car's tires ran over her face, and she found out.

With a smile, Su Xun began to control the baby grabbing machine.

"Wow! There's a baby. Look at the cat

"Really! It looks familiar, and so does the beautiful little sister. "

"Isn't this Maoye and Ziling in the magic sound?"

A cat grabbing a doll attracted the attention of many passers-by, and recognized Su Xun and Zhao Ziling. They all took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

In fact, Su Xun couldn't get it.

However, he can cheat with mana.

So I saw Su Xun control the rocker with one paw and put one paw on the button.


A beat on the button, the clip fell down, caught a doll, and then successfully into the hole, the first doll fell out.

See this scene, all people are wide eyed, a face hell of expression.

"The trough! I can't compare with a cat? "

"This horse is really fine. I didn't get one for 10 coins."

"Mr. cat is so handsome. Look at the small eyes and clean action. It's so cool."

"Ziling is so happy, I also want to raise a cat that can only help me clip my baby. What else do I need for a boyfriend?"

The owner of the doll machine is almost smiling. He has attracted so many people. He can't make any money today.

As for letting Su Xun take away one or two dolls, it was just a loss of sprinkling water.

"The trough! Another one

"That's not true, NIMA!"

"Maoye Niupi, since watching Maoye's video, I always suspect that there is a soul in his body."

The boss still keeps a smile on his face, just two dolls, small meaning, sprinkle water.

Then, the third, the fourth

Everyone was numb.

Su Xun is like a ruthless machine. Every time he puts in a coin, he can catch one accurately.

The smile on the boss's face had disappeared and became bitter. His eyes were fixed on Su Xun.

If one doll doesn't do anything, two dolls can bear it, and three dolls can lose it.

But now Su Xun has 13!

If you clip it again, all the dolls in that machine will be swept away by him.

Uncle cat, you are not here for entertainment. You are here to buy goods!

Every time he saw Zhao Ziling throw a coin, his heart would jump with it.

Finally, Zhao Ziling ran out of money.

"Boss, buy another 20 coins." Zhao Ziling looks at the boss and shouts.

The boss's mouth twitched and grinned bitterly: "aunt, please accept the magic power. This is it today. Can you let me go?"

He seriously suspected that the cat was specially trained to catch dolls.

Shocked and numb, the melon eaters were relieved.

Especially girls, looking at the pile of dolls, and then looking at Zhao Ziling's eyes have been full of envy.

They also want such a cat.

The cat that can catch dolls is spoiled.

"Well, that's all for today." Zhao Ziling nodded.

The boss just breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Ziling almost choked him to death with her next sentence.

Zhao Ziling said, "master, we'll come back tomorrow."


You're going to catch me alone?

Don't give up until I'm bald.

There are too many dolls. Zhao Ziling chooses some she likes and gives the rest to the onlookers.

"Wow, this is my baby. It's for me to catch."

"Ouhuang, let me take a breath."

"I've got master cat's doll!"After a fierce fight, the people who won the doll were overjoyed, but those who didn't were lonely and disappointed.

Zhao Ziling took Su Xun away.

But the boss who manages the baby grabbing machine is already thinking about where to move.

After all, Zhao Ziling just said that she would come back tomorrow, which really scared him.

The video of Su Xun catching the doll was sent to the Internet, which caused a heated discussion.

"These days, I can't compete with my peers. Now I can't even compete with a cat?"

"You all want cat master, but I want to be cat master. Is it not fragrant to be held by sister Ziling every day?"

"Look at the change of the boss's expression, gradually from laughter to fear. This changeable smile records his mental journey during this period of time."

"Wo RI, is this horse or cat? It is strongly requested to grab the slice and study it to see if it is refined or alien invasion. "

Zhou Qin, Liu Yun and Chen Tao, who are far away from the capital, also saw the video.

Three people look at each other, are some laughing and crying.

The big demon is not doing his job properly. He uses magic power to catch the baby.

"He dotes on the woman named Zhao Ziling." Zhou Qin said something inexplicably.

Chen Tao said: "why, you don't want to fall in love with a demon, or you don't have the form. If you want me to tell you, you might as well consider me."

"I'd rather have the cat say it's not cheap for you." Zhou Qin rolled his eyes, but he was not polite.

"You..." Chen Tao choked so much that he couldn't speak.

Because Zhou Qin's words hurt him so much that it made his heart cool.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that he is not as good as the cat demon except for his personal appearance.

All of a sudden, I felt even more excited.

The world's most heart is not a lie, after all, there is a saying well said, since ancient times the truth is the most hurtful.

Liu Yun interrupted two people: "OK, OK, talk about business. We have all the spiritual things. When will we send them to him?"

"Let's go to Cloud City tomorrow, so as not to have too many dreams at night." Zhou Qin said casually, stirring the coffee in front of her with the spoon in her hand.

"I think so, too." Liu Yun nodded and looked at Chen Tao again: "what about you?"

"You've all decided. What else can I say?" Because Zhou Qin gave him a heart attack, Chen Tao is now in a bad mood.

It's settled.

But they didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at them all the time.

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