The next day, Zhou Qin, Liu Yun and Chen Tao set out with the spiritual things prepared by their families.

They were flying.

At the same time, Cao Jin also low-key with a few bodyguards on the plane.

After learning that Chen Tao and his three men actually took the spirit things to Yuncheng, Cao Jin is more sure that there is a secret in Yuncheng. Otherwise, the behavior of the Zhou family, Chen family, Liu family and Shen Xun is no coincidence.

It's a big secret that it costs so much.

Shen Xun, Zhou Qin, Chen Tao, Liu Yun.

Four people represent the four families in the capital.

Although Zhou Qin was a little weak, he was also a good monk.

Now they go to Cloud City with spirit things. What are they doing?

The secret is worthy of his personal investigation.


Yuncheng, Zhao Ziling's home.

"King, these are the spirit things that the people I sent out can find. There are also some suspected spirit things that they can't distinguish, so they brought them back."

Bi Ling looks at a big box in Zhao Xun's arms.

"Open." Su Xun said.

"Well Shen Xun answered, then opened the box, and a aura came out.

Su Xun jumped out of Zhao Ziling's arms.

Looking at the spirit in the box.

Two of them are very good, the others are ordinary, and a few of them are not spiritual objects at all.

From this situation, we can see that Shen Xun is very careful.

Su Xun picked out the non spiritual objects and threw them away. Then he asked, "is the Dan stove ready?"

"Ready, and so is the quiet room." Shen Xun forced to suppress the excitement in his heart, but the trill betrayed him.

He knew that the king was going to start alchemy.

He'll have a share then.

Maybe there will be a monk in the Shen family. Even the lowest level monk is also a monk, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Their Shen family is rich and powerful in the capital, and they are deeply rooted in the wrong. If he is a monk again, his status will be higher.

"Well, you go back first. I'll let you know in advance when I need to use the quiet room." Su Xun said.

Shen Xun bowed to salute, dare not say more, obedient turned away, when closing the door is light handed.

A young master of the Shen family is well-dressed and well fed. He has seen his servants how to do things, so he learned very well.

After Shen Xun left, Zhao Ziling said excitedly: "after practicing pills, can you transform your body?"

"So anxious?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Zhao Ziling said, "I don't know if you stare at him."

"What do you mean?" Su Xun continued to tease her.

Zhao Ziling was angry and said, "it means to go out and give you a green hat!"

Su Xun shook his hair. Woman, she was really irritable: "Zhou Qin, they're coming too. Let's see what good things they've brought. Now these refined pills are not good enough in quality and strength. They can't support my breakthrough."

The demon in this world has to be in harmony with the Tao to transform into shape. He is now in the late stage of anti emptiness, that is to say, he has to go up two small steps.

Speak of the devil, and he will come.

"Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~"

the doorbell rang.

Small two directly lying on his stomach, the doorman stood up, with his front foot to pull the door handle down, and then opened the door.

Outside the door is Zhou Qin.

"Good morning, Miss Zhao, good morning, senior."

As soon as they came in, they bowed.

"Sit down and I'll pour you water."

Zhao Ziling greets the three and goes to get water for them with a smile on her face.

Three people sit down on the sofa, and then one after another take out the things in their chest satchel.

It's all in a sandalwood box.

"Master, this is what I promised you. It's a dark grass of Taiyin." Zhou Qin pushed the wooden box over.

The reason for pushing was that Su Xun's two claws were not easy to connect.

When Su Xun opened the box, a breath of aura and cool air came out of it. In a moment, it filled the whole room, and the temperature dropped for several minutes.

This plant of Taiyin Xuan grass is better than the big box of things that Shen Xun got.

"Master, this is a little bit of our family's intention."

Chen Tao and Liu Yun also handed over their wooden boxes one after another. They didn't say their names, because their things were worse than Zhou Qin's.

Only when there are friars in the family can we save good things that really press the bottom of the box.

If you go to the black market, you can't buy the best products, because the best products are given as gifts or kept for your own use.Su Xun opens Liu Yun and Chen Tao's box again.

Chen Tao's box contains a small fruit with purple and white spots.

In Liu Yun's box is a blue flower, which looks very charming and mysterious.

These three people are all good gifts.

"I wrote it down." Su Xun closed the box and looked at the three people.

The three were relieved. There was a little more smile between their eyebrows. Isn't that why they did it?

Now that the goal has been achieved, how can we not feel happy?

At the same time, in a hotel in Yuncheng.

"Young master, I found that the household registered a woman named Zhao Ziling."

A bodyguard reports his investigation results to Cao Jin respectfully.

"Zhao Ziling?" Cao Jin eyebrows pick, he is sure that he has not heard of the name.

The bodyguard nodded: "yes, young master, Shen Xun helped Zhao Ziling deal with the Zhao family some time ago. It seems that he has a good relationship with her."

"Zhou Qin, Shen Xun, Liu Yun, Chen Tao, are all related to a country girl?" Cao Jin mumbled to himself, a little puzzled. Yuncheng, in his eyes, is no different from the countryside.

After all, the people in Beijing are all rural except Beijing.

"Is Zhao Ziling a monk?" Cao Jin asked.

"No, just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people?" Cao Jin doesn't understand any more. Why do ordinary people want so many spiritual things?

Chen Tao, how can they please an ordinary person with such valuable spiritual things?

The bodyguard suddenly said, "by the way, young master, there's another thing. It's not strange for Zhao Ziling, but it's strange that she has a cat?"

"Cat?" Chen Tao frowned.

The bodyguard continued: "yes, she has a cat that is very popular on the Internet. It's called master cat. This cat is very smart How to say, it's no different from people. A few days ago, this cat was catching dolls in the mall without any false hair. "

"I know, I know." Cao Jin first meditated, then her eyes became brighter and brighter, and stood up directly from the sofa: "excluding all the impossibilities, the last remaining result must be the truth."

There was a funny and cold smile on his face.

"Shen Xun, Chen Tao, Zhou Qin, Liu Yun, tut Tut, Shen Chen, Zhou Liu, how brave."

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