In the quiet room of Shen Xun villa.

Inside, there is a red stove with ancient style.

Nowadays, these things are becoming more and more precious in the world, and they are more and more precious.

Because there are so many of these things handed down from the past that they are useless for ordinary people except for antique trading.

Su Xun went in, followed by Shen Xun, holding the collected spiritual things in his arms.

"Put things down and go out. No one is allowed to disturb me before I come out."

Su Xun said to Shen Xun.

"Yes." Shen Xun should be a, lightly put down things: "king, you don't worry, I personally take people to guard outside, no one is allowed to go upstairs."

As soon as the voice dropped, he backed out and closed the door.

Su Xun started his own alchemy.

Downstairs, Shen Xun arranged bodyguards all around, and he himself was preparing to live in the living room these days.

In addition to him, Zhou Qin, Chen Tao and Liu Yun are also moving in.

They are grasshoppers on a rope now. They form an unbreakable small alliance around the demon Su Xun.

The reason why it is unbreakable is that they share common interests and bear common risks.

Once this matter is spread out, the most likely thing is that several of their younger generation are thrown out by the family, and the family will never admit it.

It's such a reality. After all, they collude with monsters. No matter what other people think in private, they will discuss it openly.

So in order to save the family, someone has to make sacrifices.

"Miss Zhao, I changed the viewing room into a room for you. Where can you go to have a rest in the evening?"

Shen Xun flatters Zhao Ziling. After all, this is the king's woman. She must lick it to the right place.

"Thank you." Zhao Ziling nodded implicitly.

Shen Xun said: "Miss Zhao, please don't say thank you. It's all what I should do. Just tell me what I want to eat and use. I'll let someone go out and buy it for Miss Zhao."

Chen Tao, Liu Yun and Zhou Qin look at each other. This time, they see Shen Xun again. The other side completely overturns their previous impression of him.

In the capital, Shen Xun is famous for his overbearing, even daring to be tough with Cao Jin.

But now

Is this horse really Shen Xun?

At this time, a bodyguard came in and said, "young master, Cao Jin is here."

Hearing the name, everyone was stunned.

"Cao Jin? How did he come to Yuncheng? " Shen Xun's eyes narrowed slightly and waved: "tell him I'm not here."

If it is normal, Shen Xun of course is willing to compete with each other, it is time to pass the time.

But now, at this critical juncture, he didn't want to make a fuss and preferred to admit it for a while.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a careless voice came into the public's ears.

"Oh, Shen Dashao, I heard you're not here?"

Everyone subconsciously looked to the door.

Cao Jin put her hands in her pocket and came in with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Shen Xun looked at the bodyguards with a gloomy face.

The bodyguard was sweating: "young master, he has to come in. We can't stop him."

These bodyguards were brought by Shen Xun from the capital. Naturally, they all knew Cao Jin.

Cao Jin had to rush inside. They didn't have the courage to fight him.

"Then what am I raising you for?" Shen Xun's face was livid with anger: "get out of here!"

I'm already thinking about changing people.

A group of bodyguards ran out like an amnesty.

"Don't be so angry. I have to come in. It has nothing to do with them." Cao Jin looked at several people in the living room with a smile, and her eyes fell on Zhao Ziling: "is this Miss Zhao?"

"I am." Zhao Ziling was a little suspicious and couldn't understand what the other party thought.

Cao Jin asked, "why is that cat like you?"

"Cao Jin, you are not welcome here. Get out now." Shen Xun said coldly.

Cao Jin was always lukewarm and indifferent. She didn't pay any attention to Shen Xun: "Miss Zhao, I'm very interested in your cat. Why don't you give me a price?"

He dares to come because in his opinion, if the cat is really a demon, its strength is not strong. Otherwise, with the hatred of demon and human, how can Zhao Ziling be recognized as an ordinary person?

His inference is reasonable.

But he was wrong.

That is, Su Xun is not a normal demon all the time. He just has a demon's body, but he is still a human soul and thinking.

"Sorry, I don't sell it." Zhao Ziling no matter who the other party is, but want to play the master's idea, it is impossible.Shen Xun sneered: "Cao Jin, you have a brain disease, right? Come to Yuncheng from Beijing for a cat?"

"Isn't it for the cat that so many of you are doing?" Cao Jin looks like a smile but not a smile.

Shen Xun's face changed, and so did Zhou Qin, Chen Tao and Liu Yun.

They all heard the unusual meaning from Cao Jin's words.

"What do you mean?" Shen Xun asked in a deep voice. He wanted to test how much he knew.

Cao Jin went to the sofa and sat down, cocked his legs: "what do I mean, you know very well, now the key is what do you mean?"

Shen Xun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. Cao Jin's persistence means that the other party already knows the truth, at least knows Su Xun's identity.

"What do you want?" Shen Xun goes straight.

Cao Jin's little finger trembled. He was just deceiving, but now, Shen Xun's performance is undoubtedly proving that he guessed right.

That cat is really a demon.

The Shen family, the Chen family, the Zhou family and the Liu family are actually colluding with the demons.

This is a good opportunity to wipe out and devour the four families. By then, the Cao family will be the only one in the capital.

After all, they can live for hundreds of years without colluding with a cat.

He was calculating in his heart, but on the surface, he said quietly: "well, this cat has a high IQ. I want him to breed with my cat."

The key now is to stabilize them.

"What did you say? "Breeding?"

Hearing this, everyone was confused and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, there must be demon blood in this cat. Although it didn't wake up, it's also very precious. Aren't you trying to breed it?"

Cao Jin looked at them as she should, and then her eyes narrowed slightly: "do you think there are other secrets about this cat?"

It's really vivid. He's leading the rhythm from the beginning to the end.

"Yes, we are going to use it for breeding. After all, there are no demons in the world. It's hard to find the remaining blood in this cat." Shen mahun thought he was scared to death.

Zhou Qin three people also follow to nod to echo, in the heart also relaxed tone.

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