"Well, it's good for everyone to dip in it together. It's easy to die if you eat alone."

Cao Jin beat Shen Xun.

Shen Xun said, "OK, I promise you."

As long as the identity of the king demon has not been exposed, the problem is not big.

"That's right." Cao Jin showed a smile and got up from the sofa: "I'll go back to the capital now and pick up my cat. There's no need to send it."

Voice down, not waiting for people to respond to come over, not in a hurry out of the villa.

"Hoo -"

in the living room, Shen Xun and others were relieved for a long time. They were a little lucky.

I don't know, it has already been exposed.

In the case of unequal information, they were led by the nose by Cao Jin.

Cao Jin out of the villa, the smile on her face disappeared, said: "arrange people to stare here."

"Yes, young master."

Cao Jin did not return to the capital, directly called home: "Dad, let grandfather answer the phone."

"Xiaojin, it's me." Soon, Cao Hai's voice came from his mobile phone.

Cao Jin took a deep breath and said excitedly: "grandfather, I have found out that the Zhou family, Shen family, Chen family and Liu family collude with a demon. The spirit things they bought at a high price must support the demon."

"What did you say? Demon Cao Hai's voice became serious. At the beginning, he was also a member of fighting with the demon.

Cao Jin tone affirmative: "yes, it is a demon, may be the last demon in the world."

"Granddad, how much did you spend to kill these animals? Now they collude with demons. This kind of behavior can't be tolerated. Otherwise, what are the ancestors who died in the war?"

Cao Hai said coldly, "I know."

Finish saying, hang up the phone directly.

Cao Jin had a smile on her face. The Zhou family, the Chen family, the Shen family and the Liu family were all doomed.

At that time, the Cao family will be the only one, and he will be the future leader of the Cao family.

When the time comes, Cao Jin will be the one who will shake the whole capital.

In the afternoon of the same day, 20 people were sent out to Yuncheng in the ninth inning.


The capital.

The collusion between the Chen family, Shen family, Liu family and Zhou family has spread, and the capital is in an uproar.

At the same time, a series of evidences collected secretly by Cao Jin were released.

The four families made it clear for the first time that it was all done by the younger generation, and their family knew nothing about it.

This time, however, the Cao family was determined to press them to death. How could they simply get rid of the relationship.

The four have been controlled by the ninth inning. Once the monster is caught, it will be the time for the four to disappear.

The night passed.

In order to prevent the four families from turning over, under the operation of the Cao family, the incident spread all over the country through the Internet, causing an uproar.

"Mr. cat is a demon. No wonder he is so clever. I'm afraid to think about it carefully."

"The Zhou family, the Chen family, the Liu family and the Shen family are all respectable families in China. They collude with monsters. What do they want to do?"

"We strongly demand severe punishment. In order to solve the threat brought by monsters, our ancestors have killed countless people. Their behavior is the traitor of human beings!"

"You don't have to be so extreme. The cat doesn't harm people, and the demon has good demons."

"Silly beep, how do you know he didn't harm people? If it's not my race, it will be different! "

Things are so big, Shen Xun and others naturally already know.

"It's over, mad, Cao Jin!"

Shen Xun gnashed his teeth, already want to understand, yesterday Cao Jin door, is to cheat him.

And he was taken in.

Zhou Qin, Liu Yun and Chen Tao are all pale, and some of them have no idea.

Because things are too big, they are now almost the enemy of the whole people, and everywhere on the Internet they are clamoring to be executed.

"Young master, it's not good. Cao Jin comes with the people from the ninth inning." A bodyguard came in to report.

Shen Xun flustered said: "stop them, can't let them in."

"Young master, I can't. many brothers have already run away." The bodyguard gave a bitter smile.

Since seeing the Shen family lose power on the Internet, many bodyguards have already run away.

Shen Xun was furious: "a group of bastards, eat Laozi's, drink Laozi's, now they are running away! Asshole! It's a bunch of bastards

"Shen Shao, who made you so angry?" Cao Jin came in with the ninth inning and looked at Shen Xun with a smile as the winner.

Shen Xun fixed his eyes on him, gritting his teeth and said: "Cao Jin, I underestimated you."

"No, you never look up to me." Cao Jin shook her head, showing a happy smile: "after you can, you can only look up to me."

Voice down, he looked at Zhao Ziling: "Miss Zhao, that cat demon? Yesterday I asked you whether you would sell it or not. Tut Tut, today I have to take it with me, whether you agree or not. "Zhao Ziling is pretty and white. She clenches her red lips and says nothing.

"No? Miss Zhao, you must be aware that this is one of the few opportunities you can make up for your mistakes. " Cao Jin slowly said, step by step to Zhao Ziling at present, condescending overlooking her.

The reason why he asked Zhao Ziling instead of Shen Xun was that he knew they couldn't say it.

Because Shen Xun and they know very well that the Cao family will not cut grass and leave roots.

Zhao Ziling looked up and said, "I don't understand what you're saying."

"I'll let you understand, you ungrateful bitch." As soon as Cao Jin's face became cold, she raised her hand and slapped Zhao Ziling in the face.

"Woof, woof!"

Has been lying on the coffee table next to the small two suddenly jumped up and bit on the arm of Cao Jin raised.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Cao Jin uttered a shrill scream, forced to endure the pain, raised a foot to kick out.


Xiao ER was kicked out.

But Cao Jin's right hand is already dripping with blood.

"Mad, what a bad dog, dare to bite me." Cao Jin's eyes are fierce, and she takes out her gun and points it at Xiao er.

Zhao Ziling's face turned pale and quickly stepped forward to block the muzzle of the gun: "no!"

Cao Jin was stunned, and then showed a ferocious smile: "tell me where the cat demon is, or I'll kill the dog and eat a fresh dog hot pot in front of you."

Zhao Ziling said nothing again.

"Get that dog." Cao Jin said.

As his voice dropped, two ninth innings rushed up to catch the dog.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

Of course, the sophomore won't give up his hand, but his two fists are hard to beat his four hands, and he is finally held down.

"No Cao Jin butts the muzzle of the gun on Xiao er's head and threatens Zhao Ziling.

Small two looking at Cao Jin, bared his teeth and issued a threat of low roar.


Cao Jin a gun hit on the mouth of small two, small two teeth on the spot dropped a, full of blood.

Zhao Ziling's eyes were red: "little two, don't hit little two."

"Then tell me where the cat demon is!" Cao Jin grabbed her hair and gritted her teeth and said, "if you don't tell me, I'll kill the dog."

"Cao Jin! You're not a thing to step on a horse

Chen Tao can't watch any more.


He fell to the ground with a plop, and a hole appeared in his right leg.

"Chen Tao."

As soon as Zhou Qin and Liu Yun's face changed, they rushed forward and helped him to the sofa.

Cao Jin said with a sneer: "don't think you are still before, now you are all prisoners, then find your own position."

For several weeks, all of them dare not glare at him.

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