"I'll count the last three. If you don't tell me, the dog will die."

Cao Jin's eyes were cold, the corners of her mouth rose, and she raised a ferocious smile.

"I'll count. If you don't put that dog down, you're dead."

A light voice suddenly came into the public's ears.

Everyone is subconscious.

I saw a young man in a white robe coming down from the upstairs. His eyes were as deep as the starry sky.

All the people were confused. They didn't know where the man came from.

"You You... "

Zhao Ziling felt close to her.

When Su Xun looked at her, a smile appeared on his face: "I'm your master."

"You You are the master! You're out of shape Zhao Ziling was extremely excited.


Everybody's got a bang in their head.

A big demon in shape.

Shen Xun, Zhou Qin, Chen Tao and Liu Yun are also excited. There is a big demon behind them. At least their lives will be saved.

Cao Jin and the people in the ninth inning turned pale gradually, breathing more heavily, and there was a sense of fear and uneasiness in their eyes.

After all, it's a big demon in shape. One slap can kill them all.


Cao Jin threw away the gun in her hand, kicked the two people who controlled the little two, and yelled angrily: "what are you doing? What are you doing? You don't have eyes. Let go of the dog."

Two people react to come over, quickly put down the small two in the hand.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

The second child is a powerful man, biting on Cao Jin's leg.


Cao Jin screamed miserably, and then choked back, with a smile on her face: "good biting, it's because I have eyes and don't know Taishan. It's time to bite, it's time to bite."

He looked like this, even the dog thought that he was cheap, so he let go of his mouth and ran to susian with a wag of his head and tail to be a big pot licking dog.

The next second, people only feel in front of a flower.

Su Xun, who was still standing in the stairway, appeared in the living room in an instant.


Zhao Ziling threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

"Well, don't cry. I'm here. This day can't fall down. If it really falls down, I can support him again."

Su Xun patted her on the back, with a flat tone, but full of confidence and hegemony.

After a day and a night of alchemy in the quiet room, he took the pills and broke through the state of harmony. Then he transformed himself and completed the task.

Now his cultivation has been restored.

The cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, in this world, when the heaven breaks down, he is heaven.

If the sky doesn't break, he can make a hole in it.

"Congratulations on your appearance."

Shen Xun got down on his knees.

"Congratulations on your appearance."

Although Zhou Qin felt ashamed in their hearts, they knelt down immediately after him.

Cao Jin also licked a face and knelt down.

"Congratulations on your appearance."

People in the ninth inning are competing to follow suit.

This group of people who speak with awe inspiring carelessness are at odds with monsters.

Now I kneel down to celebrate the success of a demon, how funny.

Su Xun loosens Zhao Ziling, and his eyes fall on Cao Jin.

Cao Jin shivered and quickly said, "please forgive me, please forgive me. I've come to realize that I'm willing to work for you."

"You deserve it, too?" Su Xun was dismissive and waved his sleeve.

Cao Jin's body began to break like a ceramic, first with her feet, then her legs

"Forgive me, my king! King, please give me a chance

Cao Jin's heartrending roar, this kind of feeling of watching his body pieces broken, is really not good, his heart is full of fear and powerlessness.

Other people kneeling on the ground were trembling with fright, and several of them urinated directly.


Cao Jin's head is also broken, Cao Jin died, leaving only a pile of fragments.

"Go to hell, too."

Su Xun waved his sleeve gun again, and countless gas blades roared away.

In the ninth inning, before they could react, they were decapitated and killed.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people who had just been fierce were now reduced to a group of dead people.

"Please help my Shen family."

Shen Xun called out and kowtowed to Su Xun.

"Please help me the Zhou family."

"Please help me the Chen family."

"Ask the king to help my Liu family."

The three of Zhou Qin also kowtowed one after another."All four of you have given me spiritual gifts. Naturally, you have to repay them."

Without the spiritual things presented by the four families, Su Xun couldn't have refined the pills, and naturally he couldn't have finished the task of transformation so quickly.

"Thank you, king."

The four of them were relieved. What they were afraid of was that Su Xun would turn over and refuse to recognize others. After all, monsters were surly, and it was common for them to turn back.

"And wait for me here. I'll be right back."

Su Xun's voice fell, stretched out his hand, tore a hole in the void, stepped out and disappeared in the same place.

Shen Xun and others were stunned.

"Is it so strong to transform into a big demon?"

Directly tearing the space, the shape of the big demon is just a state of harmony. Does the state of harmony have such strength?


When Su Xun reappeared, he was already over the capital, and directly dispersed the momentum.

The majestic momentum is like a huge wave sweeping across the capital.

In Cao's family, Cao Hai, who was practicing, suddenly had a sweet throat, vomited blood and was frightened. Then he left the quiet room and stepped into the air.

At the same time, the same scenes are being staged in every corner of the capital.

In the blink of an eye, all the friars above the anti virtual realm in the whole capital flew to the sky.

About a dozen of them.

"I dare to ask who this Taoist friend is and what he means."

The first one was a monk in the middle of he Dao realm. He looked at Su Xun and asked.

Su Xun said faintly: "this is the cat in Cloud City. Don't you want to catch me? I'm here in person to keep you out of trouble. "


"What! You are the cat demon

"You've been transformed! How can it be

Everyone is shocked. There is another demon in the world. How can they not be shocked?

"When I come here today, I just want two things. One is not to bother me, the other is to let Shen, Chen, Zhou and Liu go."

"Of course, you can disagree, or I can crush you scum."

Su Xun stood with a negative hand in a calm voice.

"Arrogance! What an ignorant animal! He really thinks that he can do whatever he wants when he changes his shape! "

The head monk of hedaojing gave a roar.

Su Xun's hand was a slap in the air.


He Daojing monk's body was directly whipped and exploded by this slap.

Feel the warm flesh and blood residue flying in his face, the rest of all people are confused.

"Do you think the same as him?"

Su Xun looked at others calmly, as if he had just killed an ant.

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