Originally, Su Xun was going to give the demon pill to Su lu'er or Xiao Bai.

But now, he is also a demon, can also use this demon Dan, naturally want to try.

After all, it's a demon pill of the great emperor.

It's the same big demon as Fengdu emperor. The benefits of his demon pill are absolutely unimaginable.

Su Xun has a lot of blood now.

A drop of blood contains the power of people, gods and demons, which is more powerful than Panax ginseng.

It's a miniature version of Tang Monk's flesh.

With a drop of his blood, even mortals who are dying frequently can become alive in an instant.

In the mountains on the outskirts of Yuncheng.

In an open space, Su Xun swallowed the demon pill, and then began to refine it.

Hot and violent energy poured into all parts of the body.

The cat demon's blood is constantly washed.

It's not blood, it's like fire, it's magma.

There are three colors in his blood.

One is the normal blood red, the other is the flame like magma, and the purple gold light.

Su Xun suddenly changed the original shape of the cat demon.

Then the body began to expand rapidly, and in a twinkling of an eye, it turned into a huge black cat with a height of nearly 10 meters and a length of nearly 100 meters.

However, this is not over, the hair on the body has become longer and longer, the color has become black and red, and a pair of flaming wings grow on the back.

The four feet were still black, but the claws turned red, the flames wrapped around the soles of the feet, the two pairs of tusks were exposed, and two golden horns grew out of the forehead.


Su Xun roared up to the sky.

The creeping birds and beasts are all trembling on the ground.

And this scene was also monitored by satellite.

After all, the ninth inning can not disturb Su Xun, but it is absolutely impossible not to stare at him.

Because Su Xun is an uncontrolled nuclear bomb, who can guarantee when he will explode?

Looking at the beast on the screen, his hands trembled and his face turned white.

"Off That's right. His surveillance is off

A middle-aged man said in a trembling voice.

After turning off the video, everyone gasped and was filled with panic.

Su Xun looked in the mirror by the river and was very satisfied with his evolved demon body. It was fierce, powerful and domineering.

The key is that there are more ways to protect life.

You think I'm human, but I'm God.

You think I'm a God, but I'm a demon.

Actually, I thought it was you.

However, he always felt that his image seemed familiar.

When I think about it carefully, I can't remember it.

Finally lazy to think, directly back to the human form, disappeared in place.

At home, Zhao Ziling is chasing a play when Su Xun suddenly appears beside her.

"Ah! You scared the hell out of me

Zhao Ziling, who was absorbed in watching TV, was startled.

Su Xun put her in his arms and said, "I'm too suspended. This world can't hold me any more. Do you want to go to another world with me?"

When the task is finished, he gets the magic power of breaking delusion as a reward and can choose to go back at any time.

He didn't get the skill of stopping for three seconds, but it was a pity for him for a long time.

After all, that skill is the real killer, especially when there is a gap in cultivation.

"Are you going to commit suicide?" Zhao Ziling stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and gently played with her little hand: "I'm not from this world. I just come to this world to experience. Now I can leave. Would you like to go with me?"

"You Are you kidding Zhao Ziling was a little surprised because it sounded so incredible.

Su Xun said: "you have many choices. You can go back to a world similar to this world with me, or you can go to Xianxia world..."

"If what you say is true, I will go to Xianxia world, and I will also cultivate immortals!" Zhao Ziling directly interrupted the words behind him, her eyes burning.

After all, only by cultivating immortals can we stay with Su Xun forever.

Su Xun nodded: "good."

"The little boy..." Zhao Ziling wants to talk but stops.

Su Xun said with a smile, "of course, I'll take them with me."

In this way, Su Xun left with Zhao Ziling and Xiao ER and sent them to Taixu.

Because of the different time and velocity, XiuXiu has already been born according to the time of Taixu.

In the imperial palace of Taixu Kingdom, Su Xun met his first born son.

"Call Daddy." Su Xun was holding a baby carved with powder and jade, and his face was full of smiles.

"Cluck - cluck ~"

the child looked at him with wide eyes, and two small hands clutching in his face.XiuXiu had a smile on her face: "Xianggong, on the day of the baby's birth, all animals were singing. There were black birds coming to the East, and the sky was falling and flowing. But it was a good omen."

"Has it been named?" Su Xun asked.

XiuXiu replied, "if you are not here, who dares to name him?"

"Since all the animals are singing together, let's call it Su Ming. Come here and make an order to appoint Su Ming, the son of the queen, as the crown prince. A banquet will be held in the palace tonight to invite all the officials to celebrate."

Zhao Ziling's mood was very complicated, because she didn't expect that Su Xun had a wife, more than one, and even children.

However, it's normal to think that the other party is the emperor and there are three palaces and six courtyards. Now that the matter has come to this point, we can only accept it. The words that come out are not good-looking.

In the evening of the banquet, Su Xun made Zhao Ziling a famous concubine.

After half a month in Taixu world, he went to lick dog world again, because Li Qing is about to be born.

After spending half a month with Qin Qing and Li Qing in licking dog world, Su Xun returned to earth.

Alas, this is the mercy of heaven. I want to break one person into two.

Others think that Su Xun must be very happy with so many women.

But in fact, only Su Xun knew that he was happier than they thought.


Earth, Yuliang mountain manor.

"I came back faster this time." Liao Yu changed Su Xun's shoes and said something.

Su Xun touched her head: "it's mainly because I miss you, so I came back quickly."

"I almost believed you." Yan Yurou rolled her eyes.

Xiaobai, Liuli and Su lu'er suddenly ran to Su Xun and began to smell.

"What are you doing?" Su Xun asked.

Su lu'er replied, "master, you have evil spirit."

"I swallowed a demon pill." When Su Xun spoke, he let out the evil spirit completely.


In addition to the glaze, Xiaobai and Sulu lie on the ground directly.

"Fierce beast?" Glass spits out two words.

Anyway, the demon shook his head and said, "I don't know what it is."

"I'll see if you turn into a monster." A pair of amber eyes twinkled in the glass.

Su Xun changed the original shape, but the volume was greatly reduced.

Liuli blurted out: "poor and strange!"

"In ancient times, fierce beasts were poor and strange?" Su Xun changed back to human shape and frowned.

Now he finally knows why he feels familiar with his image.

Isn't it the image of the ancient fierce beast in the mythological records?

Does the heaven demon clan in xuanyue have something to do with the ancient fierce beasts?

But shouldn't qiongqi be a creature of Kyushu?

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