Poor and strange, strange and strange.

Together with Taotie, chaos and Taowu, they are known as the four fierce beasts in ancient times.

Corresponding to the four fierce beasts are the five sacred beasts: Qilin, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and Zhuque.

For a long time, these five beasts were the masters of heaven and earth.

From this we can imagine how powerful the four fierce beasts are.

"Shanhaijing · haineibeijing" records: "poor strange shape like a tiger, winged, cannibal from the beginning, food was hair, in the dog north. One day from the foot. "

there are also legends in later generations that the poor and strange people who like to eat good and reward evil people were expelled to the northwest wasteland by Emperor Shun.

At that time, the northwest of the earth is not the northwest.

Kyushu is so big that it is said that the heaven is nine and the earth has no border. The poor and strange people were exiled.

But here's the problem.

How does the heaven demon clan in xuanyue land relate to the poor monster in Kyushu?

It's not the same world at all!

Su Xun felt a little confused.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Su Xun frowning, Liao Yu asked with concern.

Su Xun shook his head and threw those messy things out of his head: "it's OK."

"I'm going to take shape." Liuli said suddenly.

Su Xun looked at her: "when?"

The purer the blood is, the stronger the spirit beast becomes. In other words, the spirit beast disdains to become.

But after all, Liuli evolved into a mythical beast. Black Unicorn, with impure blood, and living with human beings for a long time, naturally wanted to transform itself.

"I've been waiting for you to come back and protect me, FA." Liuli licked his paw.

Even if she is a unicorn now, she can't forget her roots. She used to be a cat.

Su Xun had the same feeling. Ma Dan, the sequelae of being a cat made him want to lick his hands.

Fortunately, he suppressed the idea by force.

Otherwise, it would be a shame to do such a thing in public~_ ~。

"Well, where do you choose to survive?" Su Xun asked.

Gods and beasts are favored by heaven and earth. There will be no thunder and robbery when they are transformed. However, at this critical moment, they always need someone to protect them.

No accident, of course.

If there is an accident, it can be remedied.

Liuli walks to the sofa elegantly, and spits out two words: "Huangshan."

Speaking of Huangshan, Su Xun remembered that there was a story about the robbery in Huangshan before, but it was refuted in the end.

At that time, everyone believed in the official refutation of the rumor, but now, I'm afraid that there is really a rash in the robbery, but failed.

All the immortals are no longer in Kyushu, and there will be thunder robbers. This is something that Su Xun can't figure out.

And there was no thunder when Xiaobai was in shape.

Is this a random job?

"There's good news to announce." Su Xun took Liao Yu in his arms and slid down his waist.

The girls had been used to it for a long time, and Liao Yu let Su Xun leave it at random.

Well, it's not a good habit to leave it at random.

Qin Zhu asked, "what's the good news?"

"XiuXiu is born. My first son, Su Ming, is born." When Su Xun said this, he was still paying attention to the reaction of the people.

Fortunately, all the women had been psychologically prepared for a long time, but they didn't have much reaction.

An Zizhen's face was speechless: "isn't it? I was the first one to be pregnant. Now Mr. XiuXiu has passed my car like this?"

"I think Zizhen and Yaoyao can also go to Taixu for a period of time and give birth to this little girl in their stomach as soon as possible." Xiaobai said.

Yan Yurou rolled her eyes: "are you stupid? Time in Taixu is fast, but for the earth, if you stay in Taixu, you can feel the same speed of time."

"Is that so?" Xiaobai blinked and looked silly. Two foxes' ears came out and tried to get through.

Yan Yurou didn't want to pay attention to the stupid fox. She looked at the time and jumped up: "no, I'm going to release the donkey."

"Release the donkey?" Su Xun was stunned and looked at the others: "when did our family raise donkeys? And even if you raise donkeys, do you need to release them yourself? "

Then he saw Su lu'er go to the shelf, put a rope around his neck, and come to Yan Yurou with the other end of the rope.

Yan Yurou pulls Su lu'er and spits out her tongue to Su Xun. She goes out with the jingle of the bell.

Su Xun

"It's too old for sujou to go out every day, so he always wants to play with her Liao Yu showed a helpless smile and explained to Su Xun.

Su Xun rolled his eyes. Yan Yurou just wanted to walk the donkey.In the evening, Su Xun played a relay race all night.

The reason why I strive to improve my accomplishments is to become stronger and not be squeezed out..


The next day, Su Xun took Liuli to the vast sea, and wanted to ask Yueling about something strange.

The other side is also very early into the immortal, for the poor strange should know more than yourself.

"The Lord is out of the pass."

Changshengzong is shaking.

At that time, Su Xun's excuse for leaving the world was to shut up.

"See Lord."

The elders of changshengzong came to meet them.

Su Xun glanced at them and nodded: "not bad."

"What about the three men I sent last time?" Su Xun asked Mei pangzi, Liu An and Yueling.

Elder Ma set out: "the three of them have never been back to changshengzong. I heard a few days ago that they were out in the sea."

"I'll have to wait for Raul to take care of the family affairs. I have another important business to leave." Su Xun said in a deep voice.

All the elders bowed down to obey

Su Xun took a look at Liuli. Little sister, please cooperate with me.

Now just cooperate with me.

When you are in shape, you have to cooperate with me Well.

Liuli rolled his eyes, stepped into the air and gave out a huge roar. His body expanded rapidly and restored the nature of the unicorn beast. His whole body was black and hot.

"This This... "

Seeing this scene, everyone was confused.

Su Xun jumped up and down on the back of Liuli, and then Liuli stepped into the air and disappeared in the air.

"Qilin, Qilin, the auspicious beast. The Lord actually found a qilin to be his mount!"

Ma Chang always grabbed his beard and pulled off one of it, but he didn't feel any pain.

"The patriarch is indeed a man with special advantages. Since he can make the auspicious beast recognize the master."

"I never thought that there were unicorns in the world."

"The Lord is really the dependents of heaven..."

Everyone was more in awe of Su Xun. What kind of strength and good fortune it was to be able to enjoy the happiness of Qilin.


An island overseas.

Yueling, meipangzi and Liu An are driving the magic weapon to fight with a sea demon.

Yueling has reached the middle stage of Jinxian, Liu andI's fairyland and Mei pangzi's fairyland.

The sea demon who is fighting with them is a golden immortal.

Without Yueling, Mei pangzi and Liu An would have been killed on the beach by the sea demon.

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