
All of them are, and then there is the main content of the enrollment brochures:

"are you still worried about which school you choose?"

"Are you still worried about the lack of talent to cultivate immortals?"

"Are you still worried that you can only waste time without your own skills?"

"Come on, come on, we're really here!"

"Who is the best to cultivate immortals, the king of jiuxiao college!"

"The new famous academy originated from the world of preaching. With thousands of senior teachers and rich teaching experience, we realize your dream of cultivating immortals!"

"Jiuxiao Xiuxian College offers dozens of advanced subjects, such as Xiuxian, Xiuwu, Xiuwen, arithmetic, cooking, blacksmith and so on. One of them is always suitable for you!"

"Jiuxiao Xiuxian college, beautiful scenery, complete facilities, including food and shelter, our first-class teachers, first-class teaching, give you first-class life!"

"Now sign up, don't 999, don't 888, as long as silver 98, take the cultivation method home!"

"Anyone aged 15 to 25, male or female, regardless of origin, can apply."

"Registration address: North Gate of jiuxiao Xiuxian college, southern suburb of Taihao City, contact Mr. Qin."

Qin Feiyu

He went straight to NIMA and petrified on the spot.

Several other people see, also curious to draw up, took a flyer to see.

Then, a group of people petrified on the spot.

"How's it going? Is it exciting after watching it? " Su Xun looked at the crowd with a smile and asked.

It's just a recruitment brochure that he realized after watching the advertisement of Lanxiang technical school for so many years on earth. It's really burning up.

A group of people looked up at him strangely.

Although they feel that this enrollment manual is extremely shameful, they have to admit that it seems that they are really excited.

"Dean It's amazing Qin Feiyu choked out four words, almost choked out the internal injury.

Su Xun laughed: "teachers, hurry up and send out leaflets. Remember, you must fly in the sky, or no one will believe you."

In the simple concept of mortals, as long as they can fly, they must be immortals.

Can there be any fake leaflets sent by immortals themselves?

This is the toughest advertisement.

A group of people can only take some of their own enrollment brochures, and then set foot in the air to issue leaflets.

"You don't have to go." Su Xun stopped Qin Feiyu and said, "don't you see it all written on it? You have to register new students at the school gate. "

Then he looked at several people who didn't leave and said, "you don't have to go either. You should be responsible for helping Feiyu and testing the freshmen's qualifications."

"Dean, has the school been built yet?" Qin Feiyu can't wait to ask.

"It'll be ready in a minute." Su Xun gave a smile and said, "come with me."

Qin Feiyu and two other men and a woman followed Su Xun and flew to the southern suburb.

He took out the alchemy system and dropped it over the open space of the south suburb college.

Then people saw that the original head size buildings began to expand.

Soon, a large building appeared on the original open space. On the 10 meter high gate, jiuxiao Xiuxian college was full of words.

Qin Feiyu was stunned.

They didn't expect that Su Xun used a magic weapon as the headquarters of the college.

Moreover, this is obviously a new magic weapon.

That's a big deal.

They couldn't help wondering who the Dean was?

From what school?

Soon, Zhao Yuanwai, who had already got the news, came with the lecturers recruited these days.

Hundreds of people.

There are martial arts experts, chefs, accountants, teachers, blacksmiths and carpenters in this group.

All in all, it covers all walks of life.

This Xiuxian university is more like a technical school. After all, the enrollment brochures are full of Lanxiang technicians.

Then Su Xun began to assign tasks, and let these people be responsible for maintaining order and receiving the freshmen.


On the other side, from Taihao City, there are flyers coming from the sky in several surrounding cities.

It attracted countless people's attention.

"What's this? The immortals dropped it from the sky. Have you read it for a while?"

"I don't understand. What's on it?"

"What did the immortals throw down from the sky?"

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, I can read!"

A scholar yelled, and then after seeing the words above, he immediately left the enrollment rules and ran away in a hurry.

"What are you doing? Why are you running away?""Why did you run away suddenly..."

The scholar doesn't look back. He still reads a hammer. It's hard to hurry up to sign up.

An old man picked up a leaflet and was shocked after reading it. Then he said the main idea.

It caused a sensation in the whole city.

Even those who didn't find the flyer knew about it.

Then countless people began to send their children to jiuxiao Xiuxian college to register.

After all, even if you can't cultivate immortals and practice martial arts, at least you can read and read. No matter how bad you are, you can learn a craft.

There is a long line outside jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

Most of them were brought by their parents.

98 liang of silver. It's not a small sum of money. The reason is to raise the threshold, because there is no branch, so we can't accept too many disciples.

When there are more branches in the future, the price will naturally go down again, so that more people can enter the school.

These people in line to register first, and then conduct qualification testing.

If you don't have the qualification to cultivate immortals, you can test your bones to see if they are suitable for practicing martial arts.

If it is not suitable for cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts, the applicants will be allowed to choose what to learn in the miscellaneous subjects.

After choosing a major, first gather, and then be taken to the Department by the teachers of each major, distribute school uniforms, arrange accommodation and so on.

The school uniform and the living expenses of the students were all subsidized by Zhao Yuanwai and other local tyrants in the city.

Because they also have children in them, and they all want to have a good relationship.

After all, we can see that the graduates from Xiuxian college in the future must be the dragon and phoenix from all walks of life.

As funders, no matter how they can get a little benefit.

At the end of the first day of enrollment, a total of 10000 people were recruited, including 2000 qualified to cultivate immortals.

This proportion is already very high, but the qualifications are of the general kind. Xiuxian sect doesn't like it, otherwise they won't come here.

But Su Xun didn't dislike it. There were so many kinds of skills in his system. He directly opened and hung them up for the students, and every minute he hanged the talents of those sects.

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