On the first day of school, one thing is inevitable, that is, the president's speech.

From primary school to university.

Su shanliu is also the president of the new earth University.

The entrance of jiuxiao Xiuxian college is a huge open space, and a high platform has been built, which is specially used to guide the school leaders.

At the moment, more than 10000 students in various departments and colleges are standing in a square array in their school uniforms.

The school uniform of jiuxiao Xiuxian college is an ordinary robe, with the word jiuxiao embroidered on the collar. There are four sets of clothes: cyan, white, black and blue.

The way to distinguish different departments lies in the beautiful characters on the lower right corner of the robe. There is an immortal character embroidered in Xianyuan, and a Wu character embroidered in Wuyuan, and so on.

This not only unifies the clothing, but also simply and clearly distinguishes the identity of the disciples of each Academy.

At the moment, more than ten thousand students are looking up at Su Xun on the stage.

Their eyes are either excited, excited, worshipped or nervous.

Qin Feiyu and other lecturers stood behind Su Xun, looking at more than ten thousand faces below. They could not help but feel great pride in their hearts.

After all, they've never had the same sense of success as they do now.

Su Xun looked down at the people below and said in a calm voice: "students, this is the dean of jiuxiao Xiuxian college. Su Xun, you can call me Dean Su in the future."

"You are all in the prime of your life. You once had dreams, but you have become ordinary for various reasons. Now jiuxiao Xiuxian college is here. The college gives you platform and resources. I wish you success in your dreams!"

"Ten years from now, one hundred years from now, there will be students from the Xianyuan Academy who are successful in their cultivation and have a long life. Among you, there will be students from the Wenyuan Academy who live in the imperial court and govern the world. Among you, there will be students from the Wuyuan Academy who are flying across the battlefield with their swords. Every department of your academy will be a bright star in every corner..."

"I hope you will study hard and succeed in your studies after admission. Today you are proud of jiuxiao college, and in the future you will be proud of your students."

In Su Xun's calm and powerful narration, all of them were fascinated, clenched their fists secretly, and felt as if there were blood surging on them.

Yes, most of them have asked for immortality. They were turned away in the end. They should have lived an ordinary life.

But now jiuxiao Xiuxian college has given them this opportunity. They should take advantage of you and remember the kindness of the college forever. They will not fail the Dean, the college and the teachers in the end.

Not to mention these new students, even Qin Feiyu and others are excited.

Because the group of people that will appear in Su Xun's mouth will be taught by them.

"Pa pa pa..."

Some people in the crowd applauded. The one who applauded was Su Liang. Don't ask why he applauded. He was taught by his brother.

In a flash, there was a chain reaction, and everyone applauded at the same time.

"Pa pa pa..."

For a moment, the applause thundered.

Su Xun raised his hand, and the people were quiet. Then he said:

"next, please take the students to the logistics department to get the teaching books, and the teaching will begin tomorrow."

When Qin Feiyu and others went to the logistics office to collect books, they were shocked to see the exquisite books, especially the cultivation methods.

"This Who is the president! There is such a deep foundation. "

"No wonder the Dean dares to set up jiuxiao Xiuxian college. I'm afraid there are big forces behind it."

"Wonderful, these skills are really mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful!"

"No! These books are written by the Dean

"What! What a genius the dean is

Everyone is shocked and full of excitement, because they can learn when they are teaching!

What's more, in the early stage, what they taught must be their own skills and magic skills, so they have time to learn these new magic skills.

"This This What a wonderful job

A chubby monk in fairyland had a book in his hand, and his eyes were almost falling.

Qin Feiyu saw the words "Xianxia version of basic gun manufacturing theory" written on the book cover.

The so-called Xianxia gun robe is the kind that Su Xun changed. He carved a magic array on the guns and guns, and made bullets from spirit stones, which can hit the practitioners.

For example, the Xianxia version of the charged spirit sniper gun.

Xianxia version of heavy machine gun.

Psionic antiaircraft gun, which is specially used for air defense, is aimed at friars who can fly.

Psionic howitzers and so on

Anyway, if he has the ability to read a book, he just needs to be responsible for crazy fantasy and processing according to the knowledge in his mind.

After all, if we do not industrialize, it will be too slow to step up our strength.The painting style of the world will eventually be distorted by him.

The fat man closed the book and looked at Qin Feiyu blazing: "can you tell the dean that you are enough for the lecturers of the Academy of immortals, I am willing to teach in the Academy of Sciences."

"Of course." Qin Feiyu showed a happy smile: "well, sun Hai, now I think this place is good. The dean is a genius!"

"No! The dean is not a genius The fat man who called sun Hai shook his head, and then said excitedly: "the dean is the sage of the day!"

Voice down, leaving the stunned people, direct tour of the scientific area to the sea of books.

"Hahaha, psionic tank, it's wonderful!"

"There is no compulsory cultivation for the spirit flying sword. As long as you use the spirit stone to fill the spirit, you can carry people to fly!"

"I love this place so much. I'll go to the dean for advice. I must make these things out!"

Qin Feiyu looked at the others: "or Do you want to see if you're interested? "

They had been eager to try for a long time. Hearing this, they went straight to the Gongfa area.

In their opinion, they are not interested in anything other than cultivation.

Then, until they accidentally walked into the novel area

"About three years of terror!"

"The cultivation of immortals by ordinary people is really a marvelous work in the world, which makes people forget sleep and waste food! It's my way to seek immortality

"Flying down 3000 feet, I suspect the Milky way is falling nine days. It's so wet, so wet!"


He also cultivates a hammer, reads novels, reads poetry, and swims in the ocean of literature. Isn't he fragrant?

He is so tired of cultivation that he brings the protagonist into the novel and goes to the peak of his life in an instant. Isn't he fragrant?

Of course, it's too exaggerating to say so. After all, those who are successful in cultivation are determined people, and they can't indulge in the sea of literature.

But since then they've had the same interest.

Su Xun's great works completely impressed Qin Feiyu's friends.

In particular, Su Xun, who didn't want the green lotus, copied the Tao Te Ching, which made Qin Feiyu and others become obedient.

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