Sun Hai, like his name, likes to swim in the sea of knowledge.

After Qin Feiyu, he has become a little fan of Su Xun.

"Dean, it's too difficult to realize the psionic cruise missile you wrote in your book. Xiuxian world has similar magic, but it can't be used on the cruise missile."

Sun Hai is holding a book called "the story that shells and I have to tell" in his hand. He is having an academic discussion with Su Xun.

Su Xun thought that I was just making it up. I don't know if I can make it out.

However, he said lightly: "Xiaohai, it can't be realized now just because we still have too little research on this aspect. I just put forward a theory, or it will be realized in many years."

"Just like all kinds of magic weapons in the world of cultivating immortals, before they were refined, did anyone ever think that they would appear?"

Sun Hai was deeply encouraged: "the president's words are very good. What our generation can do is to improve the theory step by step, and finally put it into practical application. I will try my best to practice, so that I can live longer and have more time to study this knowledge."

Su Xun

This is probably the legendary science and technology madman.

As long as he was given time, Su Xun even suspected that he was good at rubbing a nuclear bomb to make Gao Da.

Sun Hai is really talented in this respect.

At present, he has taken several gifted students from the Academy of Sciences to participate in the research of the first generation of psionic flying sword.

This is the first research project of the Academy of Sciences of jiuxiao Xiuxian college, and Su Xun, President of the Institute, expressed his support.

Maybe sun Hai himself didn't find out that he was setting off a technological revolution in the field of cultivating immortals, and he was doomed.

This is a combination of technology and cultivation of immortals.

It's like chicken ribs to the higher friars, but it can increase the combat effectiveness of the middle and lower level friars.

At present, Qin Feiyu is the head of the Department in the fairy academy, and other monks are the lecturers, responsible for teaching the knowledge of cultivation and magic.

In the case of Su Xun throwing a lot of resources, these students with ordinary talents made rapid progress.

Of course, this is Xianxia world, and the most important thing is the top combat power after all.

At present, Su Xun is the only one. He has broken through the late period of Da Luo. He is the only high-priced combat force in the college. He must find a way to make up for this weakness.

And the quickest way is to get people in.

It's too slow for the disciples of Xianyuan to grow up.

If you want to recruit high-level friars, you have to focus on those friars.

After all, the friars above Jinxian belong to the core management in every major department.

It's not as easy to cheat as Qin Feiyu, the Xiuer generation who have not been beaten by society.

These people have their own interests and positions. They will not follow him if they are too hot headed.

In order to go out to solicit people, Su Xun arranged the affairs of the college and left.

Flying was forbidden in the college, so Su Xun walked out of the school.

After all, if you don't abide by the rules you set, how can you ask the students to abide by them?

Su Xun once had a deep understanding of this when he was in school. Every rule set by the school was very strict, but the people who set these rules never followed them. They just kept asking the students.

Out of the school, far away is a piece of construction site.

Since the establishment of jiuxiao Xiuxian college, the surrounding land and house prices have increased significantly.

This is probably the legendary school district house.

More and more people have moved into Taihao City, and the population has ushered in explosive growth.

It's impossible that Tai haozong didn't know such a big news, but he didn't respond.

There's only one possibility.

As Su Xun speculated, in the early days, these sects didn't take jiuxiao Xiuxian college seriously at all, they just regarded it as a joke.

After all, in the eyes of these sects, what can a group of ordinary disciples teach?

Therefore, no matter how noisy jiuxiao Xiuxian college is during this period of time, there won't be any clan to take a look at it.

After all, it's normal that every day there are sectarian forces established and every day there are sectarian forces dissipated.

Su Xun was walking on the street of Taihao city. From time to time, he could see the students of jiuxiao Xiuxian college. There were three or five groups, forming a scenic spot.

"Good morning, Dean."

"Good morning, Dean."

When the students saw Su Xun, they would stop to say hello and then leave.

"That's the dean of jiuxiao Xiuxian college. It looks too young."

"Young? How do you know how old he is? "

"It's true that President Su is a good man. He proposes that there is no discrimination and the tuition is low."

98 liang of silver registration fee for ordinary people is a huge sum of money, but in these people's mouth it is low tuition.

Because they are very clear, 98 two registration fee can enter jiuxiao college, it is no different from doing charity.In the eyes of millions of residents in Taihao City, President Su of jiuxiao Xiuxian college is a good man.

Far away, at the edge of the crowd, there were two people looking at Su Xun.

These two are Su Hu and Li Jinling.

They are extremely complicated.

Because no one thought that his ordinary second brother suddenly became an immortal and the dean of jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

It's clear that Xianyuan is by their side, but it's pushed away by them.

"It's all your fault The more Su Hu thinks about it, the more uncomfortable it is. It's really the fault of Li Jinling.

Li Jinling also retorted: "you are still not a man, everything is on me."

"If it wasn't for your mother-in-law to blow the pillow for me, how could I drive my brother away? Now even little San Su Liang has become a student of the fairy Academy. He is also a fairy in the future. Pity me. After listening to your slander, he would have gone to cultivate immortals with my second brother."

Su Hu is more said more regret, even the intestines are regret green, just want time to come back.

"You..." Li Ling said, "it's no use arguing with him now. You don't want to be him again."

"Elder brother is like father?" Su Hu gave a miserable smile and said to himself, "have you ever seen a elder brother like me who drove him out of the house just after his parents died? If you want to go, I don't have the face to be a brother. "

Voice down, Su Hu carrying the new grain to go around, will not be willing to and regret pressure down.

"I'm not sure!"

Li Jinling scolded, looked at Su Xun's back, gritted her teeth and chased him out: "I'll go, I'll go."

However, she found that she was always slow to catch up with Su Xun. After a long time, she couldn't catch up with Su Xun. She was so tired that she was sweating and panting. She could only shout out: "second uncle, second uncle, stay, I'm your sister-in-law!"

But Su Xun turned a deaf ear, and his figure was still in no hurry in the crowd

Li Jinling looked around and found that other people didn't seem to hear her voice.

I don't know if it was Su Xun's magic.

For a moment, I felt regret in my heart.

Her fate! It's gone.

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