The unexpected accident made everyone confused.

The style of an expert suddenly broke the ground.

"Oh, tut Tut, isn't it a little bad to give me such a big gift as soon as we meet?"

Su Xun got up in surprise, went around to the table, reached for him, and said, "master Zhou, when he went out, didn't he think he would fall today?"

"Master, are you ok?" The young man behind Zhou Chengxuan glared at Su Xun, and quickly helped Zhou Chengxuan up.

Zhou Chengxuan stood firm, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, looked at Su Xun and said, "it's just a little accident. Don't be proud. I'm here to tear you down today!"

"I'm not proud. Besides, I don't understand what you're going to tear me down?" Su Xun had an innocent look on his face, and he was arrogant.

Before Zhou Chengxuan spoke this time, the apprentice behind him couldn't help it: "are you a fortune teller? It's just a cheater. My master is here today to expose your true face! "

"How can you be innocent when you are young? You are slandering. " Su Xun's way of education is sincere.

Zhou Chengxuan sneered: "are you still pretending? Your little trick is to cheat ordinary people. If you want to cheat me, it's too young. "

"Ha ha, how do you want to play?" Su Xun chuckled and went back to his chair.

"I'll give each other a cold score," he said

"I'll do it first. What do you want?" Su Xun was very relaxed, because no matter what the other party was, he had a way to deal with it.

Zhou Chengxuan showed a sly smile: "if you are so powerful, please calculate how I got this scar on my hand."

As his voice fell, he rolled up his sleeve, revealing a faint scar on his forearm.

He didn't believe that no matter how fierce Su Xun was, could he still find out the origin of his scar in just one day?

"Why not? Take your hands. " Su Xun seemed to have a plan.

Zhou Chengxuan heart sneer, still here pretending calm? I'll see how you step down today.

He passed his hand over.

Su Xun holds his hand and uses his psychic ability. Then Zhou Chengxuan's memories of the past are just like those in front of his eyes in a movie.

Soon, he saw the origin of the scar.

Pretending to pinch his fingers and recite words, Su Xun looked at Zhou Chengxuan and said, "if I'm not wrong, your scar was hurt when you were six years old, right?"

Everyone is staring at Zhou Chengxuan.

"This How can it be Zhou Chengxuan can't help blurting out, looking at Su Xun with unbelievable face.

He was born in a small mountain village. The origin of the scar on his hand may not be known even if someone wants to check it.

Is it true that Su Xun has no last resort?

How can there be such a person in the world?


Seeing his reaction, the onlookers were in an uproar and burst the pot in an instant.

"That's right. Doesn't it mean that master Su is really capable?"

"As I have said for a long time, master Su is a real master, no less than master Zhou."

"It's too much for NIMA."

All the people were talking about it, especially those who supported Su Xun. One by one, it was like fighting chicken blood.

Su Xun let go of his hand, and said: "now it's your turn, and I'm not embarrassed. Even if it's about how long will I get married?"

He was really curious about when he would get married.

"You..." Zhou Chengxuan looked at Su Xun incredulously. He didn't expect that Su Xun would let him go so easily.

Because it was too simple to calculate, and even if he said it for a moment, Su Xun couldn't verify it.

So, in his view, it's giving him a step down.

For a moment, his face was uncertain, and he was ashamed. Compared with such an open-minded expert, what was his little skill in carving insects?

"Well, then I'll make a fool of myself. How dare I ask you about your birthday?"

Zhou Chengxuan decided to calculate the hexagram seriously, but his face changed and he stared at Su Xun in horror.

Because he couldn't figure it out!

Su Xun was at a loss. Why did he look at me like this? Could it be that I would never get married in my life?

Zhou Chengxuan felt thirsty, because he thought of a possibility, he read the ancient books, those who are proficient in calculus can cover up the mystery, people can't calculate.

In his opinion, Su Xun must be such a legendary master.

For a moment, his face was blue and white, embarrassed, ashamed and self mocking.

He actually came to teach in front of such an expert. Didn't he think he didn't lose enough face?Half an hour later, he took a deep breath and bowed to Su Xun: "excuse me, sir. I don't know how lofty and generous I am. I look down on you. I hope you don't care about me."


The crowd was in an uproar again. Zhou Chengxuan's move was like a thousand waves, which shocked everyone.

Who did not expect, Zhou Chengxuan actually took the initiative to admit defeat, but also put the posture so low.

What does that mean?

It shows that Su Xun is a real master, more powerful than Zhou Chengxuan!

Su Xun:???

He just won for no reason.

I just won? Isn't he a good guy? Can't even figure out such a simple thing? It seems that's all.

Although he was confused, it didn't prevent him from pretending to force him. He said faintly, "it's very important to know that mistakes can be corrected. It's important to know that there are people outside and there is a day outside. Today is just a small lesson for you. Go ahead."

"It's a good lesson." Zhou Chengxuan's voice fell down, and he knelt down with a plop. Looking at Su Xun, he said in a loud voice:

"please accept me as an apprentice. Chengxuan is willing to serve him all his life and treat him with teacher's courtesy. I hope he will be successful!"

It's not easy to meet such a powerful elder. Zhou Chengxuan sees the possibility of taking a step further in his art. He doesn't want to miss it.


Zhou Chengxuan's action instantly pushed the atmosphere of the whole audience to a higher level. No one thought that he had vowed to tear down Su Xun the day before. In a twinkling of an eye, he knelt down to worship his teacher.

This is master Zhou, who is famous in Jiangzhou province. Even if he wants to be a teacher, how terrible should Xiangshu be?

Zhou Chengxuan's apprentice has a white face. He just scolded Su Xun for being rubbish. Now he's in a panic.

Su Xun didn't expect that Zhou Chengxuan would suddenly worship his teacher. He quickly said, "you get up quickly, even if you worship your teacher, I can't teach you anything."

His family knows his own affairs. He is just a parallel product. Zhou Chengxuan has real skills. What can he teach him?

"Master, I understand. You are testing me, aren't you?" Zhou Chengxuan's eyes are burning at Su Xun. He believes that he will pass the test.

Su Xun

What do you know about horse riding?

Don't blind a few brain, OK!

I'm not really an expert, I'm a chicken!

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