"You really..."

Su Xun wanted to say that you really misunderstood. I didn't test you, but as soon as the words came to his mouth, he changed his words and said, "you're so smart. You're a good material. You can see at a glance that I'm testing you. It's good. It's very good."

Why did master Su change his mind temporarily?

Because it suddenly occurred to him.

He doesn't know fortune telling, but Zhou Chengxuan does!

Why don't you fool this guy into his apprentice and let him work as a fortune teller? All of us know that Zhou Chengxuan became a disciple of master su.

Every time Zhou Chengxuan counts his life, his fame will be even greater.

I'm as smart as I am.

As for later Zhou Chengxuan found that he had nothing to teach him how to do?

That's very simple. By that time, I'll have finished all my tasks as a fortune teller. Why do I care so much?

If you feel sorry, you should give a sum of money to express your gratitude.

"Master, do you agree to accept me?" Zhou Chengxuan looks at Su Xun excitedly, and his eyes are full of longing for knowledge.

Although Su Xun was younger than him, it made him admire him more, because it showed his talent and strength in Xiangshu.

He is a teacher. He really wants to learn something.

Su Xun sighed: "a sincere heart, how can I refuse? Well, I'll take you as a registered disciple first. From today on, you'll do fortune telling for me here. "

I'll take you as a temporary worker first, and give me a few free days.

"Master Chengxuan, you won't be at ease." Zhou Chengxuan said in a loud voice, the secret master in his heart should be testing his strength.

As long as I pass this test, I will definitely become an entry-level disciple from a registered disciple. I must not let Shifu down!

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "I believe in your strength. I just hope you can be down-to-earth."

"Master, I understand!" Zhou Chengxuan suddenly exclaimed and looked at Su Xun with burning eyes.

Su Xun was stunned. What do you understand? I didn't get it myself, okay?

Zhou Chengxuan said with a face of repentance: "I'm ashamed. At this time, I can see the profound meaning of master's action. I've gone with the wind since I became famous. I drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house. I've been corrupted by money and paper."

"Xiangshu is so wonderful. How can you be complacent? Shifu asked me to do fortune telling and to be down-to-earth. It's to train my mind, to wake me up from my life, to take root in society, to understand all kinds of things in the world, and to remember my original intention, right? "

Su Xun

I just patted you on the shoulder and said two words without nutrition. I didn't expect that you could interpret something that I didn't even think of.

It's really powerful. Primary school reading comprehension must be full marks.

In addition, if you want to say that you are too drunk to be a teacher, you are waiting for more than a dozen maids and little sisters in the teacher's family.

After listening to Zhou Chengxuan's words, all the people who eat melons around are suddenly enlightened.

Oh, it turns out that master Su's two seemingly understated words have such deep meaning.

The master who can understand is not a word machine.

"I You're right. " Looking at Zhou Chengxuan, Su Xun said with satisfaction, since you think I'm so powerful, I can only admit it.

No, it's a showdown. I, Su Xun, am such a bull!

Seeing this, Zhou Chengxuan thought his understanding was right. He said modestly, "master Miao has saved. Compared with master, I still have a long way to go."

"That's the first step." As the voice fell, Su Xun turned and left.

He really doesn't want to stay here for a second, or else this guy can understand something from his casual words.

Oh, there's something about Qin Zhu, who has a confused look on his side. Ghosts don't necessarily know.

But it's easy to cheat smart people.

As long as you start your own business, he can help you make up all the rest.

These smart people always like to complicate simple things, and they don't know if they are tired of living.

"I'd like to see you off, master."

Zhou Chengxuan bowed deeply to Su Xun's back. He said in his heart, "master is master. The last sentence is not simple.".

Let me start from here.

This is to remind me that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

"Master, please stay."

Su xungang was about to get on the bus when a voice like orchid in an empty valley with a sense of familiarity suddenly sounded behind him.

When Su Xun looked back, he was surprised.Because the person who called him was Yan Yurou.

Isn't she in Yunling? How did you come to Jiangnan City?

Yan Yurou went up to Su Xun and said politely, "I came to see the master from Yunling. The master has two hexagrams a day, and there is one left today. Can you give it to me?"

I don't know why, she always felt that the master had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which made people close to him, but for a moment, she couldn't tell where he was familiar.

"It's all right." Su Xun gave a cool smile and made a gesture of invitation.

Yan Yurou pursed her lips and said slowly, "I want the master to count me as a person. How can I find him?"

"I only count the events of that day. Oh, the past can count." Because he can only realize the calculation of the day, he is not sure about the future, but he can cheat with his psychic ability in the past.

Moreover, let him find someone, this thing he really can't count, because he didn't install GPS ⊙ Omega ⊙ on each other.

Yan Yurou clenched her red lips and said in a firm voice: "please help me figure out where I can see him today, even at the ends of the earth!"

"The more detailed the information, the better." After all, he couldn't smash his signboard.

The big deal is that it takes a long time for this thing. After getting the information, let Tony from abroad check it.

As a killer agent, it's not hard for Tony to find a position.

Yan Yu shook his head with a dim look: "I I don't know anything. "

"There's no way." Su Xun was relieved, but also secretly scolded, which bastard is so cruel, actually make a childlike beauty's mood so low, it's just God's shame.

Yan Yurou was flustered for a moment, and hurriedly took out a painting: "master, but I have his portrait. Can you have a look at this?"

Su Xun looked at her suspiciously, took the portrait, and then opened it. The whole person was stunned.

Because the man in the picture is the one who disguised himself on the cruise ship that day.

In other words, the person Yan Yurou is looking for is herself?

Think is also, in addition to their own this peerless beauty, who else in the world can put a childlike beauty into this look?

Oh, my damned, nowhere to put charm.

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