"Elder martial brother, take it easy. How hard to find such characters as Jiansheng and Li Tiande? There will never be a third person in the Academy. " Shan Yun comforts his lover.

Yu Siping said with a bitter smile: "little younger martial sister, there is not only a third person, but also a fourth person."

"Well?" Shan Yun subconsciously turns to see.

Not far away, two old people came out of the gate with the words "Academy of Sciences".

Shan Yun's face was startled: "master of weapon refining, master of array, pan Qingyu."

Both of them are in the realm of daruo. They are gifted in weapon refining and array. They have come to this day as casual practitioners.

I didn't expect to join this college.

That is to say, with the mysterious Dean, this college has at least four big Luo and one golden immortal peak. How strong is it?

If not the backer of heaven, there are few people who can compete with jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

"I can't figure out why even pan Qingyu and Bing Wenruo would join jiuxiao college."

Yu Siping had been shocked at the beginning, but now he became numb and began to think.

In the world of cultivating immortals, cultivation is very important, but technical talents are more rare.

Like Pan herring and crepe Wen, I don't know how many of them threw olive branches at them, but they were all rejected in the end.

Now he joined jiuxiao Xiuxian college, how can he not be surprised?

In fact, the reason why Wenruo and pan Qingyu joined jiuxiao Xiuxian college is very simple.

Because Su Xun gave them the right medicine and opened the door to a new world.

It turns out that the smelter can still be refined like this.

It turns out that the array can be used in this way.

Therefore, they stayed in jiuxiao Xiuxian college and learned knowledge eagerly every day. Basically, they stayed in the Academy of Sciences for research every day.

Strive to combine the cultivation of immortals with science and technology.

"Come on, elder martial brother." Shan Yun urges.

Yu Siping and Shan Yun are trembling all the way. I'm afraid that suddenly some big guy comes out.

Finally safely arrived at the gate of the fairy house.

After entering, they were confused again.

They were shocked by the second generation.

These second generation students didn't practice well in their own family, and they even came to the college as lecturers.

In Yu Siping's opinion, this is really an act of obsession.

That's what he thought of Qin Feiyu.

"The clothes of taihaozong, look for Feiyu." A lecturer took a look at them, then yelled at a classroom: "Feiyu, someone is coming from taihaozong."

Because of the relationship of elders, most of the second generation of Xiu knew each other.

But I'm not familiar with the sect disciples.

After a while, Yu Siping and Shan Yun see a brand new Qin Feiyu come out.

White clothes flutter, temperament is indifferent, but between the eyebrows is brewing a majestic, let Yu Siping and Shan Yun in a trance between he saw the shadow of the master.

Today's Qin Feiyu in front of two people, and before is completely two people.

It's very accurate to use one sentence here.

That is to say goodbye for three days and look at it with new eyes.

"Elder martial brother and younger martial sister, how did you come here?"

Qin Feiyu met him, and there was no difference in his face, because he had completely put it down.

Junior sister?

Do you have any good novels?

Do you have a sense of achievement in teaching?

Since the younger martial sister can't say anything except that, what else should she do?

"Feiyu, Shifu is worried about you, so he sent us down to have a look. Now it seems that you have a good life."

Yu Siping tidied up his mood, looked at Qin Feiyu and said with a little emotion.

"That's natural. It's much more comfortable to teach and educate people in college, to manage students and to read books in leisure time than to practice in the mountains."

Qin Feiyu said with a smile, and then invited two people to their dormitory to chat.

They followed Qin Feiyu through a large garden and came to the teacher's residence.

Qin Feiyu has his own independent courtyard, in which a small piece of bamboo is planted, full of charm.

Yu Siping and Shan Yun both feel relaxed and happy. Jiuxiao Xiuxian college is really good.

"Younger martial brother, what do you think of taking jiuxiao Xiuxian College as the property of taihaozong?" After all, Qin Feiyu was also a member of taihaozong, and even his father was a member of taihaozong.

But Qin Feiyu's face changed: "elder martial brother, jiuxiao Xiuxian college is the Holy Land in my heart. I don't think it's right."

"Younger martial brother, don't forget that you are from taihaozong." Yu Siping didn't like his attitude.

Qin Feiyu looked firm: "but now I am also the director of the college. I am responsible for the students!"

"Second younger martial brother, I think you are possessed! I want to betray my school, but I can't! " Yu Siping was angry.

Because Qin Feiyu's behavior in his eyes is betraying the clan, this kind of behavior can not be tolerated.Qin Feiyu was unafraid: "only when I stayed in the college did I know that my previous days were all in vain. If I had to choose one, I would quit taihaozong."

He has been deeply involved in the cause of jiuxiao college, here are his students, his colleagues and his efforts.

He never wanted to destroy it, let alone leave.

"Second elder martial brother, do you know what you are talking about?" Now even Shan Yun's face changed greatly.

Even the words of breaking away from the school came out. What did jiuxiao Xiuxian college give the second elder martial brother.

"I'm overbearing, but that's what I mean. I'm inseparable from the college."

Taihaozong is his family, jiuxiao college is his career, and now he has chosen his career.

Finally, Yu Siping leaves with Shan Yun, but Qin Feiyu doesn't.


A day later, Yu Si takes Shan Yun back to the mountain gate and tells the master about it at the first time.

"The villain!"

Qin Xiangyuan, the leader of Taihao zongtianyu peak, was so angry that he smashed the crime in front of him.

Where did his son put him when he said such a thing?

"Master, calm down. Feiyu is not like this before. I think it's mostly the jiuxiao College's means." Yu Siping repeatedly excused Qin Feiyu.

Shan Yun also followed: "yes, Shifu, Lian Jiansheng, Li Tiande, Bing Wenruo, pan Qingyu are all among them. This college is definitely abnormal."

Qin Xiangyuan's face was stiff. He was going to kill him directly. He used his absolute strength to turn over the college and let Qin Feiyu wake up.

But now after a reminder, instant counsellor, so many experts, he is also to send food.

But it can't be given up.

Since you can't do it by yourself, you'd better pull up a few more people before you start.

"You come with me."

In this way, Qin Xiangyuan took Yu Siping and Shan Yun to report the matter to zongmen, and said: "the magic of jiuxiao college is amazing. We must save Qin Feiyu who is under control."

Finally, he made a promise, and finally three other mountains were willing to accompany him to Taihao city.

In this way, the first conflict will happen since the establishment of the college.

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