Qin Feiyu has already told Su Xun about the possibility of Tai haozong's coming.

Su Xun was not too worried about this.

After all, the two skills of staring at who is pregnant and catching the blade empty handed are not built.

If anyone dares to look for trouble, let him try to feel pregnant.

He's been looking for someone to try it out for a long time.

But I haven't found the right one.

After all, stare who who who is pregnant, but did not say how to lift ah.

He can't make the stomachs of his teammates bigger for no reason (* / Omega *).

But this man can't stand talking.

The people of taihaozong really came.

At noon of this day, with the arrival of the streamer, a group of people were over jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

It was Qin Xiangyuan who led the way.

Qi Zhi, the leader of the four peaks of Taihao sect, had several golden immortals and a large group of disciples behind him.

Of course, bringing these disciples here is not for their help.

It's mainly for them to have a long experience.

Have a look at the prestige of emperor taihaozong and see how they made the enemy bow down.

"The people of taihaozong are coming. Go and tell the teacher."

"The people of taihaozong are here..."

The students in the college rushed to tell each other, but there was no panic.

After all, after so many days of study in the college, it's not in vain. Although the cultivation has not kept up, at least the vision has been broadened.

"In order to avoid suspicion and keep your father and son away from each other, you should stay here." Su Xun said to Qin Feiyu.

Qin Feiyu looked complicated: "yes, Dean."

Su Xun, with Wen Ruo, pan Qingyu, Ji Tianqiu and Li Tiande, stood up against Qin Xiangyuan of taihaozong.

Su Xun stepped forward to show his identity and put himself on the side of justice.

"Master Qin Feng, I'm Su Xun. I'm the dean of jiuxiao Xiuxian college. I've asked you to teach in our college. You and I should have been friends. I don't know why you are so aggressive today?"

"Are you Su Xun?" Qin Xiangyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he hummed coldly: "I don't know what means you used to deceive my son. It's better to be possessed than to say the words of breaking away from the sect. You are really a heretic school!"

After that, he looked at Su Xun's four people: "are the four Taoist friends restrained by this evil demon's means? If so, the four Taoist friends can rest assured that there are countless spiritual treasures in our Taihao sect, and they will certainly help you remove this evil means. "

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun couldn't help laughing, and his eyes were a bit ironic: "the world says that Tai Hao Zong is a famous and decent family. Today, I've gained a lot of insight."

"The so-called noble and decent school is to make another decent school a devil and then swallow it up. It's really decent enough."

"Rude Qin Xiangyuan side of a dignified middle-aged man cold drink.

Su Xun gave him a direct look.

The middle-aged man sneered: "why, you're still trying to kill me with your eyes?"

His face suddenly changed and he retched.

"Ouch ~ wow ~"

"brother Daoyuan, your stomach!" Qin Xiangyuan looked at the middle-aged man in horror.

Cao Daoyuan looked down and saw that his stomach was slowly bulging.

It's like, pregnant.

But he's a man!

Cao Daoyuan was shocked: "this How can this happen? I'm poisoned? "

"Younger martial brother, I'm at ease." Qin Xiangyuan squeezed his wrist, then his face became strange: "look at his pulse, younger martial brother I'm so happy. "


For a moment, people were in an uproar.

The four of them, including Jiansheng and jitianqiu, were all gaping.

After all, the sudden pregnancy of a man is an unheard of story.

The disciples of taihaozong and the disciples of jiuxiao Xiuxian college are also knowledgeable.

Men can be pregnant.

"I I'm pregnant? " Cao Daoyuan's face was full of disbelief. Then he suddenly looked at Su Xun: "it's you. It must be you. You made me pregnant!"

The corners of their mouths twitch. What are the words of tiger and wolf!

"Taoist brother, don't insult people's innocence out of thin air. I'm still a young lady with yellow flowers? How can you get pregnant? " Su Xun yelled.

The crowd was in disorder in the wind.

Cao Daoyuan didn't believe it, but his eyes were ready to crack: "you glared at me before, and I was pregnant. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?"

Hearing this, Qin Xiangyuan looked at Su Xun with a gloomy face.

"It's ridiculous. Is there any way to stare at who's pregnant?" Su Xun sneered, and then looked at Qin Xiangyuan: "if I stare at them, will they be pregnant?"Qin Xiangyuan and others subconsciously took a step back.

They are not afraid to do it.

But they a big man good suddenly pregnant, spread to they also want shameless.

After Cao Daoyuan's story today spread, he became famous completely.

They don't want to end up like this.

And they also suspect that Cao Daoyuan's sudden pregnancy has something to do with Su Xun. It must be that he secretly performed some magic.

Su Xun sighed: "ladies and gentlemen, I advise you to take the Taoist brother who is pregnant back to take care of him, so as not to get angry."

God treads on the horse and moves the foetus.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Li Tiande couldn't help but burst into laughter.

For a moment, the four peak masters of taihaozong glared at him.

"Don't get me wrong." Li Tiande waved his hand: "I just thought of happy things."

"Lizi deceives people too much!"

An old man couldn't bear it any longer. He yelled angrily and went to kill Su Xun with a flying sword.

Su Xun launched an empty hand to catch the blade.

Then the old man's flying sword was caught by Su Xun.

Everyone's pupils are shrinking.

"How could that be?" The old man didn't believe it.

He was in the middle of the great Luo Dynasty. When he went down with a sword, he was held by the other side, which made him feel hallucinated.

"Oh, it's too weak."

Su Xun pretended to be forced to sigh, and said lightly: "it's better to try this sword."

Voice down, Yin Tianzi sword hanging behind.


In a flash, a deep, surging, death, cold and several other breath burst into the sky.

"Shaohua." Su Xun spat out two words.

"Stab -"

when a sword falls, everyone only sees a gorgeous sword sweep, and then everything seems to have happened.

"Ha ha ha, you vertical son, I thought you had two brushes, but I didn't expect that you were just an appearance, ha ha ha..."

The old man, who had been picked up by Su Xun empty handed, felt that he had regained face and began to laugh.

"No, elder martial brother Qin, what you look like."

Cao Daoyuan looks at the three in horror.

"Younger martial brother Daoyuan, you are getting old."

"Elder martial brother Zhou, you are getting old, too."

"This This... "

The four men thought of the possibility of terror. Su Xun's sword cut off time.

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