Chairman's office.

"Show me the information about the project of Taishan Group."

Su Xun sat behind his desk and said to Liao Yu standing in front of him.

Although he inherited the memory of extracting identity, he really didn't know much about the current situation of Qingyun group.

The extracted identity is permanent, that is to say, it can be maintained for a lifetime.

In this case, of course, he has to pay attention to Qingyun group. After all, it's his own industry.

"Su Dong, I'm ready." With a smile, Liao Yu takes out a piece of material and puts it on his desk.

She was very respectful to Su Xun. After all, she used to be Zhao Chengming's secretary. She was afraid that Su Xun would replace her.

Su Xun looked down at the information and said, "you go down first."

"Yes, Mr. Su. Please call me if you have something to do." Liao Yu bowed slightly and left.

After reading the materials, Su Xun understood how the project was going on.

Taishan Group is engaged in real estate development, since it is doing real estate, it can not avoid purchasing building materials.

What's more, Taishan Group is such a behemoth, and one-time purchase orders are sky high prices.

The supplier who originally cooperated with Taishan Group lost and went bankrupt because of gambling in Australia, so someone from the project Department of Qingyun group proposed to win the order of Taishan Group and establish long-term cooperation.

It is conceivable that the person who put forward this proposal must be a newcomer to the company, who does not understand the grievance between Zhao Chengming and Taishan Group.

So this proposal was not reviewed at all. It has been stranded. Now Chen Hua takes it out to embarrass Su Xun.

"It's interesting that I don't know what old grudge Zhao Chengming has with Taishan Group."

Su Xun put down the document and murmured to himself. The memory he received did not include such detailed things at all.

Take out a mobile phone to call Li Tao in the past, want to understand the resentment from his mouth.

But Li Tao replied that he didn't know. No one in the company knew. All they knew was that an Nantian, the chairman of Taishan Group, disagreed with Zhao Chengming and even ridiculed him in public many times.

"Look, still can only look for an Son Jin." After hanging up, Su Xun got up and went out.

To investigate the cause of Zhao Chengming's death, it is unrealistic to rely on him alone. We must fully mobilize the strength of the company to investigate this matter.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to gain a firm foothold in the company and integrate the strength.

"Good morning, sir."

As soon as I went out, a group of bodyguards in suits and shoes on both sides of the aisle almost bent down to say hello at the same time.

Su Xun was startled: "what are you doing here?"

He didn't expect to see such a large group of people as soon as he opened the door.

"Mr. Li asked us to follow you later and take charge of your daily safety." A young man at the head stepped forward and said respectfully.

Su Xun realized that it was mostly because Zhao Chengming died in a strange way. Li Tao was afraid that he would follow suit, so he arranged for someone to protect him.

However, it's too much. It's too inconvenient to take more than 20 people with you wherever you go.

As if seeing Su Xun's idea, the young man at the head said, "don't worry, sir. We can wear casual clothes around you. It won't affect your daily life."

"I'll trouble you." Su Xun nodded, looked at the young man and asked, "what's the name?"

"Just call me a long, sir." The young man's voice dropped, pointed to a young man beside him and said, "this is my brother AHU. In the future, we will be mainly responsible for the safety of our husband."

"Yes, sir." Ah Hu saluted Su Xun. He looked twenty-four or five at most. He had a clean head and a sharp momentum.

Su Xun nodded to him, and then said, "you can change your regular clothes now, and drive me to Jiangzhou University."

On the way to Jiangzhou University, he transferred a sum of money to his family, but he didn't dare to give too much, for fear of frightening his parents.

He said that he earned money from a part-time job in a company, and he didn't have to pay his living expenses in the future.

At least make it easier for your parents.

And he didn't lie. He is a part-time chairman of Qingyun international.


In half an hour.

A black A6 stopped at the gate of Jiangzhou University, while several cars in the distance also stopped.

Originally, Su Xun wanted to keep a low profile. He didn't want to cause a sensation everywhere. He was surrounded by people like monkeys.

But I didn't expect that the imported Audi A6 was already the company's most low-key car.

Alas, the life of the rich is so boring and helpless.

At this time is lunch time, an Zijin in the canteen to eat.

Although she comes from a distinguished family, she is not extravagant and picky, so she usually eats in the canteen.

She is obviously absent-minded today.Because she was full of doubts, how could Su Xun become the successor of Qingyun international?

She met Su Xun's parents when she was a child. They were all ordinary people.

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about me?"

At this time, a familiar voice came into her ears. She suddenly looked up and was facing Su Xun's smiling face.

Anzijin first surprise, followed by a red face jiaochen: "bah, I didn't miss you."

The delicate face is more attractive with a blush.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, Su Xun couldn't figure out how she had the courage to chase herself.

"Su Xun, you..."

As soon as an Zijin wanted to speak, Su Xun interrupted her and said with a bitter smile, "I know you have a lot of doubts, but I don't know how to explain to you. Anyway, there is no danger."

"Then there's no need to explain." An Zi Jin exhibition Yan a smile, soft voice soft language say: "as long as there is no danger to you."

"I have doubts too. I didn't dare to ask before..."

This time, an Zijin interrupted Su Xun: "you want to ask me why I like you, right? In fact, I have been waiting for you to ask me, but you have not

Su Xun nodded: "why?"

"Remember this?" An Zijin carefully took down a necklace from his neck and handed it to Su Xun.

The necklace is very rough. It's a heart-shaped stone strung with a red rope.

But at the moment when he saw the necklace, Su Xun suddenly woke up and countless memories came to his mind.

His hometown is in the countryside. When he was eight years old, he went to primary school in the city with his working parents. He suffered a lot of discrimination, which also led to his faint inferiority complex.

He remembers that his only little companion at that time was a little girl with a runny nose.

Because of the little girl's poor health, she was nicknamed medicine jar. Everyone disliked her and didn't play with her.

Then the two children who were despised at the same time went to play together to get warm.

Su Xun cherishes his only partner very much. When others bully her, he doesn't hesitate to stand up to protect her, so he is often beaten by kids of the same age.

Later, the little girl left after the first grade.

The day she left, susian gave her the necklace he made.

But he never thought that the little girl was an Zijin.

He looked at an Zijin incredulously: "you You How did you grow up like this? "

Now an Son Jin and that small nose slug difference is also too big, changed individual.

"I can't do it when I'm 18 years old." Anzijin think of his childhood image is also can't help blushing.

Su Xun shook his head and said, "I'm a little confused. I have to be quiet."

The story of the horse riding TV series actually happened to him, exciting, dog blood.

"You used to say that you would marry me when you grow up. You can't deny it." An Son Jin red face, effort make a pair of ferocious appearance, but appear more lovely.

Su Xun blinked: "so you recognized me and chased me all the time?"

An Zi Jin naturally nods: "yes, we have been married when we were children."

"That's the house." Su Xun's mouth twitched.

An Son Jin pie pie pie pie mouth: "that I don't care."

How two people look at each other and laugh silently at the same time.

The single dogs around suddenly feel that the food in front of them is not fragrant, and the chicken leg with five yuan is not fragrant.

The key is to have enough dog food.

Kill the dog in public! Is anyone in charge!

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