After abusing the dog in the canteen, they came to the small garden of the school.

As the highest institution in Jiangzhou Province, Jiangzhou University covers a vast area with complete facilities, including three gardens.

"Zijin, do you know your father and Zhao Chengming, the last chairman of Qingyun international, have any grudges?"

On the bench, Su Xun and an Zijin sat side by side, smelling the faint fragrance around him, which made him feel a little restless.

After all, he is still a small man after living so long.

"How do you ask that?" Ann Son Jin Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, obviously understand the inside story.

Su Xun gave a wry smile and said it again.

"You are too impulsive, are you so confident that my father will sign a contract with you?" An Zijin could not help but make complaints about him after listening.

Su Xun said with a smile, "isn't there you?"

Speaking at the same time, he caught an Zijin's catkin, smooth and delicate, so that he can't put it down.

"What are you doing? Let me go." An Zijin's delicate body trembled, her pretty face turned red, and her expression seemed angry and strange.

"No If Su Xun let go, he would be a fool. Instead, he moved to her: "before, when you chased me, why didn't you be so shy?"

"Then Can that be the same? " An Zijin talks to all shiver, dare not look up with quail same, always feel as if all passers-by are looking at them two.

Su Xun began to change the topic: "OK, let's get down to business. Tell me about it."

"My father and Zhao Chengming used to be rivals in love. As a result, none of them caught up with the woman. In the end, on the contrary, their relationship became stiff." An Zijin's attention is really shifted, no longer tangled by Su Xun's small hand.

After hearing this, Su Xun suddenly realized that the deepest hatred between men and men is because of women.

Why don't they even know about Li Tao?

Think about it. Will Zhao Chengming talk about such disgraceful things everywhere?

Su Xun looked at an Zijin suspiciously: "how do you know?"

"My dad said it when he was drunk." Anzijin some embarrassed, feel so betray his father is not a bit good.

Su Xun led her up: "go."

"What are you doing?" An Zijin is full of fog.

"To see your dad."

"Ah An Zi Jin Jiao Hu a, red face stammer say: "so fast, isn't not very good, we say everywhere first."

"What do you think?" Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry. He explained, "I'm looking for your father to talk about the contract. He must be more talkative with you."

"Oh." An Son Jin made a big red face, the Ping Ping, is really too shameful.

Big bad guy, hateful. It's really hateful to let people misunderstand without making it clear.


Anjia is located in the western suburb villa area, which is the best area in Jiangnan City.

People who can live here are either rich or expensive. If they stamp their feet, Jiangnan City will have to tremble.

At this time, Anjia restaurant, Annan day family is having lunch.

"Dad, younger sister and that poor boy are getting closer and closer. If you don't care, sooner or later something will happen."

An Jianyun looks at Annam day to say, he is the elder brother of an Zijin, also be the heir of an family.

Annam day does not think so, carelessly said: "that boy is not very interesting?"? Never accepted Son Jin, what can happen? "

"South sky, now don't have an accident, don't mean hereafter don't have an accident, you see son Jin day by day pour paste others to resemble what words." Li Xiu, Annan Tian's wife, frowned and looked unhappy.

It's obvious that an Zijin's pursuit of Su Xun is clear, but they have different views on it.

Of course, they all have a consensus that it is impossible to find a poor boy to be their son-in-law.

"Uncle ANN, you're having dinner. It's not a coincidence that I came here."

At this time, accompanied by a clear voice, a young man in a white shirt came in.

"Shaocheng is here. Have you eaten, or sit down and eat together." When Li Xiu saw this man, he was smiling and warm-hearted.

Han Shaocheng declined with a smile: "thank you, aunt. I've already had it. I'm here..."

"You're looking for Zijin. I'll call her back right away." Li Xiu knew his purpose without waiting for him to finish, and went to get his mobile phone to make a phone call.

An Jianyun shook his head, pointed at him and said with a smile: "if you don't have my sister, you won't come to my house."

"Jianyun, how can that be possible?" Han Shaocheng smiles.

Annam day put down the chopsticks, went to the sofa and sat down: "come and sit down."

"Thank you, uncle Ann." Han Shaocheng goes to sit down.

Suddenly, a servant came in quickly: "master, madam, miss is back."

Hearing this, Han Shaocheng almost subconsciously got up and looked at the door."You see how clever it is. This is fate. Before, the girl didn't come back at noon, but she came back suddenly today." Li Xiu came over with a mobile phone and said with a smile.

Han Shaocheng's smile was also very bright when he heard this.

But the next sentence made the smile stiff: "master, Miss also brought a man back."

"Dad, mom, I'm back." Meanwhile, an Zijin and Su Xun came in.

Seeing Su Xun, the faces of the three members of Annan's family changed.

The vision falls on the hand that two people hold, the facial expression suddenly more gloomy.

Han Shaocheng's face also became very ugly, and his eyes toward Su Xun were full of hostility.

An Zijin realizes that something is wrong, and immediately wants to take his hand out of Su Xun's.

However, Su Xun held his hand more tightly. Looking at Annan Tian and Li Xiu, he showed a modest and polite smile: "Hello, uncle and aunt. My name is Su Xun. I'm Zijin's boyfriend. I didn't bring any gifts when I came to the door for the first time, so I bought some fruit as my heart."

Voice down, he put a bag of fruit in his hand on the table next to the door.

He bought the fruit on his way here. After all, it's impossible for him to come home empty handed for the first time?

"What did you say? My sister's boyfriend? What are you, a mud leg from the countryside, and you deserve it? "

An Jianyun exploded in an instant. He got up and rushed forward. He pointed to Su Xun's nose and swore. His eyes seemed to eat people.

"Brother..." An Zijin wants to help Su Xun talk.

An Jianyun yelled angrily: "you shut your mouth and look for such a thing. You've disgraced our family!"

An Zijin's pretty face was very white, and she pursed her lips. She didn't dare to speak any more, but she held Su Xun's hand and refused to let go.

"Boy, I tell you, you are not worthy of my sister, and you are not qualified to be my son-in-law. Get out of here with your garbage!"

After an Jianyun finished scolding, he directly threw the fruit that Su Xun had brought out of the door. The fruit fell all over the floor.

Seeing this, Su Xun laughed.

Instead of paying attention to an Jianyun, he looked at Annan's day on the sofa and said, "Uncle an, you are a great family and a great career. Is that how you educate your son?"

"What do you say..." He didn't dare to reply.

"Shut up, shame." Annan day coldly swept him one eye, instantly blocked the words behind an Jianyun.

An Jianyun doesn't dare to contradict, but looks at Su Xun coldly.

Annan Tian looked at Su Xun's calm voice: "young man, how do I educate my son? It's not your turn to tell me."

"But it's you. I always think you know current affairs very well. Why do you suddenly lose your head? You are not worthy of my daughter. I will remember to stay away from her in the future. Otherwise, as a father, I will inevitably do some irrational things. "

His tone was calm and indifferent, but he was full of toughness. He was just ordering Su Xun how to do it.

And the last sentence, it is an undisguised threat, or threat.

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