
The thunder robbers fell again and again, nine times. Then the dark clouds dispersed. A ray of light fell and covered Su Xun. The wound on his body began to recover.

The skin is white, tender and delicate, as if it were made of jade bone, and the hair grows out again.

Su Xun took out a black robe from the system space, put it on, and stepped down from the air step by step.

It's like there's an invisible staircase.

"Congratulations on the breakthrough of dean's cultivation!"

"Congratulations on the breakthrough of dean's cultivation!"

"Congratulations on the breakthrough of dean's cultivation!"

Su knelt down and looked at all the people.

"Get up." Su Xun spat out a word.

Then the crowd stood up uncontrollably.

Su Xun said: "summon the presidents of all the branches to come to Taihao city for discussion."

Voice down, step out, figure disappeared.

He had returned to his room.

The idea moves and enters a gray space.

Zhunsheng has the ability to open up a world alone, which is the world he opened up.

It's a world that's completely real and belongs only to him.

In this world, he is the way of heaven, is the creator, invincible in this world.

He has a divine world on R star, but strictly speaking, it can't be called a one side world.

Because only the dead can enter the world, or magic weapons can enter.

"It's the underworld." Su Xun said to himself.

He was inherited by Fengdu emperor, and now he is a real Yin emperor.

In this case, it is not impossible for him to build his own world into a real Yin Department.

This is nothing more than a process of improvement step by step. As long as you live long enough, you can succeed.

Guimenguan, huangquan Road, Wangchuan River, Naihe bridge, wangxiangtai, sanshengshi, Wufu, Shidian, yintianzi, etc.

There are also Mengpo, niutoumamian, heiwuchang, baiwuchang, wufangguidi, shidianyanluo, etc.

If you don't have a complete Yinsi in your hand, how can you be called Fengdu emperor?

If you want to withdraw from the underworld, you can't be perfunctory.

The palaces in the realm of God are all condensed by him with the power of faith.

But to reestablish Yinsi, Guimenguan, sanshengshi, naiheqiao, these buildings need to use the real best magic weapon.

So it's bound to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive project.

Reestablish the Yin Department and break through the saint realm. When he goes to xuanyue mainland, he doesn't need to rely on others.

He himself is his biggest backer!

Take back the misty thoughts, start to meditate and practice, and stabilize your cultivation.

Quasi holy land is immortal, even if the spirit is extinguished, but as long as there is a drop of blood left in the world, there is still a chance of resurrection.

So when it comes to this cultivation, it's basically impossible to kill the other person completely by fighting with the realm.

Because who knows, would he have hidden a drop of blood long ago?

For example, Su Xun was ready to seal a drop of blood into the Moyu sword. When he left the world, he would leave it in a corner just in case.

If that day wave died, at least it can rely on this drop of blood to revive.

If you want to kill the quasi holy land, only the saints who understand and master the power of the law can do it.

Or a monk who understands the law of time can also do it. He can directly cross the river of time and space, find the blood used by his opponent to destroy his hand after resurrection.

I don't know how long later, a sound came from outside.

"To the president, the presidents of the branches have arrived."

"In addition, Yanyun branch captured a celestial God general, and also brought him."

"Well, this seat is known. Go ahead." Su Xun's voice fell, and his figure disappeared from the original place.

Once again, it's in the hall of the college.

"See the Dean!"

All the people who were still chatting saw Su Xun, and they all stopped smiling to pay homage.

They all knew that Su Xun had broken through the holy land, and no one dared to give up.


Su Xun's voice fell, and everyone stood up.

Su Xun went to his position and sat down. Then he spat out a word: "sit down."

"President Xie."

Thank you and take your seats.

Su Xun's every move was in harmony with the general trend of the world. He was standing in front of him, but everyone felt that he was too far away to be disrespectful.

"What will happen to that God?" Su Xun looked at Qin Xiangyuan and asked.

Qin Xiangyuan quickly got up: "Dean Hui, that man is a general under the emperor Tianting. He hasn't been examined carefully. I guess that his lower bound this time is mostly related to our cutting off contact with Tianting.""I'll bring it up. I'll judge it myself." Su Xun said calmly.

"Yes, Dean."

After a while, Wang Shenjiang was escorted up by two students. The students wanted to force him to kneel down, but he forced him not to kneel down. He looked at Su Xun provocatively: "I only kneel down. What are you? You deserve it, too? "


All of them were furious in a flash.

"On your knees." Su Xun said lightly.

"I'm not..." Before Wang Shen finished speaking, he knelt down uncontrollably and looked at Su Xun in horror.

Su Xun's look was unshakable: "tell me, what kind of command did you take to the lower boundary."

The king said nothing.

"I've given you an opportunity. You don't cherish it. That's all."

Sue's voice came out.

The spirit of Wang Shenjiang was pulled out.

Wang's first reaction was to run, but he found that he was imprisoned and could not move.

"Damn it! How could it be

God Wang was so shocked that he didn't know about Su Xun's breakthrough in Zhunsheng, and he didn't dare to guess.

"It's noisy."

Instead of channeling, Su Xun directly stripped his memory, then obliterated his consciousness and threw it into the underworld.

When people saw this scene, they were shocked.

A strong man in the middle of Da Luo's life was so understated that he made it clear.

Let them be frightened and afraid, even more awe Su Xun, dare not neglect half a point.

"It is true that the purpose of Wang Shen's lower bound is to find out the connection between zongmen and Tianting, and immediately dispatch all the disciples above Huashen realm to gather in Taihao city."

"There is no way in heaven. I'm going to attack heaven. What do you think?"

Su Xun's tone was calm, but his words were shocking.

Although they had their doubts for a long time, they were shocked to hear Su Xun say it himself.

Tianjie has been in charge of Tianlan for thousands of years. He once sent Tianbing to lower the kingdom to fight against the rebellion.

But what happened to the lower boundary?

People were shocked, but they felt excited.

"We are willing to follow the president to fight against heaven!"

The sword Saint Ji Tianqiu, who has already broken through the great Luo, is the first one to stand up, and then one by one to practice.

"We are willing to follow the president to cut the sky!"

Then there was the response of the presidents.

"We are willing to follow the president to cut the sky!"

The voices resounded through the sky and the earth, gathered in a place above the college, and penetrated the sky.


The clear sky gives birth to thunder, and the wind and rain are about to come.

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