With Su Xun's order.

The whole sky blue world has changed color.

Under the leadership of the college leaders, the disciples of each branch began to gather in Taihao city.

The Academy of Sciences worked overtime to produce shells.

And Su Xun entered the underworld.

At this time, there is only one unconscious soul in the underworld.

This soul is the king of God.

After being washed by Su Xun, he was as muddled as a fool.

Su Xun put his hand on him and forced him to put in a piece of memory.

In this world, he can do whatever he wants.

After a moment, the king will be completely changed.

He was tall and thin, wearing a white robe, holding a white mourning stick, with a smile on his face, a long tongue, and a white official cap on his head.

Yes, this is the image of Xie Bian in the earth myth.

"See your majesty."

Fresh white impermanence kneels down on one knee to say hello, with a very respectful attitude.

"Excuse me. Now the Yin Department is still empty. You can practice in it and wait for my call."

Su Xun said faintly, when the battle of cutting heaven was over, it was estimated that the underworld would be lively.

Su Xun didn't worry about what to do if he met the real Bai Wuchang in the future.

Impermanence is not his opponent.

It's better to build one yourself than to accept a beaten up underworld.

It's like buying vegetables.

Home grown, eat at ease.

"Yes, your majesty."

Su Xun went back to the sky.

Everyone is preparing for the battle of the sky.


Heaven, heaven.

"It's too strange that Wang Shen hasn't come back yet. Chen Shen Jiang, you should be careful when you explore the lower world."

The emperor of heaven said with an ugly face.

"Yes, sir."

A young god will turn away.

"Everyone, I'm always a little uneasy. The affairs of the lower world are completely out of control." The way of heaven.

"I'm afraid all this has something to do with the new Zhunsheng," said the patriarch of Tai Hao Xianzong

"I don't think it's necessary to worry too much. He has only one person, and I'll wait for four people. Even if the lower boundary is temporarily out of control, it will eventually come back to us." The Lord of futu mountain showed his disapproval.

The leader of the Xianzong sect in the northern region had a dignified face: "I just tried to deduce the secrets of heaven, but I found that there was a lot of confusion. I must not be careless."

Hearing this, the Lord of futu mountain changed his face.

Quasi saint can't deduce, which shows that the matter is really serious.

About an hour later, Chen Shen will come back.

"To your majesty, there is a force in the lower world called jiuxiao Xiuxian college. The other party In vain to cut down the sky. "

Chen Shen will face pale said, at this time in the brain are still some trance.

When he first heard the news, he almost didn't hold on and showed his feet.


Hearing this, people were shocked and angry at random.

"What a group of thieves! Mole ants want to shake the sky. I don't know what they mean!"

The emperor of heaven said coldly: "most of this matter is controlled by the new Zhunsheng, who mobilizes heavenly soldiers and generals to go out with me!"

In the northern regions, the masters of Xianzong, futushan and Taihao also rose one after another.

This is to safeguard their common interests.

Heaven also began to mobilize.


The night passed.

The next day, the sun had just risen.


A loud noise spread all over the world.

"Look at the sky, everyone!"

Everyone looks up to the sky.

I saw a bronze door in the sky, which was rapidly solidified.

"It's Tianmen!" Yu Tianqi's face changed greatly, and then blurted out: "everyone, go to report to the president, the army of heaven is lower!"

"No need."

Su Xun stepped into the air, squinted at the bronze gate, and then ordered: "all the psionic antiaircraft guns aim at the gate of heaven, waiting for the order."

As his voice fell, thousands of psionic antiaircraft guns were taken out of the storage ring and placed on the ground, the muzzle of which was aligned upward, facing the gate of heaven.

A sense of extermination spread.

The gate of heaven finally opened, and a group of strong and resolute Jia Shi and the disciples of the sect in long robes came out from inside and lined up in the sky.

When the list is almost finished.

"Let it go Su Xun gave a big drink.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Thousands of psionic shells burst into the air, fell into the square of heaven, and exploded. The air was shaking."Ah


Not to mention the ordinary heavenly soldiers, even the ordinary sky can't bear a shell.

Nearly ten thousand people were killed and injured on the spot.

"It's just a foreign thing. It's a small skill! Hum

With a cold hum, the second round of shells were intercepted by an invisible wall in the air, directly turned into dust and dissipated.

Then, the emperor of heaven, the leader of the immortal sect of Taihao, the leader of the immortal sect of futushan, and the leader of the immortal sect of Beiyu stood in the void and looked down on everyone.

Behind the four were the great men.

Su Xun was in opposition to him from afar, and there were also a group of Da Luo friars standing behind him.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and the only difference is the top combat power.

Su Xun has one person and the other four.

One on four, it's still a little empty.

After all, although the dead can still rely on the blood to revive, if there is no chance, it will take thousands of years to revive consciousness.

Although my heart is empty, I can't show it on the surface: "you and the other four are controlling the soaring, suppressing the arrogance of the lower world. It's absurd and boundless. Now I want to fight against it and reestablish heaven and earth, but I don't want to surrender quickly!"

Although he has only one person, he shows the momentum of one encircling four.

Let emperor four people all Leng for a while.

There seems to be an illusion that they are weaker.

"Ridiculous! As soon as you break through, you are going to make trouble. It's time to kill you The leader of the immortal sect in the northern region gave a roar.

The leader of Taihao immortal sect looked at Yu Tianqi: "Yu Tianqi, you are a disciple of this sect. Now it's too late to turn back!"

"Shut up Yu Tianqi scolded and said: "I'm ashamed to be with you! It's time to change the sky of Tianlan world. "

"Presumptuous!" The master of Tai Hao immortal sect didn't expect that his younger generation would dare to treat him like this.

Su Xun said, "come on, cut the crap. Let's have a fight for a while and kill it!"

The voice falls, the sky demon bows in the hand, an arrow shoots out, then holds the Yin sky son sword to kill in the past.

One word is mang!


And so on, the two sides thoroughly fight each other.

And then the people in heaven were stunned.

Because a moment ago, I was still throwing magic weapons. You come and I go.

However, a moment later, the students of jiuxiao college took out their heavy machine guns and resisted the individual missile.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

It's more powerful than magic power.

Then there were fireworks all over the sky.

The low price friars and soldiers in heaven are just like the late Qing Dynasty. In the face of the artillery of the great powers, they don't even know it.

A student from hedaojing grinned and aimed the missile at a shivering celestial soldier in the same territory:

"our dean said that times have changed."


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