Su Xun was armed with several artifact, and he had the strength of quasi saint, but he was forced to fight against the four.

Yintianzi sword, Fengdu imperial seal and TIANYAO bow are all genuine relics of the emperor.

In addition, there are a lot of elixirs and elixirs in the space of Susun system. They can replenish their mana at any time, recover their injuries, and take drugs like they don't need money.

Su Tongxun's eyes were red.

Now this is the case.

The four of them are poor, forcing Mingming to be stronger.

However, there are so many props of the second generation of rich people on the opposite side that they just rely on throwing money to compete with them.

"Damn it! Where is this kid from? There are so many treasures

"Why are these people unheard of?"

"You three pester him. I'll deal with the others, or we'll all die here."

The leader of Xianzong in the northern region wanted to leave the battlefield and solve other friars.

But how could Su Xun give him this opportunity?

A seal was smashed out.

Four people nearly collapse, unexpectedly still have!

"Don't be distracted when you fight with me, or you'll be scared." Su Xun boasted.

"I'll take care of you first!"

The four men increased their attack, and Su Xun's resistance became difficult.

He was beaten away.

The emperor of heaven and the four of them pressed each other step by step.

With a single blow, the mountains will collapse.

"No! He meant to distract us

All of a sudden, the leader of Tai Hao immortal sect exclaimed.

When they were distracted, they found that most of the people they brought had been killed or injured by the magic weapon.

And the people of jiuxiao Xiuxian college have taken this opportunity to enter the heaven from the bronze gate.

"Come on! Come back quickly

The emperor of heaven and the four of them didn't care about Su Xun.

After all, they have been operating in heaven for such a long time. If they let these bandits in, all their operations will be gone.

What's the use of killing these people in the end? What's lost won't come back.

"Go as you like, come as you like?"

Su Xun gave a sneer, and the sword of Yin Tianzi immediately came out and stabbed down into the earth.


The earth is trembling, and countless swords rise to the sky, forming a killing array to force the four!

"You really want to live forever!" The emperor of heaven was staring at Su Xun.

Su Xun said coldly: "what you four have done is to force us to live forever! Die

Voice down, no longer pay attention to, directly launched the attack, from the beginning to the end are shown as a simple head, limbs developed of the wild man.

"This man is so stupid!"

Four people in the heart burst out to scold, the big deal talks about, cent you a little interest, then we five together suppress the whole sky LAN boundary went.

But you don't even talk about it!

Don't you know that the higher your accomplishments are, the better the negotiation will be?

The four of them were impatient. They couldn't take Su Xun for a while. The lower friars who rushed into the heaven would not wait for them.

"Stop it! We can talk! "

The emperor of heaven can't stand it. It's meaningless to fight like this. It can't solve the problem.

But Su Xun ignored: "I don't want to talk about it. Either you die or I die!"

Four people are headache unceasingly, this guy's intelligence quotient all took the development talent.

The four could only persuade Su Xun while fighting.

"You can't beat us. The four of us can really join hands to suppress you. It's just a matter of time and effort. Is that necessary?"

"My friars, why are you afraid of the first World War?" Su Xun was shouting two slogans.

The four are going crazy. If they continue to fight, their family business in Tianting will be over.

So many elixirs!

They have collected all kinds of rare and exotic animals for so many years.

The leader of the Xianzong sect in the northern region was furious: "I really want to die!"

Su Xun glared at him and each of them.

Stare at who's pregnant.

All four retched and their stomachs swelled.

They all feel life in their bodies.

"How could that be?"

Four people's faces are worse than eating excrement.

Four Zhunsheng are all big men. How shameful that they are pregnant?

Su Xun burst out laughing: "no, I learned a wonderful skill by chance. You four are lonely. I specially give you a child."

"Damn it

The four directly used mana to miscarry themselves, and each of them wanted to blow fire.

"It's said that tiger poison doesn't eat son. It seems that you four are more poisonous than animals!" Su Xun sneered.Futu mountain sect collapsed: "you can say what you want! There is nothing to talk about! "

His site was the poorer of the four.

If those bandits rush in and spoil it again, it's really over.

Su Xun sneered, pretending to sneer: "I want you to open the gate of heaven forever, and lower bound friars will fly freely. Can you promise?"

"Yes, yes!" Said the emperor.

The other three agreed.

Anyway, the best things in the whole heaven have been divided up by the four of them. As long as they can keep them in their hands, they will be satisfied.

What's more, Su Xun's way of getting pregnant was too difficult to prevent. It was not worth it.

Pay and income are not directly proportional.

Su Xun didn't expect that the four men agreed so happily. He tried to advance an inch: "I don't believe you. Unless I give the gate of heaven to you, I promise never to fly up!"

He doesn't need the geographical advantage of Tianting. What he wants is the bronze Tianmen.

With it, the gate of death is not there?

"Do you really never fly?" The four people's eyes were shining, and they thought this wave of business could be done.

As long as Su Xun didn't rise, their position in heaven was as stable as ever.

As for the complete opening of the flight path, it is good to open it.

Su Xun is their biggest threat.

There's nothing to be afraid of if he doesn't fly.

Su Xun was firm: "seriously!"

"Well, heaven's gate is for you. The lower friars can fly up if they achieve their accomplishments." After the emperor finished, he couldn't wait: "send a message quickly and let your people back out!"

"We haven't got Tianmen yet." Su Xun said.

Without saying a word, the four of them all pulled down the Tianmen. Then the Tianmen became the size of a slap and directly threw it to Su Xun.

From then on, there was no Tianmen. As long as the strength reached, all monks could fly up.

Su Xun put the gate away and said, "otherwise Take another oath. "

They were worried about the base camp, and they were angry and angry at Su Xun's behavior.

"I, the leader of the immortal sect in the northern region, swear that..."

"I'm the leader of Taihao immortal sect..."

After watching the four swear, Su Xun sends a message for Yu Tianqi to withdraw.

But after the emperor of heaven four people did not have Su Xun's entanglement, could not wait to return to the heaven boundary.

In this war, the strength of the bottom and middle level is the other side of jiuxiao college.

High level, Su Xun was beaten by pressure, but fortunately, he had the magic skill of staring at who was pregnant.

So it's a little bit of an end, but it's significant.

After all, it's impossible to fight together. Just fight for your own interests.

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