Outside the city of Taihao.

Looking at all the college students in confusion.

Su Xun roared: "we won! From now on, there will be no more orders for ascent. Anyone in practice can ascend as long as he has enough strength! "

After a short silence, there was a flash of torrent and tsunami like voice.

"We won! We can also fly up! "

"Ha ha ha ha, from now on, we will really be able to be free in the world."

"The flying order to step on the horse..."

All the friars were very excited when their shackles were broken, and they were a little out of shape when they were happy. The people who got the order of promotion threw them away one after another.

After a while of revelry, Su Xun calmed them down and said in a deep voice, "it's for them to pay for their lives that we get our own benefits."

Hearing this, the atmosphere of cheering just now was suppressed.

There are corpses all over the ground. Many of them are their elder or younger martial brothers and teachers.

But now it's all in a pool of blood.

After arranging everything, Su Xun went back to his courtyard.

Entering the underworld, there are hundreds of spirits, all of them are Jinxian, Tianxian and so on.

These people didn't have time to erase their memory, so they all knew Su Xun.

When I saw him, I was frightened.

Without being polite to them, Su Xun forced everyone's memory off, and then injected new memories according to his own ideas, turning them into new people one by one.

Wrong, new soul to be exact.

The only one of them is Su Xunan's black impermanence identity.

Black robe, soul chain, cold face, official cap written "world peace" four words.

It's all black and white.

The rest of the people have all become Yin soldiers.

Then there is the refined bronze Heaven Gate. After all, it doesn't seem to conform to the temperament of the underworld.

When Su Xun was addicted to refining the bronze gate of heaven as the gate of hell, the battle of Taihao city had been spread out.

Monks all over the world rushed to tell each other and were overjoyed.

The momentum of jiuxiao college has reached its peak.

As long as the strength reaches, you can fly to heaven.

This sentence attracted countless people to rush into the college.

In the underworld, seven days later, the bronze heavenly gate has completely changed.

It was still bronze, but the overall tone was more gloomy and black. Su Xun sealed a lot of souls into it, making the whole gate silent and angry, and the ferocious ghosts seemed to be able to break free.

With a wave of the big hand, the huge gate fell to the ground.

Su is holding Yin Tianzi sword, and the sword moves dragon and snake.

A moment later, three blood red characters appeared on the top of the gate, dripping with blood.

The gate of death.

After that, Su Xun was relieved. He was full of a sense of achievement.

Just like playing the construction game, I kept collecting all kinds of heroes, recruiting soldiers to build buildings.

Then Su Xun went out.

The first thing after the customs clearance is to call the management to discuss the matter.

"Now that the flight path is open, if you want to report in advance, you can do it after you hand over your work. I won't force you."

"In addition, I have promised never to fly."

Su Xun looked at the people below and said.

The four words "never fly up" are like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts.

In their view, it was Su Xun's sacrifice of his chance to ascend, and he won the benefits for the monks all over the world. He was so great that he was admirable.

In fact, it was just that Su Xun was not interested in the so-called heaven.

"Dean, I don't want to fly up, so that I won't meet those birdmen who are chirping when I go up."

"Yes, I don't want to fly. If I think about it later, I'll talk about it later."

"At present, the college is in a period of rapid development. We are in an important position. How can we just leave?"

All the people expressed their views one after another. Except for a few people who acquiesced to fly, most of them stayed.

"Well, the college will continue to expand and build 99 colleges in the whole natural world."

"In addition, to popularize the books used in the daily teaching materials of Xianyuan to the people, at least every household should have one."

With the popularization of Xianyuan teaching materials among the people, the mode of cultivating immortals by the whole people was really opened.

After all, some families are really poor, even if the tuition fees are falling again and again, they can't afford to pay the registration fee.

This will also give them a chance to practice. Of course, it will be more difficult for them to go without guidance.

[congratulations on the completion of the task: building a school, spreading the road and popularizing the compulsory education activities of cultivating immortals. 】

[get a reward: catch the blade empty handed. 】

a month later, Su Xun's cultivation had been completely consolidated, and he finally heard the prompt sound of task completion.

Unfortunately, it's not beautiful to get a reward.It would be nice to stare at someone who's pregnant.

More visual impact, more can make people unstable.

In short, it's the mentality of making people.

Take advantage of the collapse of his mentality.

The mission is complete. We can return.

Su Xun called in the presidents of all the branches and said, "I have a feeling recently. I will go out to look for opportunities, at least for a few days, but at most for a few years. Therefore, the affairs of the general hospital will be handed over to Ji Tianqiu. I hope you will do your best to cooperate."

After Qin Feiyu was transferred to be the president of the branch, Ji Tianqiu was his main talent.

Now it's on its own.

"We will comply with the order of the president."

There is no objection to being a man.

Or even if there was, no one dared to say it in front of Su Xun.

In this way, after finding an excuse to disappear, Sue found the earth.

After returning to earth, go straight to Yuliang mountain manor.

He didn't use the blink skill of vertical golden light, but walked slowly all the way.

Along the way, he saw many monks.

Although the strength is still very weak, but at least prove that the earth's civilization has changed.

Back to the manor, I found only Liuli and qinzhu at home.

"Master." Qin Zhuxiu floated over and pasted it on Su Xun.

Liuli's eyes were red with her notebook in her arms. She didn't care to see Su Xun more.

I'm an Internet addict, Lori.

"Where are the others?" Su Xun asked

"Obviously out." Qin Zhujiao's reply is that she is grinding on him.

Su Xun said, "Xiaozhu, I have a position here that suits you very well."

"When you sit down and blow, Xiao boy?" Qin Zhu blinked and drove. The exhaust was very dirty.

Su Xun didn't joke with her: "have you ever thought about being Mengpo?"

He is ready to let Qin Zhu go to the underworld, but how can he become Mengpo at the end of the bridge? After all, Qin Zhu is the God of Yin.

The most famous goddess in the underworld should be Mengpo.

On the Internet, some people say that Mengpo is an old woman, while others say that Mengpo is a beautiful woman.

Su Xun preferred the beauty version.

"Meng Po?" Qin Zhu was stunned, and then opened his eyes: "Meng Po who gave Meng Po Soup for free?"

"Yes." Su Xun smiles.

Qin Zhu worried: "can't you come back?"

"When your cultivation is high, you can leave a part there." Su Xun said.

Qin Zhu nodded: "I can help you."

What a simple sentence.

Su Xun was moved by his affection. He didn't want to repay it, so he had to pay for it.

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