"This villain, the cow is bought by Laozi. If you say you can't sell it, you can't sell it. What are you?"

Boss Zhou yelled at him. He only worried that if he continued to procrastinate, he would offend Su Xun. He said to Zhou Tiezhu, "drag your brother aside."

"Yes, Dad." Zhou Tiezhu seized the cowherd: "come here for me, you."

Zhou Tiezhu is very strong and Niulang is very thin because of his eccentric.

In front of Zhou Tiezhu, he didn't even have the strength to resist. He was dragged away.

Then boss Zhou came forward and led the cattle out to Su Xun.

"No! Dad, I beg you, I beg you, old cattle can't be sold. "

The cowherd cried hysterically, it's a magic cow, but it's useless.

Su Xun walked slowly with the old cattle.

I didn't take another look when I passed by Zhinu.

His task is just to find out the truth.

As for Zhinu, he was not interested.

After all, his women are no worse than the weaver girl.

And Zhinu is just a poor creature who is calculated by cattle and cowherd.

Looking at Su Xun's back, Zhinu felt that this person was very strange, with a kind of unknown meaning.

She did not know that it was the cowherd who stole her feather coat, which made her lose all her mana and unable to return to heaven.

So now she is grateful to the cowherd.

Because the cowherd took her in temporarily.

Of course, although grateful, but not to the point of marrying cowboy.

First of all, fairies can not be combined with mortals, otherwise it is against the heaven.

Secondly, she doesn't like a mortal.

Niulang's house was in chaos again, but Su Xun didn't care so much and led laohuangniu back to his home.

Then he began to sharpen his knife and prepare to kill the cattle.

"Hey, boy, if you don't kill me, I'll give you a big fortune." The old yellow cattle felt that the time had come.

Su Xun took a knife and swayed around in front of the old cattle: "what's rich?"

"Of course..." Before he finished speaking, Huang Niu suddenly realized something and his eyes changed: "no, you Are you not afraid? "

How can a mortal keep so calm when he sees a cow talking suddenly?

You know, when the cowherd heard what he said, he was scared first and then surprised.

But now, in front of him, Su Xun didn't respond as he should.

"Why should I be afraid? It's just a monster. Shouldn't you be afraid? " Su Xun rightfully asked.

Laohuangniu felt that things were beyond his control, and subconsciously explained to himself: "I'm not a demon, I'm an immortal..."

"You think I'm the fool of the cowherd?" Su Xun interrupted him directly.

Old cattle

I'm too hard. How could that be?

"Who are you? Why do you want to ruin our demon family plan The old cattle asked coldly.

Su Xun suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out that behind you is the calculation of the whole demon clan."

It seems that the magpies are the ones who built the bridge.

Think about it. How can a common magpie fly so high and bridge the Milky way.

Su Xun felt closer to the truth.

Old cattle

He thought that Su Xun knew, but now it seems that he didn't fight himself.

"Boy, in that case, I don't want to cover it up. It seems that you and I are going to have a fight today!"

The old cattle's voice became cold, and his body was full of evil, and his eyes were scarlet.

"Silly beep, do you deserve it?"

Su Xun directly put his hand on it, and the soul of the old cattle was pulled out by him, and the body fell to the ground.

"This How could that be! Damn it, how can it be like this? Who the hell are you? "

The soul of the old cattle kept struggling, and his eyes looking at Su Xun were full of shock and panic.

He had been in the village for so long, but he didn't find that Su Xun was so deep.

In other words, his every move is under his surveillance.

Then how can their demon clan's plan succeed?

Su Xun forced off the memory of the old cattle.

Then he threw his muddled soul into the underworld. It's still useful to keep it.

After watching the memory of old cattle, Su Xun was a little disappointed.

Lao huangniu is a pioneer of the demon clan, named Niu San. His task is to encourage the cowherd to steal the feather coat, and let the Cowherd and the weaver girl marry and have children.

Besides, there is no more useful information.

What is the plan of the demon clan?

Let the cowherd a mortal and weaver girl this immortal Union, what benefit can the demon clan obtain?


At the same time, a demon holy land.An old man in meditation suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

Then he pinched his fingers, frowned deeper, and cried, "come on."

"Elder." Two demon generals came in.

The elder said coldly: "the lamp of niusan's soul has gone out, and the sky is suddenly in chaos. You two go to tianwu village immediately to find a way to complete the unfinished task of niusan and find out the cause of his death."

"Yes, elder." Two demons will take orders and go.

The elder pondered for a moment and said, "summon all the demon kings to come to the hall to discuss business."

An hour later, in the hall of the holy land.

It's full of demon kings of all tribes.

"The elder is coming -"

with a long voice, the demon kings sitting up to greet them.

"All kings, please sit down. Your majesty, the demon emperor, shut up and let me act on his behalf. Thanks to the cooperation of all demon kings, there is no need to be so polite."

The elder asked the people to sit down.

"Elder, what's the matter?" A demon king asked.

Other people also looked at the elder.

The elder's face was solemn: "kings, the soul of niusan in tianwu village is out, and he is dead."

This word falls, everybody is facial expression changes greatly.

"How can this be? Doesn't it mean that everything is going well? How could Niu San suddenly die! "

"Has heaven discovered our calculation? So kill Niu San as a warning? "

"What to do now..."

"Be quiet!" The elder used his magic power to scold him and said, "I've sent someone to check the death of Niu San, and I've also asked someone to act on behalf of Niu San."

"As for being discovered by the heavenly court, it should not be possible. We are fully prepared. The heavenly court doesn't react so quickly, so there's no need to worry."

"I called you here just in case, to tell you about it and let you have a number in mind."

Hearing this, the demon kings were relieved. After all, they did too much work. If there was a mistake, all their previous achievements would be wasted.

The elder stood up, opened his hands, and said feverishly: "if the great plan is successful, the success will be in the future. Our demon clan will take the place of the heaven and compete with the emperor. At that time, there will be a demon clan in the heaven and the earth!"

All the demon kings were excited, as if they could imagine that kind of picture.

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