"Su Xun! Where's my cow! Give me the cow back

Niu Lang rushed into Su Xun's house in a hurry.

He was bound by his father and brother, but he begged the weaver girl to let him go.

In the yard, Su Xun pointed to the boiling hot pot in front of him and asked, "your cattle are here. Do you want to taste it?"

That's right. Su xunzhen used the beef of old yellow cattle to make hot pot.

After all, it's also monster meat. We can't waste it. Anyway, we have all the tools. Let's have meat.

The cowherd's eyes were ready to crack, and the whole person was about to collapse: "impossible! Lao Huang is a magic cow. How can he be killed by you? Absolutely impossible

Looking at the boiling hot pot, as if splashed in his heart, burning his heart very painful.

"Cow?" Su laughed: "Zhou Tieniu, are you really a fool? It's just an ordinary old cow. As you say, if it's a god cow, how can it become my meal

The cowherd was stunned at this.

Then he thought that it was laohuangniu who let him steal the feather coat to pick up a fairy, and then he strengthened his own view: "Laohuang is a divine cow!"

"That I killed the cow, doesn't it prove that I am more harmful than the cow?" Su Xun sneered. He picked up a piece of beef and threw it into his mouth. Well, it was delicious ~

the cowherd's face was green and white, and he was not sure. He couldn't understand that.

Old Huang Mingming is a magic cow.

But how could the cow be killed?

"Gulu -"

all of a sudden, when he smelled the fragrance of luring people, his stomach gave a muffled sound.

Being treated by his father, he seldom eats meat all year round. Now he can't stand the smell of the hot pot.

Su Xun said with a smile: "OK, don't stand there. Come and have a bite. It's delicious."

"No! I don't eat it The cowherd roared: "no matter how you kill him, he is a god cow!"

"Well, you're right. Your cow is delicious. It's worthy of being a cow." Su Xun took a big mouthful of beef and agreed.

Niulang can't help swallowing.

A few minutes later, the cowherd was carrying a bowl and chopsticks, stuffing beef into his mouth and crying: "Sushen, my old cow is really a god cow, that is, a god cow."

The cow died. He was very sad.

So I ate three big bowls with tears in my eyes.

"It's delicious, isn't it? Do you want some salt?" Su Xun handed the bottle to him.

He is a devil!

Niulang skillfully picked up the bottle to add salt to the bowl, sobbed: "I know you don't believe it, but I really didn't cheat you Give me some soup. "

"Tie Niu, you and I grew up together. I know you never lie, but you must have made a mistake about it. It's not a magic cow." Su Xun said painstakingly, in a word, he is going to fool the cowherd.

Don't the demons want the cowherd to marry the weaver girl?

Then Su Xun would destroy it!

It's not a good thing for Niulang to marry Zhinu.

Su Xun saved them.

Niulang ate the beef with tears: "susian, you forced me to eat. What I don't want to eat, you induced me."

He's really miserable. This is his cow. How can he eat his meat?

But it's really fragrant_ ಥ

"from another perspective, if you eat it, it will be with you forever?" Su Xun comforted him seriously.

Niulang thought this was very reasonable, so he ate it with tears in his eyes for another night.

Finally, the cowherd can't walk any more and burps: "it's so fragrant and delicious."

"What's the matter with that woman in your family?" Su Xun asked casually, seemingly unintentionally.

The cowherd said, "that's the daughter-in-law given to me by the cow. It's the fairy in the sky."

"You must go to hell. The cows are all fake. If the woman is an immortal, why can't she do magic?" Su Xun sneered and looked down on him.

Seeing that Su Xun didn't believe it, the cowherd was impatient: "that's because Shenniu ate her feather coat."

"I think you really have a brain problem. I'll go to the city some other day and find a doctor to show you. The woman looks like a lady from a rich family, but she's not a fairy." Su Xun's acting skills are very strong.

Niulang was a little at a loss. He was fooled by Su Xun, and he began to doubt the truth of the matter.

How could an old yellow cattle be eaten if it was a god cow?

If Zhinu is really an immortal, how can she have no magic power just because she was stolen?

However, if the old ox is not a god ox, then he spoke clearly!

Su Xun suddenly said mysteriously: "in fact, I have a doubt that the weaver girl may not be an immortal or a lady of a wealthy family.""And who is she?" The cowherd asked subconsciously.

Su Xun spit out two words: "monster."

Niulang's face changed, subconsciously retorted: "impossible, Zhinu is so beautiful, how can she be a monster, and she has never harmed anyone!"

"Ha ha, if the monster can be recognized at a glance, how can it cheat people?" Su Xun sneered and said, "connect all the things together. I'm more and more sure she's a monster."

"She made you hallucinate with magic, and then you thought it was the old ox who spoke, so you took a monster home."

"Think about it, old yellow bull said that fairies came down to take a bath? Do fairies need to go down to earth to take a bath? Even if it's down to earth, will it come to our broken place? Hiss - terror, terror, too many doubts. "

Niulang was also deceived by Su Xun's unreasonable words and turned pale: "no It's impossible. If she's really a monster, what's her plan to live in our house? "

The more he thought about it, the more mysterious he felt.

That old yellow cow has been raised for so many years, how can it suddenly become a talking cow?

What's more, Su Xun was right. Fairies lived in the sky with pleasant scenery. How could they come to such a dirty and filthy place to take a bath?

If it's not a fairy, a beautiful woman bathing in the wilderness, this Isn't this just like the usual means of the monsters in the storybook?

Niulang is a little flustered.

"It's something I can't figure out. There must be a secret." Su Xun had a wise and analytical expression, and finally said, "as a village leader, I have to consider the life of the whole village. At that time, I'll go to the city and ask a Heavenly Master to come back and have a look."

Well, it's time to change the vest.

Lao Tzu is the master of heaven. I will say whatever I say.

After that, Su Xun looked at the cowherd again and said solemnly, "you must not show your horse's feet. You still have to pretend you don't know anything. Otherwise, the monster will kill the village."

Don't the demons want the cowherd to marry the weaver girl?

Now I'm afraid the cowherd can't avoid it.

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