Cowherd and weaver girl, one of the most indefensible stories in mythology.

A lot of things are very scary.

Everything seems to be arranged.

Even Dong Yong and the seven fairies are more reliable than the story of Cowherd and weaver girl.

Anyway, Dong Yong is a scholar, a talented man, a gentleman, and a filial son. It's Fair for such a person to attract fairies.

What about cowherd?

A cowherd is poor and uneducated. He can't eat well all day. It can be seen that he must be malnourished. He doesn't grow well and naturally doesn't look handsome.

How can such a person attract fairies?

Before, Su Xun had always thought that the cowherd was immoral.

However, after contacting with the cowherd, Su Xun found that the cowherd was not bad in nature, but he didn't read a book, so he didn't understand the reason. In addition, the old cattle encouraged him to steal clothes.

After all, Niulang was a rural boy in feudal times. He was not liked by his father, so he could only sleep in cattle pen.

Naturally, he has feelings and a sense of dependence with the old yellow cattle. In addition, the old yellow cattle suddenly appears to speak, so he definitely believes in it.

People in this period still have a lot of trust in immortals, because there are immortals in horse riding!

Laohuangniu said that he was a magic cow, and Niulang believed it.

God cow called him to steal clothes, said it was God given him marriage, he can not believe it?

So both Cowherd and weaver girl are used.

The so-called grand plan of the demon clan should be the combination of two people to achieve a certain effect.

But Su Xun didn't know what the plan of the demon clan was now, so he could only see the move.

Don't the demons want to combine the Cowherd and the weaver girl?

Su Xun didn't want them to be together.

If the enemy wants to do something, we must do it in reverse, so that seven out of ten can't be wrong.

So denigrate the identity of Zhinu first.

Open your mouth and turn the immortal into a monster.

Cowherd would like to have fun.

But would he marry a monster?

Are you kidding? Monsters have always been regarded as heart eating villains by people since ancient times.

Of course, modern people are the exception.

There is nothing modern people dare not say.

Under Su Xun's deception, Niu Lang was afraid and trembled: "I I'll try my best. "

Now he has believed Su Xun's analysis.

If laohuangniu is a god cow, how can he work hard in his family for so long?

That's not the point.

"You go back first. I'll go to the city today." Su Xun said.

The cowherd took a look at the remaining beef in the pot, pursed his lips, and then looked at Su Xun.

Although this is his dear old cattle, who makes the meat so delicious.

"Go to my kitchen and get a clay pot. I'll take some back for you." Su Xun waved.

Niulang some shy smile, very embarrassed, but the body is very honest.

To him, this pot of beef is the most beautiful delicacy in the world.

He lives to now, eat bran pharyngeal vegetables all day, never thought the food could be so delicious.

Nonsense, the meat of the monster is delicious.

After all, if the meat doesn't taste good after so long cultivation, isn't it for nothing~_ ~。

After a while, Niulang left Sushen's house with a pot of hot pot beef.

Su Xun also went to the city. In name, he went to the city to invite the Heavenly Master. In fact, he went outside the village.

The village chief is not an official at all, but in the village, he has amazing rights.

Wherever Su Xun went, no matter what the villagers were doing, he would stop to say hello.

On the other side, the cowherd, holding the earthenware pot, walked home carefully.

Their home is at the end of the village. It's desolate. It's a long distance away. I'm afraid the soup will be spilled.

At the same time, two evil winds entered tianwu village.

It was the two demon generals who were photographed from the holy land of demon clan to inquire about the news.

One is wolf demon, the other is sheep demon.

Best CP!

When they cast the magic, they flew in the sky, but ordinary people couldn't see them.

"I smell the smell of niusan, the smell of a person, and a very fragrant but unspeakable smell." Said the wolf demon, sniffing.

Su Xun: don't doubt it. It's hot pot seasoning.

The sheep demon touched his chin's beard: "I also smell it. The smell of Niu San is very strong."

Su Xun: nonsense. I've been cooking for such a long time. Can the flavor of the beef not be strong?

"Go, over there." The direction of wolf demon is exactly the direction of cowherd.

Two demons flew past.

But I didn't see Niu San's body. I only saw a young man holding a pottery pot.

"Zhou Tieniu." Wolf demon blurted out.

The sheep demon frowned: "what's the matter? How can the breath of Niu San come out of him?""No!" As a meat animal, wolf demon is more sensitive: "the smell of niusan comes from the jar! There are also flavors of spices, cooked meat. "

"What The goat demon's eyes widened and his face was shocked: "he He stewed the third cow

The wolf demon also had a toothache. He felt ridiculous, angry and confused: "this That should be it. "

There were two kinds of pitiful words of the fox.

"How can this happen? He is a mortal. How can he kill Niu San?" The goat demon was puzzled.

Wolf demon speculated: "can it be the hand of weaver girl?"

"It's impossible. Without the feather coat, the weaver girl can't cast any magic." The goat demon answered firmly, and then said with a grin: "you go back to report first, and I will take over Niu San's task here."

"Be careful of everything!" After all, with niusan being stewed strangely, the danger of tianwu village rises in a straight line.

The goat demon replied with a clear mind: "I have my own discretion. Maybe I can find out the real murderer and avenge niusan."

Wolf demon body a turn, turn into evil wind to leave.

Then the sheep demon became the original shape, and a white sheep ran to the direction of the cowherd's house, mixed into the sheep pen, swallowed a sheep, and then replaced its position.

Just as Niu San swallowed the old yellow cattle in Niulang's family at the beginning, and then replaced the old yellow cattle.

The sheep demon lies in the sheep pen and listens in all directions.

The cowherd came home with the beef.

Almost shivered, she turned a smile on the girl's face

He used to like Zhinu very much. Now, he suddenly feels that the other side doesn't have the beef fragrance in his arms.

"Brother Tieniu, what are you carrying in your arms? It's so fragrant." Weaver girl some curiously asked.

Niulang kept calm: "it's the beef that Su Xun asked me to bring back."


Didn't you ask me to let you go and save your cow?

That is How can you save me?

"Little bastard, did you call susian? I want to call him village head! " Zhou boss and Zhou Tiezhu came out.

Zhou Tiezhu snatched the jar in Niulang's arms: "Dad, it's all beef. It's really delicious."

"You son of a bitch! Look at cunzheng. He bought our cattle, killed them and gave us meat. When you call his name again, I'll break your leg! " Boss Zhou gave a warning, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "go, pillar, and girl weaver, let's go in and eat meat."

"Brother tie Niu..."

Before finishing her words, Zhinu was interrupted by Zhou Tiezhu: "he had eaten at the village head's house for a long time. Didn't you see that he still had oil on his mouth?"

The weaver girl's beautiful eyes were staring at her boss, and she felt that the image of cowherd was collapsing.

Although she doesn't want to marry the cowherd, she still has some good feelings for him. After all, he is honest and honest, or a little naive.

But at least he's kind.

But now, she began to doubt Xiansheng.

In the sheepfold, the sheep demon's eyes flashed, remembering a man, Murakami Sushen.

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