As the way of heaven, we should not leave at will.

Su Xun comforted himself with this.

Then he took out the Kunlun mirror and the Queen Mother jade hairpin, with a smile on her face.

This wave, blood does not make a loss!

Su Xun went into the underworld, and directly washed away the forbidden system of the queen mother, and threw out the jade hairpin in his hand.

The jade hairpin fell to the ground, expanded and enlarged, and soon turned into a cool and green jade bridge.

With Naihe bridge, we are still short of forgetting the river.

The water of the river should have the power to sink evil spirits. Naturally, water can't replace it.

As for the Kunlun mirror, we need to find a good stone to refine with it, so that it can become a Sansheng stone.

Ordinary stone can't hold the power of Kunlun mirror.

Even if this Kunlun mirror is not the Kunlun mirror in the Kyushu myth, it is just the Kunlun mirror of a small world, but it is also an artifact.

Su Xun has no idea about the level of magic weapon now. He can only distinguish between artifact and non artifact.

After all, it's like a spirit weapon. The magic weapon of immortal weapon level has no meaning to him at all.

In his cognition, the level of sky demon bow is artifact, the best artifact.

The Kunlun mirror in the Cowherd and Weaver Girl world is also an artifact, but it is not as good as the sky demon bow.

If you really want to subdivide the level of magic weapon, I'm afraid he only has one month's spirit around him now.

After all, she is an immortal who has lived from the time of heaven.


Suddenly, his face changed and he flew in one direction.

The underworld is a world that constantly evolves naturally. The higher his cultivation, the larger his area will be and the higher his world level will be.

Now the underworld is not even a small thousand worlds, because even native life has not evolved.

Although the small world is weak, it will take thousands of years to evolve into a small world.

Su Xun came to the edge of a cliff at the end of the underworld, on which grew a dark blue flower.

It's just a low-level elixir with Yin attribute, yanghunhua.

But Su Xun was surprised.

Because it's a natural evolution. It's the first creature to grow in the underworld.

There are other elixirs in this world, but they are all transplanted by him from the outside world, which is quite different from the meaning of this spirit raising flower.

"It's just fate."

Su Xun laughed and pointed out that a piece of mana fell on the spirit flower, which was absorbed by it, helped it develop its intelligence, and gradually evolved into the essence of plants.

Then, Su Xun put the matter behind him and went out of the underworld.

The higher organisms are willing to do whatever they want, which is enough to change the fate of the lower species.

Su Xun undoubtedly belongs to higher biology.

Strictly speaking, he can't call human any more, except appearance, everything else is beyond the scope of human.

It's just that he likes to be human.

From the underworld, Su found the Yuliang mountain manor.

The biggest advantage of opening up a small world for him is that he can take his family with him when he wants to go to xuanyue continent in the future.

his underworld has the final say that he wants the living to enter the living, and to enter the dead, and the dead can enter.

It was evening when we got back to the manor, and everyone was at home.

All the girls were surprised that Su Xun came back so quickly this time.

After all, in the past, Su Xun could not leave for at least three or five days.

But this time it was less than a day.

They all seriously doubted whether Su Xun had just found a hotel and came back after a sleep.

Su Xun, holding an Zizhen and Yao Yao in his arms, suddenly thought of an interesting thing.

"I have a treasure in my hand that can reflect your past and present lives. Do you want to try it?"

The women who were still working on their own business were very excited when they heard this.

Even the poor Princess Liuli and the submissive Su lu'er opened their eyes wide.

"Really? Try it out. I'll come first Xiaobai knelt down in front of Su Xun and put his head on his leg.

"And me and me. I think I must have been a fairy in my last life." Yan Yurou came running from the sofa wearing a white shirt of Su Xun.

Well, eyes confirm. There's a vacuum inside.

Qin Zhu curled his lips: "I think you must have been a cow in your last life. This time it's just a proof."

"You were a refrigerator in your last life." Yan Niu Sorry, Yan Yurou's fight back.

Liao Yu is the quietest one, but his eyes are also flowing with some joy.

After all, you can see your past life. Who can resist this kind of thing.

Su Xun took out the Kunlun mirror and said to start with Zizhen.

Then the Kunlun mirror floats in the living room, and an Zizhen walks to the Kunlun mirror with some tension and expectation.Then the Kunlun mirror was like water waves, followed by a woman who was giving birth.

With a baby crying, the baby girl croaked to the ground.

In the background of the Republic of China, the longer the baby girl is, the bigger she is. In the end, she looks the same as an Zizhen.

He went to school, studied abroad, came back to reform with full blood, and died until he was bombed by the devil air force.

"Wow, sister Zizhen was a heroine in her last life. No wonder she was so arrogant."

"It's my turn. It's my turn."

An Zizhen is Yao Yao, then Xiao Bai, Liao Yu, and then Yan Yurou.

Yao Yao's last life was in the Ming Dynasty. She was a princess and died early in the pool.

Xiaobai was an ordinary fox in his last life. He has been a fox for two consecutive lives, but he has become a demon in his life.

Liao Yu was a doctor in Nanjing City in his last life. The devil broke the city and killed himself.

Yan Yurou's life is the best. She was a daughter in her last life, but she is still a daughter in her present life. This is probably what people call eternal wealth.

Finally, it's Qin Zhu's turn and Liuli's turn.

"Queen first!"

Qin Zhugang is ready to go forward, but Liuli comes to Kunlun mirror first.

As soon as she woke up, she knew nothing about her previous memory, so she wanted to find clues from her previous life.

However, she was disappointed. In the last life, she was an ordinary three tailed cat. She followed a hell general to catch ghosts. At last, she inexplicably participated in a big war. After her death, she was reincarnated and became a cat again.

Su Xun was still a little puzzled. He had his own system. At least he was a protagonist.

Why are all these women of ordinary origin, and none of them have a big background?

The last one is Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu didn't have much hope. After all, she was an ordinary person in her life. She must have been an ordinary person in her last life just like an Zizhen.

However, the appearance of Kunlun mirror stunned everyone.

In the mirror of Kunlun, it is dark, and countless souls are in a daze. A young woman in black robe stands at the head of the bridge and bows her head to make soup for the souls.

as like as two peas, the woman's face became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, the woman in the Kunlun mirror turned her head, as if looking at Qin Zhu.

Then the picture disappears and the Kunlun mirror returns to its original state.

The living room was horribly quiet.

All of them were silent, looking at Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu himself was in a state of ignorance.

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