"Sister Qin Zhu is "Meng Po?"

Yao Yao was the first to break the silence.

Su Xun didn't expect to help Qin Zhu find his own job.

"I I Is it really Mengpo? " Qin Zhu began to doubt life, some can't believe it.

After all, it's Mengpo. She's well-known in the world. She's a philanthropist and a free delivery of Mengpo soup.

Qin Zhu was an ordinary man. After he died, he became a ghost. Later he knew that he was not a ghost, but a Yin God.

I haven't figured out how I became Yin God for no reason. Now I'm Meng Po.

She felt that something must be wrong. How could Mengpo be so weak as her?

Liao Yu said, "if the mirror is OK, then you may really be Meng Po."

"But I It's weak. " Qin Zhu looks at Su Xun and expects him to give an answer.

Su Xun pondered: "you have no memory at all. Maybe when you get back your memory, your strength will come back."

What he is worried about now is that Qin Zhu has recovered her memory. Is she Meng PO or Qin Zhu?

I've been lucky in Qin Bamboo hundreds of times! She recovered her memory and became Mengpo. She must have wanted to chop herself to death.

"I think it's good now." Qin Zhu shook his head, Ying Ying smile: "I am Qin Zhu, only when you Mengpo, not in the mirror that Mengpo."

Obviously, she didn't want to get her memory back.

Because she was also thinking about the problem that Su Xun was worried about, and recovered the memory of Meng Po. Is she still Qin Zhu?

"It's up to you." Su Xun gave a little smile and rubbed her head. His heart was calm again.

What about Meng Po?

Mengpo's rebirth doesn't mean she can beat herself.

If she really doesn't admit that she is Qin Zhu, she will beat her up and help her recall those days when she was Qin Zhu (* / ω\ *).

An Zizhen quickly changed the topic: "OK, OK, we've all seen it. It's your turn, Su Xun."

Others also looked at Su Xun curiously.

"OK, then it's my turn."

Su Xun stood in front of the Kunlun mirror.

Half a face appeared in the Kunlun mirror, and then a golden light burst out, and a spider web like crack appeared in the mirror.


As soon as Su Xun's face changed, he used the magic to protect everyone.


Kunlun mirror didn't explode. It just broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This It's too exaggerated, isn't it? Only half a face appears, and it's broken directly? "

"Is my husband's past life too big?"

"I think my husband's life should be too strong, so the mirror can't bear it."

"Husband, is this really a magic weapon?"

A group of women chirp like a group of ducks.

Su Xun picked up the debris on the ground, and his painful face twitched. Mine, Sansheng stone!

Well, before refining Sansheng stone, you have to repair the Kunlun mirror first.

Su Xun was heartbroken: "this is not a genuine Kunlun mirror, so the effect is weak."

"Are there pirated artifacts?" Several women's eyes widened.

Su Xun didn't know how to explain: "just treat this as an imitation made by a later comer."

"That's also very valuable. Well, don't be unhappy, my husband. We'll make it up to you tonight." Yan Yurou held Su Xun from behind, and stood on tiptoe to blow at Su Xun's ears.

Qin Zhu rolled a white eye: "small scratch goods."

"Don't come tonight." Yan Yurou said.

Qin Zhu a chest: "my husband is not you alone, he belongs to all of us!"

Su Xun

How do you feel that you are a tool used by them to solve that impulse?

Please, would you respect me?

I feel offended, thank you.


The next day, after a busy night, master Su was still sleeping in bed.

Suddenly the door of the room was pushed open, Yao Yao came in: "husband, get up, someone wants to see you, it's official, it seems very anxious."

"What's the matter?" Su Xun washed his face with a water polo, turned around and put on a robe.

Yao Yao followed him out and said, "I don't know. I have to see you."

Su Xun came to the living room in a blink.

At a glance, I saw a young man in suit and shoes and an old man sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Su Xun, the anxious old man quickly got up: "Su Zhenjun, something's wrong."

"What's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

The old man looked at an Zizhen and others in the living room.

As soon as an Zizhen's daughter was ready to leave, Su Xun said, "let's talk about it directly.""Yes, Su Zhenjun." The matter is very important, the old man did not hesitate: "satellite shot, in the periphery of the earth suddenly appeared a new continent is falling to the earth, how to go down, at most 12 hours will fall to the earth, its power is no less than an asteroid impact."

As he spoke, he handed over some pictures in his briefcase.

"Su Zhenjun, this is a satellite photo."

As soon as Su Xun saw it, the picture was very blurred. He could see mountains, lakes and so on. The area was really large.

"The speed of this floating continent is too fast, so the satellite can't take accurate pictures." The old man was a little embarrassed to explain a picture quality thing.

Su Xun nodded: "I know."

"Ah?" The old man was stunned, so big thing, your reaction is so calm.

Su Xun asked again, "why don't you stay here for breakfast?"

"No, no, No The old man shook his head and said anxiously, "Su Zhenjun, this..."

"Doesn't it take 12 hours to fall to earth? Then give me 12 hours to have breakfast, OK? " Su Xun pretended to be forced lightly. He hasn't pretended to be forced for a long time.

Man is iron, force is steel, a day does not pretend to be idle.

The old man and Bancun young man were forced to cover their faces and were confused.

Only then did they know that, in their eyes, the crisis was just something to be solved after breakfast in Su Xun's eyes.

They were shocked. Mr. Su No, Su Zhenjun, how strong is it?

After getting Su Xun's affirmative answer, they left.

At the same time, foreign satellites have already taken pictures of the mainland drifting towards the earth, and the relevant photos have been published.

Because foreign countries are unable to solve this problem, they can only choose to publish the truth, causing a public opinion offensive, and asking long Guo to do it in the way of praying and semi coercion.

After all, there are aliens and immortals behind the Dragon Kingdom, which is better than they can carry. They don't want to die.

Foreign countries have become a mess.

On the street, dense people knelt on the ground, crying and praying.

"Oh, MAIGA, great dragon Kingdom, please save the earth, save us."

"Great immortal, please save the world. I will be your faithful believer in the future."

"At the end of the dragon day, our only hope in the world has never been so

"I hope I can pass safely..."

No one prays to God, because it turns out that God doesn't work.

The misty God is too far away, but the real God is in the world!

The world loves Su Zhenjun!

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