Su Xun meat, body across the space, a single blow to the mainland, the shock is too big.

What a few science, who talk about science as the king, who is alien.

With the development of science, ordinary people are already self-sufficient.

So, we need to cultivate immortals!

The whole world has the same slogan.

In countries other than the Dragon Kingdom, tens of thousands of people walk on the streets every day.

The management of various countries has a splitting headache.

What a hammer!

you can't use the parade, it's not has the final say.

We also want to cultivate immortals!

Then these people can only negotiate with the state of dragon, and want to ask Su Xun to give them two spiritual veins through the high level of the state of dragon.

I'm kidding. Of course, Su Xun can't agree.

At least not now.

There is a saying that if you are not my kind, your heart will be different.

At least we have to wait until there are monks in the state of dragon who are in harmony with the Tao.

If we don't suppress their development all the time, it will be meaningless to show off to a group of primitive people every day.

It's enough to limit them to a place that lags behind the Dragon kingdom forever.

In this way, they always need to rely on the breath of the Dragon kingdom.

Now let's say something impolite.

A dragon people swagger on the streets of foreign countries, as long as they take out their ID cards, they will attract a large group of imported licking dogs.

Longguo's bachelors borrow money to go abroad. When they come back, they will be accompanied by a beautiful foreign girl.

Now Longguo Hukou is the hard currency and the most valuable thing in the world.

All this was brought by Sushen.

He is selfish or selfish.

But he can't tolerate the barbarians who used to bombard the Dragon kingdom with jianchuanli. Once again, they have a chance to stand on the head of the Dragon kingdom.

As for the accusations of moral supremacy.

Su Xun can only open Netease cloud suppression mode:

born a man, I'm sorry.

Su Xun went to lick the dog world and took Li Qing, Qin Qing and Su Qing to the earth.

XiuXiu, twin sisters and Prince Su Ming of Taixu will never forget.

Let them travel around the world and send them back when they draw their next identity.

Su Ming and Su Qing, who are precocious and mature, are very popular with an Zizhen.

Especially Yao Yao and an Zizhen.

Seeing these two cubs, they are already looking forward to what their children will look like when they are born.

And Yan Yurou a few not pregnant can only be envious incomparable, and then ruthlessly squeeze Su Xun.

But the higher Su Xun's accomplishments, the lower the chance of getting pregnant.

Because the higher the life, the lower the chance of offspring.

When it reaches a certain degree of unpredictability, there will even be no more offspring.

Otherwise, let this higher creature continue to be born, one by one.

Then you really don't have to do anything to step on the horse. You can set up a bed and rule the whole universe just by having children.

After Su Qing and Su Ming came, Su lu'er suffered again.

Su Ming is OK, very restrained, but Su Qing, the bear child, catches and tramples him.

Su lu'er is very sad and angry. He is a big demon in fairyland and is taken as a pet by his mother.

I have to be the baby sitter of the young master. I'm tired.

The person that the two kids fear most is Liuli.

After all, in their eyes, other people are adults and don't care about them.

But Liuli looks like a big sister.

He's a kid, too.

If Liuli knows what the two kids think, I'm afraid it's not going to explode.

On the way, Su Xun took his two children back to his hometown for his parents to have a look.

The old couple now knew about Su Xun's opening of the harem.

I can't manage it. I just sigh and don't know what a good girl she is, so I'll take advantage of their playful son, which makes the old couple feel sorry for giving birth to this kind of bastard who harms girls everywhere.

Well, yes, it's my parents.

"Father, can we have these in Taixu world?"

Standing at the top of the building, Su Ming learns from Su Xun and stands with his hands down, overlooking the traffic below.

The last time he went back from the world where Su Qing lived, he felt that science and technology in modern society are very friendly to the poor, greatly improving efficiency in all aspects.

Su said: "I will give you some strength to cross the world when you grow up."

"Won't father be with us?" Su Ming looks at Su Xun thoughtfully.

Su Xun touched his head: "our life is very long. Our pursuit is to destroy heaven and earth, but I will not. Even mortals who have lived for only a few decades will be separated from their parents. What do you think of us?"He will leave the best for his posterity.

But it's impossible to take them with you forever. Under the protection of eagles, the young eagles will never grow up.

When he was a certain age, Su Xun would be in the state of stocking. He would only take their mother with him, and they would fight with the family background they had given them.

After all, parents are the real love.

The baby was just an accident.

"I understand." Su Ming nodded.

Holding a mobile phone to play the game, Su Qing ran over: "Dad, aunt Zizhen called, let you go back to dinner."

He is more like a child than Su Ming.

"Let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun brought his two sons to an end.

In fact, after smashing the corner of the underworld, Su Xun was thinking about a problem.

Pieces of Kyushu are scattered all over the country.

There must be a lot of good things on it.

Can I search everywhere in space?

Finally, I gave up the idea, the void is too big, boundless, what's more, maybe those fragments have been patronized.

Back home, in the kitchen, in the living room, a large group of women were busy.


Su Qing rushed to play with Su donkey again.

Su Ming cleverly goes to the restaurant to set dishes.

He and Su Qing are less than one year old, but they are almost the same height as their five-year-old children.

After all, they can't be called human anymore.

From the moment of birth, the blood flowing in their bodies is the blood of higher life level.

During the meal, Su Xun sat in the main seat, with two children, one left and one right.

A group of yingyingyan sat on both sides, and the whole table was full.


As Su Xun's voice dropped, everyone started.

The quiet restaurant suddenly became lively.

"Try this, Xiao Ming."

"Thank you, aunt rou."

"That's good. In the future, aunt Rou will have a baby as good as Xiaoming."

"Then I want my sister!"

"Me too!"

Now has entered the late autumn season, the temperature is getting lower and lower, has begun to snow in some places.

Outside the window, the cold wind is whistling, and inside the window, there is warmth.

The lights were flickering, reflecting the laughter. Su Xun's heart had never been so calm.

It's said that immortals are merciless.

But in Su Xun's opinion, if even people can't do it well, what is immortality?

After all, there are personal characters beside immortal characters.

In a trance, Su Xun's mood was sublimated, and the barrier was broken.

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