
Su Qing and Su Ming have been sent back to their respective worlds.

That's their own stage.

"System, extract the 25th new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: Junior law enforcement officer. 】

[this is a parallel time and space, an era of burning fire and cooking oil. This is a world of waves. There are rising business tycoons, powerful and arrogant social thieves, and beautiful women. 】

[it's full of violence and crime, romance and prosperity, blood and fire. It's on the eve of dawn, but it's still dark. 】

[you are a member of the big waves. The humble ant is insignificant. You are a small law enforcement officer at the bottom, but you bear heavy responsibilities. 】

[identity ability: Master Bajiquan, guns and unlimited bullets. 】

[identity task: be promoted to director of the General Administration of law enforcement within one year. 】

[Note: in the ordinary world, you are not allowed to use any supernatural power such as magic. You are only allowed to use the exclusive ability of this identity. 】

it's no wonder that you have already acquired the skill of mastering firearms, and even repeat it. It turns out that you are not allowed to use any other supernatural ability.

Su Xun didn't expect to get such an identity.

Junior law enforcement officer? It's the police.

Strictly speaking, he was a policeman.

It's just an undercover agent sent by the police into a drug den.

The ordinary world is so chaotic.

Nemei, it's not like Mexico, is it?

Mexico is a magical country, where the army can't beat the peddlers and drug fighters.

One of the most dangerous jobs in the world is to be president in Mexico.

Because you can't escape being shot.


Looking at the traffic in front of me.

The hot sun was shining on his face, which made him feel in a trance.

The streets are full of yellow people, but the buildings and vehicles are old-fashioned.

Then a memory flooded into my mind.

This planet is called mercury. Now the city is an independent city, called Liao City, also known as the city of sin.

Because this city is full of all illegal activities forbidden in civilized society.

Drugs, drugs, human trafficking, smuggling, gambling, emotional trading, homicide, riots

There's a joke on earth.

The way to make a fortune is written in the criminal law.

And the people here, no doubt, put the way of getting rich in the criminal law into action.

Of course, these things are also illegal in this city, but they can't be cleaned.

One crop is broken and another grows.

So all the year round, the officials and the criminals in the dark zone have maintained a tacit understanding, as long as it is not too much, there will be no big conflict.

Of course, this tacit understanding is undoubtedly a shame for the officials, but it is also a helpless compromise.

Who let this kind of history take too long.

The supreme ruler of the city is the Lord.

But the man in charge of the highest force is the director of the General Administration of law enforcement.

The General Administration of law enforcement controls the legitimate armed forces of more than 5000 people in the whole city.

And Su Xun, now a small law enforcement officer, is only responsible for patrolling in the street.

He wants to climb to the top and master the force of the city, which is not a simple way.

He is now a junior law enforcement officer. There are also intermediate law enforcement officers and senior law enforcement officers. These three levels are all front-line officers, small soldiers.

Only when you become a law enforcement officer can you be regarded as the real management.

Junior law enforcement officer, intermediate law enforcement officer, senior law enforcement officer.

Then there are law enforcement inspectors, junior inspectors, intermediate inspectors and senior inspectors.

The top is the core, and the last is the director of the general administration.

That is to say, his road to promotion has gone through mountains and rivers.

And he has never been an official. He has no experience.

He was only magistrate and Emperor.

But the advantage is that the city is chaotic, and chaos means that order is not complete.

So as long as the credit is enough for promotion, or the recognition of big people, you can rise very quickly, and being a big boss within a year is completely operational.

Su Xun took back his thoughts, breathed out a breath and began his day's work.

With a baton on on his back, he patrols the long street aimlessly.

That is to walk from the street to the end of the street, then take a rest, and then walk back from the end of the street.

Repeat until 5 pm, you can get off work, boring, and helpless.

Look at the city with his eyes.

If you have to make a comparison, the level of economic development is like the cities of the 1970s and 1980s.

The biggest difference is.The city is more chaotic.

"Pass by and have a look. The steamed buns are fresh!"

"Oh, is there any mistake? Why is the price rising again? Last week it was fifty cents

"A price increase means a price increase. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. If you don't buy it, just leave. Don't block the customers behind."

"Big brother, look at that girl. She's so beautiful. Fart, she's so cocky. It must be so cool from the back!"

"What the hell are you thinking! That's my mother

"Shit, no, we'll go our separate ways after that. I call you brother and you call me dad."

Listening to all kinds of noises coming from his ears, Su Xun felt that the world was a little more real.

Suddenly, his face changed.

Right in front of him, a couple of thugs are pushing him. A man and a woman were struggling to pull onto the car.

"What are you doing? Let me go, help me, huh..."

The two people who were caught kept struggling for mercy, but the people around them were indifferent. They just took a look and did their own things.

Because this kind of thing is too normal in this city, no one dares to meddle.

But Su Xun was in charge.

Who asked him to wear this dress?

"What are you doing! Stop! Let them go

Su Xun rushed over with a baton.

Seeing this, the passers-by around them were surprised.

Isn't it? Isn't it? Are the law enforcement officers really enforcing the law?

Did you forget the red packets?

A gangster with yellow hair also asked about this topic, and his face was indignant:

"boss, have you made a mistake? If you accept our red envelope, you still meddle in your own business and eat black!"

They don't pay any attention to the bottom patrol.

It's better to have a law enforcement officer of a certain rank.

Su Xun was stunned. He felt it in his pocket. He really found a red envelope.

"Fuck! Should not get hysteria to forget

Huang Mao swearing said a, and then back to greet his men: "look at what! If you don't hurry up, the boss is waiting! "


The next second, his body directly flew out, hard hit on the ground.

"Damn, I'll take the money, but I won't do it!"

Su Xun said rightfully.

A few thugs were confused.

This guy took the wrong medicine.

However, at the moment when they were stunned, Su Da Shanren, who punished the evil and promoted the good, rushed up with a baton.

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