Portrait the suspect through the oral statement of the witness.

This move still exists on the earth in the 21st century, let alone in a world with few monitoring.

In Liaocheng, monitoring only appears in public departments, Jindian and hotels.

And the pixels are very fuzzy and the signal is unstable.

That's why so many criminals are so unscrupulous that they dare to do it on the street.

Because we know that he did it, but we can't bring a lawsuit against him if we can't get the exact evidence.

It was already 8:30 p.m. when we arrived at the law enforcement department of Langya district.

The mock portrait artist has been waiting.

Then Su Xun began to dictate the appearance of the leader's yellow hair.

According to his story, the imitator added again and again, and quickly drew the portrait.

Su Xun took a look, lying trough, in addition to hair color, zhennima like ah!

Chen Siming handed the portrait to a man behind him: "pass it on and see if you know any brothers. If you don't know them, ask the one on the road."

works in law enforcement agencies, and knows all kinds of things. People do not need to use household registration or anything like that.

Because the circle is so big, we are all people in the circle and are involved in many aspects.

A knows B, B knows C, so one by one, you can find people.

"Let's go. I haven't been to Langya before." Chen Siming greets Su Xun.

Su Xun grinned: "the head comes out."

"Then you should have a good taste of the oysters here. They taste first-class." Behind Chen Siming, a tall and thin young man with a mole at the corner of his eye said.

Another chubby, seemingly harmless middle-aged man also echoed: "yes, the girls here are even more excellent. The quality is not comparable to Zhenyang. You can't help sitting down!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A group of people gave out a laugh that they knew.

Su Xun also laughed with him. He had already known these two people just now.

The thin one is Ma Siping, nicknamed sipingzi, who is the leader of the criminal team of Langya district law enforcement department. The chubby middle-aged man is Zhou Tai, nicknamed Feifei, who is the leader of the second team.

Liao Yun is out in Shuangcheng, but there are still three team leaders.

A criminal group of 30 people, divided into three teams, the captain of the lowest level are junior law enforcement officers.

Only when he becomes a team leader can he be regarded as a weaving official.

Both Chen Siming and Wang Jingbo are senior law enforcement officers.

Then the deputy director and the director are both intermediate inspectors.

The head of each department of the sub bureau is the junior inspector, and the director and deputy director are the senior inspector.

The heads of all departments of the general administration are senior inspectors, and the directors of the general administration have no rank, because they are no longer needed as bearers, and they just have positions.

Su Xun followed Chen Siming and his party to a restaurant called Gan Chang Duan.

"The internal organs of this restaurant are the best and taste the best, so it's named ganchangduan."

Chubby team leader Zhou Tai is very enthusiastic and talks with Su Xun all the way.

"Fat, with you? They can't read, can't they read? " Ma Siping joked.

Su Xun showed a pure smile: "brother Siping, if brother Tai doesn't explain, I'm used to it. I'm afraid I won't pay attention to it."

He could feel the subtle attitude of these two people towards themselves.

Repel, yes, repel him.

Don't look at Zhou Tai's enthusiasm for him, but Su Xun could feel the real thoughts in his heart.

"Chen Zu is here. It's the same old way in the old private room, isn't it?"

It can be seen that Chen Siming often comes here, and the boss comes out in person to greet him.

He took a group of people to the second floor and walked into the private room by the window.


At the same time, on the other side.

"What are you doing and why do you want to kill Su Xun? Do you know that he is valued by Chen Siming now? If he knows that you did it, you will be in trouble."

"Of course, your trouble is none of my business, but you will implicate me, OK?"

Wang Jingbo looked at Zhou Tianyang and said word by word, his eyes were full of warning and anger.

Zhou Tianyang spread out his hand: "Wang Group, now things have happened, it's useless for you to say these again."

"Originally, if Su Xun died tonight, everything would be happy, but if he didn't die, it would be very troublesome."

The cigarette in Zhou Tianyang's mouth has been bitten out a very obvious tooth mark, obviously his heart is not as calm as he seems.

Wang Jingbo stares at Zhou Tianyang: "what have you done? Elder brother, even if you want to die with Tuotuo, let me die to understand, OK? "

"Nothing more." Zhou Tianyang's smile game is chilling: "I just want to invite Chen Siming's daughter and son to my house to have some candy. By the way, I want to talk to Chen Siming about my brother's death two years ago. Who knows that Su Xun's damned son of a bitch made trouble...""Bang Dang!"

Wang Jingbo grabbed him by the collar before he finished.

"You want to die! What are you? You're a thief. What's Chen Siming? It's a soldier. It's a cat that catches stinking mice like you

"Who gave you the courage to mess with his son and daughter? Who

Wang Jingbo was really angry and flustered.

He didn't expect it to be so big.

"It's happened. I think it's better for you to take the time to yell at me and think about something." Zhou Tianyang looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

He knew that the guy opposite was more afraid than himself, so he didn't panic.

"Damn it

Su Jingbo said: "it's too late for him to go through Zhou Siming's portrait."

"It's easy for the other party to find you. I'll arrange for you to leave this evening."

Zhou Tianyang's face changed: "you let me go? I am not easy to mix now, you let me give up everything, leaving home? When can I get another chance to avenge my brother? When is it? "

The last four words are almost roared out.

"It's better than you die here! You're dead. What about your brother's revenge? There is always a chance for people to live. This time you will be impulsive! "

Wang Jingbo almost prayed.

"You are afraid that I will be caught. Shake out the collusion between you and me." Zhou Tianyang showed a mocking smile, some disdain.

Wang Jingbo acquiesced and asked, "it's good for both of us, isn't it?"

"OK, I'll leave tonight. My chief, I'll leave. Don't think about me." After the failure of Su Xun's killing, Zhou Tianyang had already thought about running away, and deliberately inspired Wang Jingbo to take the initiative to put it forward.

Wang Jingbo took a deep breath and shook his head: "I can't take your boat. You know those boats may be stopped by the customs. I'll make arrangements for you."

"All right." Zhou Tianyang shrugged.

Anyway, as long as you can run out with the money first, it doesn't matter.

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