Gan Chang Duan restaurant.

Feifat and Ma Siping have been drinking Su Xun's wine, but Chen Siming stopped them.

They both looked like they were joking with Su Xun.

But Su Xun felt deep malice.

In fact, Su Xun could probably guess why they were so hostile to him.

When people reach an age, they pay less attention to their own lives and more attention to their children's lives.

Su Xun saved a pair of children of Chen Siming, and showed that he could fight bravely.

The key is that he doesn't have any backing, and he doesn't involve complicated forces behind him, so he is sure to be reused by Chen Siming.

But now Chen Siming is just a senior law enforcement officer and the head of the district law enforcement department.

The biggest stage that can provide for Su Xun is their current level, team leader.

But there are only three positions for each radish and pit. Of course, they don't want their positions to be threatened.

But Su Xun was destined to threaten their status sooner or later. It was strange that they could have a good feeling.

On the surface, Su Xun was simple and honest, but on the inside, he was as cold as frost. Ma De, sooner or later, I will step on you!


All of a sudden, the door of the private room was knocked open, and a man rushed in.

Several people in the compartment almost subconsciously pulled out the gun.

Then I found out it was someone I knew.

Chen Siming looked at the young man rushing in and asked, "what's the matter, shuangyun?"

"Brother Ming, something happened. Brother shuangyun is dead." The young man was crying and tired.

Hearing this, the faces of several people in the room suddenly changed.

Feifei and Ma Siping looked at each other.

Chen Siming asked, "what's going on?"

"We stayed for three days and arrested people according to the plan. Unexpectedly, that guy had been ready for a long time. There were only four people left in the third team rushing out. Brother shuangyun was shot three times. Brother Ming must avenge his brothers!"

The young man cried hysterically, the bullet hole on his shoulder was still bleeding.

"Son of a bitch!" Chen Siming gritted his teeth and kicked the chair over.

Then exhaled a breath, the chest shirt button untied two: "fat, arrange two people to send brothers to the hospital."

"Yes, chief." Fat answered, and then looked at the young man on the ground: "man, come with me."

"Brother Ming, we must take revenge, we must take revenge for our brothers!" Young people turn around in three steps, go out for a long time, and their voice disappears.

Chen Siming's face was grim.

Ma Siping said: "boss, Huang Anhua is more and more unscrupulous, three teams were beaten disabled, shuangyun are dead, can't give up!"

"Of course, I won't give up!" Chen Siming gritted his teeth and took another sip of muggy wine.

Six of his brothers died, including a captain.

If he doesn't get revenge, how can he lead the team?

Su Xun listened quietly, and he probably knew the reason from their conversation.

There's something dramatic about it.

In short, Chen Siming is in the same trouble as Wang Jingbo, or a lot of powerful law enforcement officers are now in trouble.

That is to say, the people who support are hard winged and start to do something out of line.

In a place of chaos and violence, there are only two things that can speak.

One is a gun and the other is power.

Even money has to make way for both.

As a senior law enforcement officer, Chen Siming met Huang Anhua when he was in charge of patrolling the streets with three junior law enforcement officers.

Two people also can be regarded as do not fight do not know, gradually became friends, and then began to complement each other.

Chen Siming used his identity to send news to Huang Anhua, which made Huang Anhua develop rapidly and established Ronghe entertainment company.

Huang Anhua reciprocated his success by making use of banknotes to help Chen Siming get a promotion and let Chen Siming rise to this position all the way.

At the beginning, Chen Siming was in the leading position, while Huang Anhua was shorter.

Because everything that Huang Anhua has now depends on Chen Siming.

And Chen Siming, even without Huang Anhua, can still sit in this position. It's just time.

But later, Huang Anhua became bigger and bigger. In the beginning, the entertainment company, supplemented by singing and filming, mainly engaged in skin and meat business and sold high-grade packaging goods.

Later, it began to involve gambling and face-to-face. In short, any kind of violence began to touch any kind.

Chen Siming thinks that Huang Anhua is too inflated. He repeatedly persuades and warns him, but it doesn't work. The relationship between them is becoming more and more rigid and dangerous.

Chen Siming does not allow the existence of a vicious dog that is not under his control. If Huang Anhua goes on like this, he will fall down one day, and it will also affect him.

So I'm ready to fight Huang Anhua, and take this as my credit for promotion.Huang Anhua is not a vegetarian either. He is much more powerful than Zhou Tianyang's big gangsters. More than a dozen bodyguards with guns follow him. In Langya District, he belongs to a big brother with a head and a face.

If Chen Siming wants to beat him, he can't wait to die. So beat him.

Chen Siming started to sweep away his core.

Xu shuangyun is in charge of this matter.

Two days ago, I received the current report and found out the location of Huang Anhua's white flour warehouse.

Said Huang Anhua's horse buffalo know the location of the warehouse, Xu shuangyun with three teams ready to secretly capture bison.

But now Chen Siming knows that it's all Huang Anhua's calculation. He deliberately let Chen Siming bite, so Xu shuangyun died.

Su Xun's eyes twinkled. He thought it was his chance to kill Huang Anhua. The position of the third team leader was his own.

It's just that he didn't show it.

Chen Siming said: "first give the dead brother a funeral, and then deal with Huang Anhua's dog after the funeral!"


At 9:30 p.m., the eastern suburb wharf of Ping'an district.

"If you go there and call me, don't come back without me."

Wang Jingbo looked at Zhou Tianyang and said.

Zhou Tianyang holding a cigarette, flickering in the dark: "don't worry, I have weight."

Wang Jingbo sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

At this time, a ship came up on the sea, and the light flashed towards the shore twice.

"Here comes the boat. Signal back."

A little brother took out a flashlight and took two pictures of the boat.

Then, with the sound of the engine, it came across the sea.

"Let's go. I'll see you when I have a chance." Zhou Tianyang waved his hand to Wang Jingbo, and then took his four most trusted little brothers on board to leave.

The people on the boat nodded to Wang Jingbo, and then the boat drove away from the dock, farther and farther away.

"Kang! Kang Kang... "

With the noise of gunfire, the ship was quiet and four bodies were thrown into the sea.

Wang Jing, with a cigarette in her mouth, looked at the dark sea level in the night, with a sneer on her face full of fat, and said in a soft voice:

"if you have a clear distinction, you don't have to end up like this, stupid one."

Spit out a cigarette ring, put out the cigarette end, put it into the pocket, turn around and leave, as if from the future.

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