After knowing that Zhou Tianyang kidnapped Chen Siming's children, Wang Jingbo was ready to kill him.

Because Su Xun is not dead, Chen Siming will definitely find Zhou Tianyang.

The whole Zhenyang area knows that Zhou Tianyang ate with him.

What will he do then?

If he asked Zhou Tianyang to kneel down and apologize, he would certainly not make huge compensation.

Because his younger brother died in the hands of Chen Siming, Zhou Tianyang can not bow to Chen Siming.

Therefore, the contradiction between Zhou Tianyang and Chen Siming can not be eased. Now they are about to touch each other openly, and it will be difficult for them to do so.

Moreover, if Zhou Tianyang is arrested and he doesn't care, he is likely to hand over some crimes that can threaten him.

If those crimes fall into Chen Siming's hands, they will always be a bomb that will explode and control his fate.

What's more important is that Zhou Tianyang is more and more disobedient, more and more presumptuous, and does not pay attention to him.

In this case, let the matter end with him, kill him, and then find Chen Siming to explain the matter, so as to get Chen Siming's favor.

Why not?

Zhou Tianyang is still too tender. How can he play with Wang Jingbo.

Zhou Tianyang's biggest mistake was that he didn't have Huang Anhua's strength, but he got Huang Anhua's disease.

So Huang Anhua killed Xu shuangyun, but he died.


It's nine forty-five in the evening.

It's still early.

But because of Xu shuangyun's death, the night party of heartbroken has already gone ahead of time.

Su Xun walked down the street with a pistol in his arms.

Huang Anhua's news is not difficult to get.

I have to say that this is a very crazy, crazy to a state of conceit.

His men disabled three teams tonight.

At the same time, he held a big banquet in Fuyun restaurant to celebrate his 45th Birthday.

What's more, he sent an invitation to Chen Siming during the day.

Through so many identities, through several worlds.

He finally found a man more crazy than himself.

He's not as crazy as Huang'an!

The world does not allow the existence of such crazy people, he said, Jesus can not stop!

Fuyun restaurant, which was chartered by Huang Anhua tonight, is very happy. There are two bodyguards in charge of receiving gifts and guarding at the door.

Even the passers-by outside are subconsciously far away from the door.

Su Xun walked over with great strides.

"Brother, do you have an invitation?"

Asked the bodyguard on the right.

"Yes." Su Xun nodded and pretended to reach into his arms to touch the invitation.

Then, a sharp elbow.


The bodyguard's throat was directly broken, and a trace of blood spilled from his mouth and fell down.

Another bodyguard's face changed greatly, and he was about to call people when he took out his gun.

However, the speed of travel is faster, a sliding step forward, a punch in his temple.


Bodyguard Qiqiao bled to death.

"Ah! Kill! Kill

"It's dead!"

The street was in a state of chaos. Women's screams and shouts were heard all the time.

But in Fuyun restaurant, there was a lot of laughter, all kinds of flattery, lively and noisy.

Huang Anhua has received a phone call from his subordinates and knows the results of the other side.

So he looked more energetic.

At the age of 40, he was sitting on the throne, not showing his old style at all, but his spirit and domineering spirit.

"What's the noise outside?"

Suddenly, someone heard a scream outside.

"It's like saying that you're dead. Protect brother Hua!"

A group of bodyguards approached Huang Anhua.

"Panic what panic? Go and see what's going on. " Huang Anhua seems very calm.

He has more than ten bodyguards here. I don't believe anyone can rush in and shoot him.

"Brother Hua, don't look."

A quiet voice sounded, and Su Xun came up from the downstairs and looked at Huang Anhua.

Huang Anhua's eyes narrowed slightly: "Chen Siming asked you to come?"

"I'll bring a word." Su Xun said.

Huang Anhua said with a smile

"Brother Ming, I wish you a happy death day today."

As Su Xun's voice dropped, Huang Anhua blurted out: "kill him!"

Su pulled a dozen bodyguards and pulled the trigger.

But Su Xun's action was faster. At the moment when they raised the gun, Su Xun had already finished the action of pulling out the gun and shooting. He was walking in the clouds and flowing in the water.


The bullet went through Huang Anhua's neck.Huang Anhua face with consternation, unwilling to hand the glass fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

At the same moment of shooting, Su Xun also rolled under a table.


There were all kinds of screams on the second floor, and everything was in chaos.

"Brother Hua is dead. Take him for revenge!"

"Kill him to avenge brother Hua!"

After Huang Anhua's bodyguards saw that Huang Anhua had died, they were all angry and determined to take revenge.

"Kang Kang..."

Su Xun had a gunfight with them.

Su Xun had the skills of unlimited bullets and guns. He was the God of war in the world.


"Mad, what's the matter? Why did that guy last so long without changing his bullets?"

"It's an evil gate. Let's get rid of it and fight again. We have to explain it here."

"Brother Hua is dead. What's the point of our living without revenge? What's the difference between death and death? Kill him, or you'll die! "

No matter what the external evaluation of this person is, there must be a group of people who follow him, such as the bodyguards in front of him.

Su Xun shot calmly and hit a hundred times.

"Kang Kang..."

There were a lot of shots. Most of the bullets were shot by Huang Anhua's bodyguards.

The duration of the fighting was very short.

Two or three minutes later, under the trembling gaze of the guests, Su Xun left Fuyun restaurant.

As for some places where he might not have to worry about monitoring.

First, the current monitoring is rubbish.

Second, this is Langya district. If Chen Siming can't solve this problem, he won't live.

Monitoring is controlled after all.

Besides, it's still in such a chaotic world.

When he went to the night market stall on the street, Su Xun bought a cake. Because Huang Anhua was on the street, he just had a midnight snack, so he should die.

The old man who sold cakes turned pale when he saw the blood spots on his clothes.

Su Xun said with a gentle smile, "I work in a dog meat restaurant, specializing in killing dogs."

The old man was relieved.

"Uncle gen, you don't think he's human blood, do you? Such a handsome little brother, how can he kill people? "

"That's right. I'm afraid it's also a job of cleaning the internal organs in the slaughterhouse. Can live dogs be killed?"

Around the diners have good intentions to open a joke, ridicule the old man selling cakes and Su Xun.

Su Xun grinned: "yes, I don't even dare to step on an ant. I feel dizzy. Going to the dog meat restaurant is also for living. I'm going to resign in two days."

Everyone nodded, no one doubted his words, this face and temperament was too confusing.

After buying the cake and paying the bill, Su Xun turned around and left, just like an ordinary person who just got off work.

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