Su Xun dials Chen Siming.

This is from the time of the separation of liver and intestine.

The mobile phone in this world is still a straight board machine.

"Hey, brother Ming, I'm not disturbing your rest, are you?"

"No, I haven't slept. I can't sleep. Xiao Xun, what's the matter?"

Chen Siming has not slept yet, but it's not that he can't sleep. It's because he was just woken up by Wang Jingbo's phone.

On the phone, Wang Jingbo confessed that Zhou Tianyang had done the kidnapping of his children, and he had sent Zhou Tianyang back to his "Hometown".

But Zhou Tianyang has something to do with him after all, so he calls Chen Siming to plead guilty.

What can Chen Siming say?

Of course, I would like to thank the other party for avenging him, and then I will take over the matter.

As soon as he was ready to go to bed, Su Xun's call came again.

He was glad that he hadn't fallen asleep, or he would have been awoken again.

Today, all kinds of things came to him, which made him very tired. Naturally, he couldn't sleep.

"I'm not to blame for killing you, am I?"

"What did you say?" Chen Siming is unbelievable.

Su Xun said faintly: "when I went home, I passed by Fuyun restaurant. I heard that Huang Anhua was holding a birthday party in it. When I thought that because he was on the street, I didn't have enough to eat all night, but he was eating a lot of fish and meat in it, so I felt unbalanced. So I took a lot of time to do it."

Chen Siming

It's the first time I've met this kind of pretender.

He has no experience of coping.

"Brother Ming, what's the matter with you?" Su Xun saw that the other side didn't speak and asked in doubt.

Chen Siming took a deep breath: "report tomorrow. Shuangyun is dead. The captain of the third team is yours."

"Brother Xie Ming." Su Xun smiles.

Isn't that why Huang Anhua was killed?

Chen Siming said, "you deserve it. Good night."

"Good night, Mingo."

Su Xun hung up and stopped a taxi with half a cake in his mouth.

After all, Langya district is still a long way from Zhenyang District, so you have to take a bus.

On the other hand, after Su Xun hung up, Chen Siming called Feifei and Ma Siping.

"Huang Anhua is dead. Hurry up, gather the team immediately and clear Huang Anhua's field for me."

These are all achievements. When Huang Anhua's business is vacant, there will always be new people to do, and then they will be able to make more profits.

When Feifei and Ma Siping met, they were still in a state of ignorance.

"What's going on? Huang Anhua didn't celebrate birthday. Why did he suddenly get married? "

"I'm just wondering, how can this man say that he died when he died? He was caught off guard."

"Come on, let's work first, and then ask the boss. Don't let those bastards run away."

This evening, Langya district was arrested. Because of the shortage of manpower, they borrowed people from other groups.

There is a law enforcement department. There are four groups: Patrol group, criminal group, traffic group and support group.

The patrol group and criminal group have the largest number of people, each with three teams, a total of 30 people.

These two are also the most dangerous and long-term active action teams.


Straight jump * *, jump to the official position.

"Thank you, sir!" Su Xun salutes.

Chen Siming took out the epaulet to replace it for Su Xun, and said, "you are the first to beat Huang Anhua. You have to show your face at the press conference."

Even in such a chaotic city, law enforcement agencies still need this way to announce to the public that they are doing something, and they are not spending taxpayers' money in vain.

"Thank you, sir!" Su Xun understood that he was cultivating himself, otherwise he would show up.

But Feifei and Zhou Tai must be more upset.

After all, overnight, Su Xun jumped to the top of the table and was on an equal footing with them.

But they couldn't help it, because Chen Siming was supporting it, and Su Xun really made a great contribution.

The first one can't be said, but it's also the most important one. It saved Chen Siming's children.

Second, four wanted criminals were killed last night.

Third, Huang Anhua, the leader of the criminal group, was killed by himself.

With these three things, no one can point out the problems in his position as captain of the third team. At most, he is not qualified.

But qualification is a joke. The biggest qualification is that there are people behind it.

"Let's go and meet your colleagues. There are still four people left in the third team. The rest of the team will soon make up for you and do a good job."

"Yes, Mingo."

Su Xun still liked this name. He was more comfortable, although the age of the other party could make him call uncle.

Shouming brother, can imperceptibly deepen their relationship.

Chen Siming takes Su Xun into the public office of the criminal section.As Chen Siming walked in, everyone left what they were doing and got up one after another to greet him.

"Chief!" "Brother Ming." "Chief."

There are all kinds of appellations.

Feifei and Ma Siping showed Su Xun a "kind" smile.

As Chen Siming's right-hand men, they already know about Su Xun's promotion.

Although the heart is a little uncomfortable, but the boat is done, the two naturally can not show.

Besides, he should be more enthusiastic towards Su Xun, at least on the surface. Otherwise, Chen Siming will be angry and the consequences will be very serious.

"I'd like to introduce you to this man named Su Xun, who killed four wanted criminals and Huang Anhua by himself last night."

"From now on he will be the captain of the third team."

Chen Siming pointed to Su Xun behind him.

There was an uproar.

"No, my God, so young, and a handsome young man, I thought he was a muscular man."

"It's really infuriating to compare people. If you are young enough to be a captain, do you want us to live?"

"Hello, welcome to the new chief."

"Pa pa pa..."

The people applauded as they talked.

"Go ahead, the office area of your three teams is in the leftmost row. You will be informed when the press conference is held later." Chen Siming patted Su Xun on the shoulder, dropped a word, and then turned to leave.

Feifei and Ma Siping went to Sushen.

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