"Ah Xun, good performance."

After the interview, Chen Siming followed a middle-aged man and said, "let's introduce our Langya District, director Liu."

"Good morning, director." Su Xun salutes.

Liu Wanqiao nodded with a smile: "yes, follow your boss to do a good job, he's going to squeeze me out, then you'll get up."

"The director is joking. If brother Ming comes up, it means that you have gone higher and made room for the lower part." Su Xun had a shy and sincere smile on his face.

Liu Wanqiao laughed: "people are beautiful enough, and can fight, and so can speak, you do not upper who upper?"

After all, Chen Siming was still there. It was easier to pass than to pass.

Ma Siping and Feifei scolded secretly.

I'm really cheated by your honest appearance, you old slicker.

Now Su Xun is in the top position. Ma Siping and Feifei regard him as a competitor together.

Because Chen Siming will soon become the director, they all focus on the position of the leader of the criminal team.

Although they are old people following Chen Siming.

However, Su Xun's performance was too much in the limelight, and Chen Siming valued it, which was not a good omen.

So they united to deal with Su Xun first, and then the two of them competed fairly internally.

"Brother Ming, my heart is broken at night. I'm the host. I didn't enjoy myself last night. I'll continue tonight." Seeing the director leave, Su Xun said to Chen Siming.

Chen Siming nodded: "eat and drink for free, I'm stupid to not go."

According to the rules, Su Xun will invite the whole criminal team to dinner tonight.

If he doesn't go, others will look down on Su Xun.

So even if he went to show his face and said hello, he would leave, but he had to go.

"Thank you, Mingo." Su Xun smiles and thanks.

Chen Siming patted him on the shoulder and said, "I didn't invite a foreign girl for today's interview."

The voice fell and strode away.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Chen Siming is asking for him. Today's interview didn't invite a foreign reporter. That foreign girl just now, someone deliberately arranged to embarrass him?

In fact, it's easy to guess who did it. Su Xun knew that he had few enemies.

Immediately, eyes fell on Ma Siping and Feifei.

Ma Siping and Feifei came to him laughing.

"Congratulations, ah Xun, you've shown your face. There must be your section in the newspaper tomorrow."

"Just now that foreign girl was deliberately making trouble for you. Fortunately, you dealt with it well and turned the corner!"

Looking at the two people's excited and smiling, it was like taking susian as a brother.

Su Xun was puzzled and said: "I didn't offend anyone, and I don't know which one gave birth to a son with no fart purpose. He calculated me like this, mad. Curse him the queen!"

Ma Siping and Feifei twitched at the corners of their mouths.

"Brother Siping, brother Tai, don't you think so? This kind of person is mentally ill. I wish he was killed when he went out. His wife stole from him, but his son is not him. "

Su Xun looked at them with indignation to seek their identity.

Two people really can force nod agree, the smile on the face to have more rigid.

"Yes, yes, that's too much."

"We have to go ahead."

With that, they left in a hurry.

Looking at their backs, the corners of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a contemptuous smile.

Two stupid pigs, you'd better not tease me, or I'll send you down to have a snack with Huang Anhua!


At noon.

A member of Su Xun's Law Enforcement Department invited a member of Chen Ji's restaurant to dinner at the back of four streets.

At this time, Su Xun also changed back to the casual clothes he took with him when he came to report in the morning.

Only the traffic group and patrol group have a rigid rule that they must wear uniform during working hours.

The criminal section doesn't have this rule. Apart from attending certain activities, they usually wear casual clothes.

This is also caused by the special environment of Liaocheng. There are too many criminals.

Wearing a uniform, when enforcing the law, criminals run away when they see it from a distance. Moreover, the uniform attracts fire. It's like being hit like a live target.

Plain clothes are more concealing and protective.

The business of Chenji restaurant is very hot. When they came, there was no private room, so five people ate in the lobby.

"Brother Xun, we four propose a toast to you. You pay for Brother Yun and his dead brother. We serve you. We will fight wherever you want us to."

"Yes, brother Xun, here's to you."

At the same time, they raised their glasses and stood up to salute Su Xun.


A wine glass smashed over and fell directly on their table, falling apart.

"Fuck, learn to play TV. Keep your voice down. I don't see our boss talking here!"A red haired young man with a nose nail yelled at Su Xun.

Next to the table, sat two middle-aged people, each standing behind a few younger brothers.

Zhang Sansi looked at Su Xun.

Sue took the wine and looked at him.

"Why, I want to propose a toast to my boss, who are you?" The nose nail youth said languidly.

"Pa! Bang

Su Xun emptied his hand and raised his hand to slap him in the face.


"Grass Mud Horse, hit my little brother in front of me!"

One of the middle-aged men sitting in a black shirt was stunned for a moment, and then clapped his hands.

"Wow -"

Su Xun's backhand was a glass of wine.

"Boy, who are you with then?"

"Brother, are you OK, brother?"

"You're going to die on your horse, aren't you, big brother? Do you want to do it or not? Kill them!"

The middle-aged boys in black shirt were all clamoring to kill Su Xun.

Fortunately, a middle-aged man and his younger brother are sitting in the music.

"Fuck him The middle-aged man in black shirt roared. He grabbed the wine bottle and was about to smash Su Xun.

He came out to negotiate with others. As a result, he was splashed with wine in his face by another group. If he didn't fight, how could he get along?

However, the wine bottle he raised didn't fall down after all, and stopped abruptly in the air.

Because the black and cold muzzle on his chin, metal touch, let his head clear.

"Ah! There's a gun


The other people in the lobby were terrified at the sight of the gun.

Even in such a chaotic Liao City, guns are not something that any little gangster can have.

"Criminal team, no one is allowed to move!"

Wang Long four people to this kind of matter very skilled appearance, directly takes out the certificate to indicate the identity.

Then the crowd was quiet again.

"Why do you want to open a ladle for me?"

Su Xun took a gun in one hand and put down his glass in the other. He poured a glass of wine on his own.

The young man in black shirt stared at Su Xun: "Feifei is my cousin..."


Just arrived, the good wine spilled on his face again.

"So?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

If you don't say you're fat's cousin, it's OK. If you say that, you can't leave today.

The middle-aged man pursed his lips. Unexpectedly, he reported the name of fat, but the other side still didn't give him face.

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