"I'm from Rongfu. Don't make it too ugly."

Cousin fat does not work, Zhou Yong and carried out his own company, his biggest backer.

Rongfu Yujing is one of the four largest companies in Liaocheng.

On the surface, the four major companies are engaged in legitimate businesses. In fact, they have started their own businesses by engaging in pornography, gambling and drugs, and they still have their own businesses. In addition, they have thousands of small brothers in each company.

Rongfu is one of the four major companies with medium strength, which has great deterrent power in Liaocheng.

"Are you from Rongfu? I'm still the governor of Liaocheng! Do you want to go back and let your boss tell you which mansion is powerful? "

Su Xun pushed forward the muzzle of his gun and made a red mark on Zhou Yong's chin and neck.

Zhou laiyong gradually became pale.

"Stand at attention, or I'll kill you."

Su Xun said word by word, and then his eyes fell on the red haired young man who threw the cup.

The young man shuddered and lost his prestige: "you What do you want to do? "

Liao City is in chaos again, but the General Administration of law enforcement is the most powerful organ of violence. The rest are brothers.

"The glass you threw scared me." Su Xun said without expression.

To deal with these social rotten kids, we should be more fierce than them. Otherwise, no one will pay attention to you.

It's to make them afraid, to the core!

Human rights?

Hehe, first of all, they should be individuals.

Even people are not. Why do we want human rights?

What, you say they're human?

Don't be kidding. They're just animals who look like people but never do anything.

The young man with red hair was pale and shivering.

Su Xun waved his hand in frustration: "take it back and sue them for assaulting the police!"

"All hold your heads and squat down!"

"Get down!"

Zhang took out his gun and handcuffs.

"What are you looking at? Get up!"

Wang Long yelled at another middle-aged man sitting in a white vest.

"Well, it's none of my business." The middle-aged man in the white vest looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun asked, "are you teaching me how to do things?"


"No, just shut up." Su Xun interrupted him directly: "when Huang Anhua died last night, he talked as much as you

In an instant, no matter Zhou Yong and others, or white vest and others, their faces changed greatly.

Su Xun's eyes were full of fear.

Huang Anhua only provides shoes to the four major companies, but his arrogance and hot are well known to all.

So the news that he was killed on his own at the birthday party has spread all over the road.

No one thought that it was this white and handsome young man who started.

White vest middle-aged did not dare to contradict, obediently with his men to cooperate.

Zhou Yong scolded his mother in his heart and gave his regards to the eighteen generations of Hongmao.

It's none of your business.

You pretend to force me before I give an order.

Now put me in!

"Stand up against the wall and watch us eat. When we finish eating, we will send you back to the Department for interrogation. Whoever dares to run, I will break his leg with one shot."

Su Xun looked at Zhou Yong and a dozen other people and said.

"Sir, we'd better send us back to the Department first. We're willing to admit our mistake."

Zhou Yong looked at Su Xun prayingly.

If I had been standing here for so long, there would have been so many people coming and going outside.

Does he still have a face to fool around?

"Cut the crap. We ordered all the dishes. Are you kidding me when you let us go?"

Su Xun took his words as fart and went back to his seat.

Zhou Yong anxiously said: "Sir, I'll pay for the meal, ten times as much as you want!"

"Fuck, so arrogant, Zhang San, now add one more, in addition to attacking the police, but also trying to bribe." Su Xun said to Zhang San while eating.

Zhou Yong

He felt that he had lost eight generations of blood and mold, and his heart was full of anger and resentment.

Stand here. It's a shame.

It's not worth running for such a small thing, because as soon as you run, you'll be wanted.

Then there was such a strange scene in the hall on the first floor of Chenji restaurant.

There are five people on a table, you come and I go, push a cup for a cup, and eat wine and vegetables.

And next to the wall, dejected, stood more than a dozen people with dragon and tiger tattoos, or with earrings or chains.

They form a strong contrast, with a strong modern artistic atmosphere (ಡ ω ಡ).

Men eat fast, especially when they don't drink.Because I had to go to work in the afternoon, I didn't drink too much and finished the dinner in half an hour.

Su Xun walked in front, Zhang San and Wang long in the back, Chen Ji and Xie an left and right.

Five people, more than a dozen people, swaggered back to the law enforcement department.

"Wow, what's the situation, ah Xun? It's a good harvest when you go out for a meal. Congratulations!"

Fat fat eating a cream ice cream just came out of the law enforcement department and saw Su Xun walking in front at a glance.

See Su Xun catch so many people back.

His heart is a palpitation, but on the surface it is a very intimate look.

As he approached, he suddenly felt that one of them looked familiar.

Fuck, isn't this my cousin?

Zhou Yong also saw him, aggrieved, just ready to speak, was fat eyes stopped.

"Ah Xun, have a chat." Fat chuckled and pulled Su Xun aside: "what are these people doing?"

"Assaulting police, tiger, I'm eating hot pot and singing. A cup suddenly flies over. Do you think I'm angry?" Su Xun said angrily.

Fatty's mouth twitched twice and said with a smile: "ah Xun, to tell you the truth, one of them is my cousin, otherwise You know, I'm sure thank you very much. "

"Oh dear!" Su Xun's voice suddenly raised, and he said in a loud voice: "brother Tai, if you didn't say it was your cousin earlier, I would not arrest him if you knew it. It's really a flood that washed the Dragon King temple. The whole family doesn't know one another."

"I'll release whoever tiger asks me to release. It's not polite. You have to give tiger face."

For a moment, the eyes of all the colleagues around fell on fat.

Fat fat in the heart of the eighteen generations of Su Xun ancestors are greetings side, angry fat shiver.

On purpose. It must be on purpose.

Today, the whole department will have to know that he opened the back door for his cousin.

Some things can be done but not said.

Now finished, at least in the face, we can openly despise him.

He lost all his face!

"Come on, Zhou Yong, right? Let's get rid of brother Yong's handcuffs." Su Xun called Chen Ji.

Feifat quickly stepped forward to stop him and said with righteous words: "Captain Su, you heard me wrong. What I said is that even if Zhou Yong is my cousin, you can't bend the law for personal gain in my face. It's a felony to attack the police. You must take it seriously!"

The onlookers all around heard this with a smile on their face and shook their heads to leave.

"It turns out that I heard wrong after a long time. I'll listen to captain Zhou." Su Xun's face suddenly realized, and ordered Chen Ji: "have you heard captain Zhou's words? In a moment, you will try Zhou Yong and see if there are other cases to dig out. "

After that, he looked at Feifei with a smile and asked, "brother Tai, do you think this is OK?"

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